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I brought all of the novels out and read each prologue, to be frank, none seems to get my attention because all I could see is his face.


Yes! Did he notice I couldn't concentrate and kept thinking of him? Was he thinking about me? Us? Mmmm.

I sat up on the bed and looked at him "they are all useless, none is of interest here" I packed it all up and threw them inside my bag.

He came inside and locked the door, he sat down beside me on the bed, he took my hands and squeezed gently.

"I really missed you last night," he confessed. 

"Where did you go?" I asked, placing my head on his chest. He held me closer.

"I don't usually come home on Saturdays after work, I spend the night outside at Caleb's house, his house is close to the airport where our goods land, which needs to be packed in my shop early every Sunday morning" he explained curtly.

"You import every weekend?" I was surprised at how possible that could be.

"Not really as you think, flying outside the country every weekend wouldn't be convenient and it may consume a lot of money, so all we do is pay our customers and they waybill our goods back to us"

Odd, I didn't know it works like that, what do I know about importation of goods, anyways. 

"Canny method" I mumbled.

"Yep! Not many people do that, but we all learn everyday and I recently started following that procedure because it consumes less time and no energy at all if I may say"

"Business acumen? Is that the appropriate term for that?" I joked.

"You are just looking for what I will say" he laughed.

"You didn't come out for lunch, why lock yourself inside?" I asked more seriously.

"I wanted to know if I would be able to sleep, but, when I kept seeing you whenever I closed my eyes, I gave up and here I am!" He said curtly.

"I didn't want to disturb you, anyways, and...if I may ask, why were you upset earlier at church?" I brought the topic down to his behavior when I was getting to know his friends.

"No...that's not the word, I wasn't upset because you were chatting with them, I am just sad that...this is so... heartbreaking" he drawled.

I looked up at his gloomy face, "I shouldn't have..." I started but he stopped me by kissing my lips lightly.

"No, the thing is... I was sad because I introduced you as my cousin sister and I got jealous when I thought about the fact that my friends would want to toast you since we are related"

What exactly is he driving at? "Wow" A mocking laughter escaped my lips, seriously, that's not funny, not at all.

"Chris, that's nothing to worry about, those guys aren't my speck, they kept drooling over me but you are the one person that my heart stutters for" I turned his face so he would look at me.

"I... I wish we aren't related, I wish I could tell my family that I love you, I...wish that you will be mine and no complications are against us..." His voice trailed off.

A tear slid down his cheek, it fell on my palm and I felt my heart breaking into a thousand pieces. That's when I understood the gravity of his words.

"Oh Chris! Love is so cruel!!" I cursed. How can fate play such a dirty trick on us?

How many days have we met that such strong feelings should exist strangely between us and such bonds be made? Love is wicked! 

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