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Chapter 2041: Surprised, Lan Yunxiao

From Lan Yunxiao's words, Baili Hongzhuang can hear an indescribable heartache.

Although she has always been grateful for everything Lan Yunxiao and Mu Lingbing have done for her, she still understands how precious this kind of affection is.

However, hearing Lan Yunxiao's words at this moment, she felt an unspeakable touch in her heart.

Lan Yunxiao looked at her with such kindness and tenderness, like a gentle ocean, warm and vast.

After feeling Lan Yunxiao's sadness, she also felt uncomfortable in her heart.

"Father, although you and mother's bodies are terrible, but you must believe me, I will be able to cure you."

The exquisite and beautiful face is haunted by the luster of confidence. Baili Hongzhuang had always been interested in medical skills before, but it was only at this moment that she felt that this rub was the greatest value for her to learn medical skills.

Although Lan Yunxiao and Mu Lingbing are in a bad situation, as long as she is given a certain amount of time, after she understands the ingredients of these poisons one by one, she will be able to crack them one by one.

As for weakness, as long as they get good nutrition, she believes they will recover after a while.

Lan Yunxiao's face was filled with a touch of surprise, and he looked at Baili Hongzhuang in surprise, just to see whether he had heard it wrong.

He knew how bad his body is.

Yi Xuan actually said that he was sure to be cured?

"Don't worry, the master's medical skills are very good, and she is not inferior to Yue Siqing at all!" White Lion said with a smile.

"Who is not worse than Yue Siqing? She must be better than Yue Siqing?"

Xiao Hei immediately stood up to refute the White Lion's words, the master's medical skills are rarely matched by others.

Even the old monster Yue Siqing would still not be the opponent of the master.

After Lan Yunxiao heard the words of Bai Shi and Xiao Hei, he understood.

It turned out that his daughter was so powerful, completely beyond his expectations.

Baili Hongzhuang took out a Qi Replenishing Pill from Qiankun's bag and gave it to Mu Lingbing. Now Mu Lingbing's physical condition is extremely bad, she must understand clearly before she can start treatment.

If she acted rashly, she would probably get the whole body involved.

In an instant, pill after pill quickly appeared in Baili Hongzhuang's hands.

Mu Lingbing's body is too weak now, and she must make up for it.

She wants to get rid of the toxin, and Mu Lingbing also needs to have a strong body, otherwise, everything will be difficult.

Fortunately, she and Di Beichen had already expected such a situation a long time ago, so they prepared a lot of nutritional supplements.

Qi Pill, Blood Nourishing Pill, Yin Nourishing Pill, Yang Nourishing Pill

These medicinal pills have excellent effects when saving people, and their value is also very high.

However, after Baili Hongzhuang quickly separated the pill suitable for Mu Lingbing and suitable for Lan Yunxiao, she took one of them to Lan Yunxiao.

"Father, you take these pills first, and then sleep well. After you wake up, you will feel better."

The light and sweet voice is full of concern. All the sufferings of Lan Yunxiao and the others have endured over the years are because of her.

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