Chapter 24

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"Don't worry, you are alright now" he assured me with a bright smile "and thank goodness you didn't lose the baby because it might've caused damage to your womb, God is great '' he added.

"Mmm.... That reminds me, how...did you people know about it because I remember that place is kind of rural and it was dark?" I questioned again.

"That's true but thanks to God Almighty, some policemen were on duty around that area and when people called out to them, they took responsibility and even brought you guys to the hospital before getting us informed" he explained quietly.

"Thank God" I breathed and imagined if he didn't want to keep us alive for all our sins, we would have been dead by now.

"Anyways, I hope you won't try to go out to see Chris again because you are not yet strong enough to walk around, he will be fine soon" he promised and held my hand.

I looked away and avoided their prying looks, my aunt came to sit beside me on the bed. "Lisa told us everything" she said and I felt dizzy at once.

" you...mean?" I asked in a breaking voice. Lisa stood up from the bed and gave us some privacy, she took Nancy outside.

"I was angry at first because I didn't believe something like that would happen under my nose and I didn't notice and for the fact that you two are still so young and naive but I only hope your parents will understand too"

"Aunt... I... don't know what you are talking about" I stammered and refused to meet her gaze.

"You are pregnant for Chris, aren't you?" My uncle asked and urged me to be honest and free.

I sat up and placed my back on the wall, stretched out my legs in front of me and joined my hands together and pleaded for their forgiveness as my eyes were filled with tears.

"Aunt, uncle...I am very sorry, it was all my fault, I could have stopped us from such an evil act but I went ahead and allowed my heart to control my head, I am really very sorry, please," I cried.

"Honestly speaking, I was very disappointed in the two of you but I know everything happens for a reason and I was stupid not to notice what was going on in my house from the very beginning"

"I think I got a clue of it but I didn't understand because I thought you two are just being mutual towards each other, I couldn't lay my finger on what it was that's going on between you guys but I understand now"

"I'm only worried because you are too young and I don't know what your mother might make of this, it's not just right" she sang the most amazing song and I love her for being an understanding mother, I went on my knees on the bed and hugged her.

"Thank you, Mama will feel angry and disappointed too but she loves me so I trust she won't hurt me. I just want Chris to be alright" I choked and cleaned my running nose with the back of my hand.

"I will tell your parents myself, they listen to me and I hope they do this time, as for Chris, his father is here and there's nothing to worry about" my uncle said and my aunt gave him a dreadful look.

I sat between them and looked from one to the other. I don't always fail to see their reaction and for the fact that he said Chris's father is here, my happiness knew no bounds.

Chris said it. He told me that our wish must surely be granted and here it is! Mama and Papa better accept us.

"He's not my son's father" she snorted and made faces at my uncle.

"I thought... Chris is your son, what are you... saying?" I drawled looking intently at my uncle.

"Don't worry, Jennifer. When Chris awakes, everyone will know the truth for I knew this day will come when everything must be disclosed" he smiled and tapped my cheek fondly.

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