Chapter 14

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I told him that I wouldn't stay long outside, I just want to take a little walk and see if I will be able to clear my head, the evening air might be able to help me out.

It was refreshing, I ran for a while and stopped to walk, I even laughed at my stupidity, what was I thinking? True love with my cousin? Who does that?

The road was lonely, just a few people passed by, some were a couple taking a stroll, I walked into a shop near a junction to buy a sachet of water, and a few boys sat there.

They were busy talking about something they were watching on Netflix, I was about walking out of the shop when a guy came around.

"Hi, do you mind if I talk to you?" He said smiling at me, I looked him up and down and continued walking but towards my uncle's house this time.

"Hey babe! My name is Joe, I'm talking to you" he patted my arm this time as he followed me. I noticed his friends looking at us and mocking him because he couldn't get my attention.

Nice, they placed a bet on it, I see, who knows if that's what Chris did with his friends and he won the bet if that's the case.

"Excuse me?" I raised an inquisitive brow at him when he came to stand right in front of me.

"I'm talking to you, babe. Don't make me look like a fool or am I dressed abnormally?" He wore a serious face at once, his friends just got a hold of him. This is a lot of trouble, I finally got myself into a mess, which way out now?!

"I don't want to talk to you, don't you get it? Please, excuse me" I tried walking past him angrily but he grabbed my arm violently.

"Get your hands off me!" I struggled to free myself but he jerked me against himself and his friends came to surround us with smirks on their faces.

What? These people are making fun of me? Even the shop owner was laughing and some people around only folded their hands and watched, this is the real deal!

I don't even know this place or anyone around here, what will I do now?

The only person that came into my mind is Chris, oh God! Where's Chris?

"When a girl tells you to get your filthy hands off her... it means leave her alone!"

Speaking of the devil! I'm sure that's his voice, he pushed through the boys and gave the tough guy that's holding me a stern look.

"Are you letting her go or should I teach you how to let go?" He fused with a clenched chin and I noticed that he's grinding his teeth and his hands are curled into a ball. 

If he throws a punch at him in that mood, this guy won't eat any other Christmas meat for the rest of his life.

"And who the hell are you to order me around?!" What's his name again? I think he said...Joe, too much of a jerk. Really a big jerk Joe! Playing tough will definitely make you a loser.

I trust Chris, yes! I believe in my Chris and! I shouldn't be thinking like that, who knows if his friends will beat him up if he tries fighting for me as he's about to, I can perceive his anger.

"I'm loving this! Common, you guys should show us what you have got!!" Someone jeered from the group. 

Oh Gosh! This had created such a big scene, why did I come out in the first place?  Chris came forward and pushed the boy away from me, he took my hand and held firmly waiting for his next move.

Joe was caught by his friends and a little space was created during the process. I had thought Chris was going to wait for him to get back on his feet so they would have a big fight…

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