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I slapped his hand off my mouth.

"Are you still angry with me?" He tried to touch me again but I turned quickly and went to wash the mug I had used to make milk.

Milk that I didn't drink because of his sudden entrance and he is here pretending to care, does he take me for granted?

"Jenny?" He came closer to me and when I felt his hand on my shoulder, I turned sharply and pushed him away.

"Please! Don't touch me" 

I know he would be thinking I didn't want him to touch me because I'm angry with him. Oh, yes! I am very angry at him and myself too for not being able to control myself.

But, I don't want his touch because I don't trust myself when he's being so close, does his heart also race the same way mine does? Heck no, if not, he wouldn't keep rejecting me before my very face. 

"Jennifer, am sorry if I hurt you earlier. The truth is... this whole thing feels so strange to me, I don't... I don't understand what I am feeling inside... it's...God! How do I put it?"

He paced around the kitchen restlessly and I could see his sad face as I leaned against the wall, I wound my hands around me to avoid reaching out to soothe him.

"It's... really strange" I sighed gazing at his back now, he was busy trying to make another milk as I had requested.

"You see, it would have been better if we weren't related, I mean, we...could have easily..." He threw a glance at me "I don't think I will fight this anymore"

"Fight what?" I asked dumbly, even though I knew exactly what he was talking about.

He came to me and I didn't move away this time, he closed the space between us and his hand cupped my face, he planted a kiss on my lips.

"This... whatever it is between us" he whispered and deepened the kiss.

"Chris..." I held onto him as his tongue did wonders in my mouth "Chris, the...wait!" I broke the kiss and rushed to switch off the gas cooker.

"Oh..." He grumbled when he saw that the hot water was already drying up "let me continue! It's specially for you!!" He beamed, taking the kettle away from me.

"You can as well make it with a lot of love and stop shouting so your parents won't hear us" I said coolly.

"Okay ma'am, what else do you want me to do to please you?" he said close to my ear.

"I... well, I will tell you later in your room" I whispered softly pinching his ear seductively.

"You are... being naughty and I might lose control" he winked at me as he urged me to drink the milk from his hand.

"I actually... want you to lose control and...take me to the sky, how about that?" I trailed my index finger down his arm as I drew imaginary lines on it.

Now I get it! Who even taught me how to flirt with a guy?! I'm done for, I can't even control myself. Jenny! Get a hold on yourself!!

"Jenny, I wish..."

"Shhh...stop wishing, we don't wish for such things to happen, it just happens on its own and that's what we all refer to as fate" I placed a finger on his lips.

"You're very beautiful" he said and I guess he will repeat that till the next generation to come with that soul blazing eyes.

"Thank you. You have no idea how adorable you look" I returned.

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