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Chapter 2426: Appear, Cloud Sword Sect!

Lan Qingyan looked at Baili Hongzhuang triumphantly, and now she wants to see who else can help Baili Hongzhuang!

She doesn't believe that Mo Yunjue can appear so cleverly this time!

"Baili Hongzhuang, if you don't hand over the antidote now, I will let your entire team disappear!"

Lan Qingyan's eyes are dark and resentful, she has already After thinking about it, as long as Baili Hongzhuang handed over the antidote, she would definitely kill Baili Hongzhuang the first time.

She absolutely cannot allow Baili Hongzhuang to continue to survive in this world.

Ouyang Yitian also looked at Baili Hongzhuang coldly. For this reason, Baili Hongzhuang could do nothing.

However, from beginning to end, Baili Hongzhuang just looked at Lan Qingyan indifferently, deaf to its threat.

She knew very well that as long as she did not hand over the antidote, they would be tied.

The apparent advantage is not an advantage at all, even if other teams don't take action, can they still torture her in front of everyone here?

They can't do it, so they can't win.

What's more, this poison was originally prepared for Lan Qingyan, to give Lan Qingyan a taste of pain, how could she make an antidote?

Is that something that is not needed at all?

However, her poison has an incubation period and will not explode until the end of the battle.

At this moment, a voice that surprised everyone suddenly rang.

"Young Master Lan is really so tempered, she makes the entire team disappear at every turn, but this is probably not as simple as you said?"

When Shangguan Yingying came out, she saw Lan Qingyan clamoring, there was already a bit of dissatisfaction in her heart.

As a woman, Shangguan Yingying knows Lan Qingyan very well. Although she is not very familiar with her, she is very uncomfortable with Lan Qingyan's style.

There are too many capable cultivators on this Saint Profound Continent, but the Lan Qingyan is so arrogant, she looks a bit unhappy.

The most important thing is that when she saw that the object of Lan Qingyan's threat turned out to be Baili Hongzhuang, she became even more unbearable!

What a joke!

Di Beichen is not here, and it is not the turn of Lan Qingyan to bully Hongzhuang!

Wen Ziran was a little helpless after seeing his wife's violent temper come up again, but after seeing that the person threatened by Lan Qingyan turned out to be Baili Hongzhuang, his violent temper was about to come up.

Hongzhuang is the wife of his good brother, how can she be bullied by others?

As soon as Lan Qingyan turned around, she saw the menacing Shangguan Yingying, her eyes changed a little.

She also has no liking for Shangguan Yingying, and they don't like each other normally, but she didn't expect Shangguan Yingying to take the initiative to disrupt the situation at this moment!

"Shangguan Yingying, this is our business, we don't need you to intervene!" Lan Qingyan said coldly.

Originally, she already had the chance to win, but she didn't expect that there would be another spoiler at this moment. She didn't want any changes to happen!

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