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Chapter 2026: Well done!

In such a restless situation, Yue Siqing did not have any thoughts to attend the dinner, so after a short time, she decided to go back.

After seeing Yue Siqing's move, Yue Mang and Lan Qinyan's mood was also a doubt.

Although everyone is keeping the feelings of Yue Siqing, but Yue Siqing still insisted in going back and seeing.

In any case, she was not worried about the sudden appearance of the previous breath.

Even though she has cheched it many times, she has never seen any presence of the figure, but it is this thing that makes her feel very uneasy.

She is very convinced of her sixth sense. If she is so upset, it is better to go back and see.

After Hongzhuang appears in the side of Di beechen, the two looked at each other and immediately left the room of Yue Siqing.

The breath that she had inadvertently revealed before must make Yue Siqing feel scrupulous, so the sooner they leave, the better.

After Baili Hongzhuang and Di Beichen left the house of Yue Siqing, Baili Hongzhuang directly throw an explosive inside.

This explosive is a powerful explosive that she deliberately prepared.

Because she was worried about various situations before, she made a long lead, which was enough for her and DI Beichen to leave the residence of Yue family.

After Di beichen glimpse of Baili Hongzhuang, everything was thought to be appropriate, the heart was also burst of admiration.

This place has imprisoned Hongzhuang parents for so many years, and it is hateful to want to come.

An explosive razed the house to the ground and it is naturally excellent.

The movements of xiaohei and xiaobai were also very fast. After the separate actions, they quickly scattered the poison powder.

The speed of the two beasts is completely cultivated in the desert world, and there is no one to pay attention to them in their body shape. It is completely unscrupulous.

After completing the things that the owner has explained, they quickly gather and then got to the place previously agreed with the owner.

After Baili Hongzhuang and Dibei chen left the room where Yue Siqing lived, he soon saw xiaohei and xiaobai.

Xiao hei and xiao bai quickly jumped on the shoulders of Hongzhuang and their face was full of smug looks.

"Master, you have told us what we have done, we have already done it." Xiao hei and xiao bai excited.

Hearing the words, Baili Hongzhuang nodded slightly and say: "Beautiful!"

"Now, as long as we throw these bombs out, we can leave quickly."

I didn't expect to have a dinner part, but the bomb didn't need to be used.

However, since they have already arrived, they naturally can no longer bring these explosives back.

The next moment, Baili Hongzhuang. Dibei Chen, Xiaohei, Xiaobai quickly started the action, picked up the explosives and ignited them directly, and threw them into the Yue family.


The shocking explosion sounded loudly, and the entire Yue family was shocked.

All the people with status in the Yue family were at the dinner party at the moment. Suddenly there was such a movement in the distance. The Yue family was also surprised for a moment, and his face was filled with a wrong look.

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