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Chapter 1651: Exclamation, Lu Huaiyan

"I haven't seen you in two years, you guys are much more mature than before."

Lu Huaiyan looked at Baili Hongzhuang and others, and thought when he first recruited them, they were still very young, but after two years of assessment competition, that immature nature had gradually faded.

Just looking at their changes, Lu Huaiyan could understand how much they went through when they participated in the assessment contest.

In comparison, Cui Haoyan and Zhan Yunfeng have also worked very hard in their two years of cultivation, but this change was not as good as that of Baili Hongzhuang and others.

Dongfang Yu chuckled, "It's very difficult to participate in an assessment contest if you are immature."

People will always grow, especially in difficult situations.

The appraisal contest is a predicament for them. For two years, from being careful of others at the beginning to not fearing others, not only are their bodies improving, but their hearts are also growing.

Listening to Dongfang Yu's words, Huan Chuyou and others all smiled and nodded.

Although they have not participated in the assessment contest, they still have a certain understanding and know that what Dongfang Yu said is the truth.

Fu Hongbo looked at Baili Hongzhuang and the others, and his eyes were a little surprised, "Your strength seem to have improved a lot!"

At the beginning, he watched Gong Shaoqing and others. People's strength can be seen at a glance, but now he can't detect it clearly, he can only feel that their aura is much stronger.

"The vitality in the assessment competition is extremely strong, comparable to twice that of the outside world, so we have made great progress in the past two years." Gong Shaoqing smiled.

Two years of cultivating in the small world is equivalent to four years of cultivating outside, and this progress is naturally greater than that of ordinary cultivators.

What's more, the various things they have experienced have promoted the improvement of their strength, so the progress will be greater.

After hearing this, Cui Haoyan and Zhan Yunfeng also showed envy in their eyes. When they went to the Tiangang Sect, they found that the Tiangang Sect was extremely powerful, and they felt that it was really a suitable place for cultivation.

Unexpectedly, the vitality in the small world is so strong, no wonder Gong Shaoqing and the others have improved so quickly.

At the beginning, the strength of Cui Haoyan and Gong Shaoqing was not much different, and sometimes they were able to compete.

However, Cui Haoyan now knows the gap between them just by feeling Gong Shaoqing's breath.

In two years, he has been left far behind by Gong Shaoqing, unable to catch up at all.

Not only Cui Haoyan, Zhan Yunfeng's feeling is also very obvious.

Back then, Xia Zhiqing's cultivation base was not as strong as hers, but now Xia Zhiqing's strength is much stronger than her, let alone Baili Hongzhuang.

Since Baili Hongzhuang and the others came back, she had not asked everyone what their improved level of cultivation was, part of the reason was that she didn't want to be hit too much.

Liu Qinyue had already told her before that no matter whether a cultivator could achieve results in the assessment competition, as long as he came back alive from there, he would be greatly improved.

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