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Chapter 1781: Your lady is not here!

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Wen Ziran, who was pacing in a hurry, sat down hurriedly, as if nothing had happened before.


The door opened and a figure walked into the room.

Wen Ziran is facing the door of the room without turning around.

"Come on, don't pretend, Yingying didn't come."

When Di Beichen looked at Wen Ziran's posture, he knew that Wen Ziran was pretending to be, and he straightforwardly opened the door.

Hearing the voice of Di Beichen, Wen Ziran couldn't help turning around. After seeing that there was only Di Beichen and no Shangguan Yingying behind him, he couldn't help frowning, his expression filled with A few doubts.

"Where is Yingying?"

"Your family, Yingying, abducted my Hongzhuang."

Di Beichen walked to the opposite side of Wen Ziran and sat down, beautiful Ren Huan's face was a bit helpless.


Wen Ziran is dumbfounded, what's the situation?

"Your family Yingying has already planned to stay in Tiangang Sect and be a good sister to Hongzhuang. Hongzhuang said, it doesn't matter how long she wants to live here.

In my opinion, you should hurry up and reconcile with Yingying, okay."

Di Beichen is very sad, and Ziran and Yingying are in conflict. Who would have thought that Yingying would have occupied Hongzhuang.

In desperation, he can just join Ziran.

Wen Ziran, who was very helpless, couldn't help laughing after seeing the appearance of Di Beichen.

"Haha, Di Beichen, look, you really do like Hongzhuang very much!

Before everyone thought you were not interested in women. I think you put all your interest for so many years on Hongzhuang."

Wen Ziran laughed loudly, "Before you couldn't stand me and Yingying, now it's time for me to be unable to stand you!"

He clearly remembers that when he and Yingying were tired and crooked before, Di Beichen couldn't stand them very much.

Unexpectedly, now Yingying just snatched Hongzhuang. After a while, Di Beichen urged him to reconcile with Yingying.

However, facing Wen Ziran's ridicule, Di Beichen didn't care at all.

"At that time I was a bachelor, but now I have a wife, of course it's different."

Seeing that Di Beichen's face was not red and his heart was not beating, Wen Ziran also admired him for a while.

When talking about this kind of thing, he can still be so serious, I am afraid that there will be no second person besides Di Beichen.

"Then what should I do now?"

Wen Ziran frowned. If Yingying really lived with Hongzhuang in Tiangang Sect, then the troubled person should become him.

"Who makes you a big man who runs away every time something happens? Now that your lady runs away, you can only chase after her."

The Di Beichen shrugged indifferently. He never interfered in the matter between Ziran and Yingying.

Because, with the level of rebuke of these two people, once they reconcile, then the wrongdoer becomes himself.

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