Chapter 20

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I wasn't enjoying the swim, not at all, but I had to pretend and laugh out loud to upset him wherever he is, he must be dying of jealousy right now and I don't care anymore.

He really wants to move on at my own expense right? Does he think it's easy for me? Even if he doesn't love me as he claims, he should at least respect me. 

Look at me talking about respect while I had sold my dignity, self-respect and pride at a cheap rate to him and still want him even more each and every day.

Which other respect is there? I will just use Caleb today and leave on Saturday because it's really obvious I don't belong here. Who knows if he hasn't discussed me with his friends and they are about to take their turns on me!

My anger keeps boiling up and I really want to cry it out but I must be strong so I would save a little respect for myself, the worst part of this is that I don't even regret giving myself to him, the feelings are still there in my heart and I hate myself for that.

I still feel his touch, his strength fills my nostrils even now that he's not close and I know if he still wants to have me now, I will still surrender to him and he would always have his way with me.

Which other word is used for such nonsense, is it stupidity, craziness or...whatever it is, it's a mental disorder and the one in my heart is heart problem, it's not making sense at all.

"Guys! Bob has invented a new game, let's go play and have fun!" Vivian shouted and everyone ran out of the water.

We all sat down forming a circle on the sand, everyone sat beside their partner and Caleb held me possessively but I didn't even notice because my mind was decades away from the beach. Chris isn't in sight and I foolishly searched for him with my eyes.

"When I spin this bottle, anyone the bottle's mouth points at will have to answer truth or dare and you understand what I mean, right?" Bob explained the game with so much enthusiasm.

"Yes!!!" Everyone chorused. I so much wanted to ask Bob where Chris went but I had to force myself to keep quiet and try being happy.

"I will spin the bottle now" Bob announced, chuckling as he wheeled the bottle to life.

"Oh no! Not me!!" Nella scoffed when it faced her.

"Truth or Dare?!" Bob asked.

"I think I will go for...truth!" She said thoughtfully.

"When was the first time you had s*x?" Bob asked.

"Jeez! Isn't that one hell of a question?" Kamzy said, rolling her eyes.

"Sometime around last year" Nella replied, covering her face.

"Huh! Who is the guy that defied our innocent girl, I know you can be modest for the whole world back then in school!" Vivian laughed.

"Who else if not...that her landlord's son" Becky added and laughter filled the air.

"You guys are cheating! Bob, say something! They are already crossing the line" Caleb said even though the person being talked about is laughing heartily.

Sin can be fun but it always has a penalty at the end especially to unlucky people like me, and Lisa who is facing the penalty of her atrocities.

"It's okay, time for another spin!" Bob came in and held the bottle ready for another spin.

He spun the bottle when the laughter subsided and it faced Kamzy whom Greg has been trying to hold and she keeps moving his hand away, that's how it has been since I saw them, I wonder what they are.

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