Chapter 17

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"Well... I will go to the kitchen and find out what we have for dinner, it's already getting late" I said looking at the wall clock.

"Can I join you?" 

"Why not, I enjoy your company babes!" We went into the kitchen together.

"Sorry that I can only keep you company, I don't know how to do any stuff in the kitchen," she confessed.

"Thanks for being honest, let me be your teacher, my teaching ability is a hundred percent sure bet and let me remind you, very costly" I joked.

"No problems, ma'am! How would you like to be paid, cash, transfer or check?" She played along.

We chatted until I finished making dinner while she only watched and gave me a hand when necessary.

She helped set the food on the dining table and she said she would invite Chris to come eat herself while I go and announce it to his parents.

"Sister Jennifer, feed me" Nancy said immediately she ran into the dinning.

"Don't you ever let your own sister rest, eat by yourself," my aunt said, sitting down on her usual spot.

"Is she your sister? She's my own sister alone" Nancy pouted her lips.

"Aunty sister owner!" My aunt laughed, I only smiled and lifted Nancy to a chair beside me to feed her.

"Where's Lisa?" Uncle asked, looking around.

"She went to call Chris for dinner" I answered as I busied myself with feeding Nancy.

"He isn't in the right state, she should have let him be, he will only get out of his shell if he has a quiet time alone to think" he said.

"I think so" Lisa said stepping carefully down the stairs, all eyes went to her, "he doesn't even want to open the door, he will get over it though"

My heart melted, why is he being childish, this isn't helping at all. 

The spoon I held fell off my hand…

I bent slowly and picked up the spoon while my uncle gave me a peering look, my aunt asked; "are you okay, Jen?" 

"Oh yeah, I'm okay, very." I answered quickly and fed Nancy with shaking hands.

"Lisa, let's just eat. I will talk to him in the morning, let him be for now" my uncle said and scooped food to his mouth.

Lisa sat down beside Nancy, her leg reaching for mine under the table. I started fighting my weakness to stop myself from crumbling.

As soon as Nancy said "Thanks mom... thanks Dad '' I excused myself to go inside but my uncle called me back.

"Sit down, Jen, your mother called me earlier and she said she wants you to come home, have you talked with her?" He asked.

"Yes, I...want to go back home but that's if you want me to" I replied relaxing a bit on the armchair. Nancy went to her mother.

"When would you like to go?" He asked and I felt happy he had my interest in mind.

"Whenever you think will be best uncle, I stand by your decision and that's why I told Mama to seek for your consent before I start making arrangements to travel" 

"You didn't have to do that, anyways, it's okay. If the weekend is okay with you, then I think you will have to go with your aunt to her shop before Friday to make a new hair and she will take care of any other thing you might need, hope you are okay with that?"

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