Chapter 18

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I didn't get a chance to talk with him for the rest of the day till evening. He left for work immediately after eating. My uncle too. Lisa and I went to my aunt's shop.

She took me to a boutique and bought me clothes of my choice, shoes too as well as a handbag and jewelry.

She made my hair and nails even though I didn't want all that fixings, but being a makeup artist, and Lisa supporting that it would look good on me, she fixed my nails and lashes.

We spent a lot of time at her shop and before we got home, father and son were already at home. He played games while his father read a newspaper.

"Welcome, honey. Today was stressful I presume" My uncle said as he stood up to give his wife a peck.

Sign of a perfect gentleman, Chris is just as caring as his father, happy is the woman that will be called his wife one day, she would be very lucky, fortunate and blessed.

While his parents were busy chattering, he took his mother's handbag from her and deliberately touched my upper arm in the process, I stole a glance at him and followed Lisa upstairs.

"Christmas is fast approaching babe! I have been refreshing my phone's calendar to know if I'm seeing right, nawah o!!" Lisa exclaimed, taking the stairs one at a time.

Her stomach has started protruding and signs of pregnancy are now visible and noticeable in every part of her body, her perfect shape is changing each day and fatigue too is taking over. Ah! Women.

"I wonder about this month, oh, I don't even know if there are still four weeks in a month because the way it comes and goes surprises me" I supported.

Her phone rang and she excused herself, I smiled at her and dashed into my room. I feel a little bit awkward because the new hair still hurts and I'm still learning how to accept the nails and lashes.

My body itches from all the sitting down and walking around through the day, the only thing on my mind is to take off my clothes and take a long and refreshing bath.

"Jenny! You didn't take your new clothes from the car!!" My aunt called as she swung the door open.

"Okay, I will..."

"Here, I told Musa to bring it" she handed the bags to me "you must be having a hell of a hard time adjusting to all that fancy!" She mused.

"As in eh! But, those ladies that carry it and even ones that look like canopy, do they have two heads? I must carry am oh" I said as I threw the bags on the bed.

"Hurry up and come downstairs for dinner, the men in the house ordered dinner from Tim's restaurant, I can't wait to pounce on it!" She grinned and turned to leave.

"Wow! Did they win a lottery to order food from that restaurant because it looks expensive to me!" I said recalling a big restaurant newly opened at the back of my uncle's house.

I had thought it's a five star restaurant the first time I got a glimpse of it through my uncle's window the day I cleaned the house when I was bored.

It was when I visited my aunt's shop first that I saw the banner that bears the name of the restaurant and I discussed it with my aunt who opened my mind to know more about it.

"Keep asking until I give up waiting for you and finish the food, they just relieved us of the stress of cooking tonight, i kana-aju ajuju! waka go baf jhoor!!" She laughed and closed the door behind her.

I smiled all the way to the bathroom, took my bath, wore a free size T-shirt and big shorts, no undies because I'm even tired of it.

I went downstairs, lo and behold! They are already enjoying their meal, Chris is the one feeding our big aunty. He seems relaxed today and am happy he's accepting our fate the way I have... have I really done that?

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