Chapter 22

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"I have learned to accept my fate" 

"I wish I was lucky to find a guy that loves me like that, things we want is always far fetched" 

"Lisa, don't worry, the person meant for you will come, you just met the wrong person for now and who knows if that wrong person will come to right his wrong" I said coolly patting her chin.

"I pray so!" She laughed and we packed together for a while before she said, "Caleb fainted after you guys left"

"You are not serious, are you?" I asked chuckling at what the scene will look like, "thank God I didn't witness that"

"All of them will wander around in wonderland for God knows how long!" She exclaimed, laughing loudly.

"Easy before someone comes in to ask what's happening" I grunted.

"No seriously! You should have seen the look on their faces, it wasn't funny then but now that I think about it, I can't stop laughing!!" 

"Who knows what they would be thinking!" I joined her.

A few minutes later, she said goodnight and left, I lay down on my bed quietly and refused to think about anything till sleep came.

Early the next morning, I was told Chris left early to work when I woke up, I didn't see him all day and he came back in the evening when I was ready to leave.

He carried a bag with him and he offered to drive me to the bus stop where I would board a bus going to Ebonyi state.

After hugging Lisa, Nancy, aunt and saying a big thanks to my uncle for the money he gave me and everything he has done for me, I got into the car beside Christian and he drove out.

After some minutes driving on, I was gripped by fear when he took a lonely route and it's already getting dark. What if he's running away with me?! Why didn't I remember he talked about eloping just yesterday?!

"Chris, where...why..." I didn't know how to ask him what I was thinking and I prayed inwardly that it's not what I am thinking.

Oh God! 

"Chris, please stop the car!" I fumed trying hard to control my emotions because it's about to explode, how could he do this to me?!

"I know you will hate me for doing this but you will come to love it when you understand what I'm about doing, we are going to be happy together" he said slowing down to cross over a bump.

It's a kind of rural area because, apart from the main road, left and right are all people's farms and many zinc houses are visible at the left side, people pass by there much more than vehicles so the bump is a good thing to avoid over-speed.

"No! Don't do this Chris, it's not the right thing to do and I am sorry I will not go anywhere with you, please stop!!" I begged more calmly, touching his arm.

"We love each other and that's what should matter to us, if we stay back we will never be together and I can't live without you, you are my world Jenny, trust me, I will make you forget every other thing and think of nothing but us!"

"You are crazy! I am the only child of my parents and your father has been more than an uncle to me, they also love you Chris, think about how they will feel if they know about this, where's your sense of reasoning!!" I fused as tears wetted my face.

"They will understand and we will come back to them when we feel we are ready to face them" he said and sped off.

"Okay! You know what? Just turn around and let's go back to your house, I won't go to the village anymore, I promise!!" I piped swiping at my face and using my cloth to clean my nose.

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