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"Chris, what is wrong? Who were you speaking to on the phone?" I asked worriedly.

Could it be about his business? No, if I remember correctly, I heard him say doctor, what could be wrong?

"Babe, common, it's nothing," he said, rubbing his thumb over my lips.

"The only thing that makes me really upset is when someone thinks I'm stupid, not like I don't trust you but, I know when you aren't saying the truth" I specified standing up from the bed.

"See... Jen, I don't want to lie to you and..."

"You're already lying to me, it's fine if you don't want to share any of your problems with me, what was I expecting anyways, I'm only good for your bed!" I boiled up.

"You are shouting"

"I don't care, I shouldn't have come here in the first place" I moved towards the door.

"Jenny" I was halted by his voice, it was so calm and I couldn't go away even though I wanted to. "Don't go, please"

My hand left the door knob as I turned to look at him, he looked so gloomy and distressed, I felt sad and I took his hand when he extended it.

He drew me close for a hug "you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, Jen, please, stay with me, tonight"

I saw the truth in his eyes when I looked into them, I heard the honest truth in his voice and I wished... I just wished…

"I love you, Jenny" he said close to my ear and I tightened my hold on him.

"I keep wishing we aren't related, I wish time would stop at moments like this so we would remain like this forever, in each other's arms" I voiced my thoughts out.

But, all of them remain heart wishes, one-day, we will get bursted like a balloon, we will be torn apart and like a broken bottle, our hearts will be shattered into uncountable pieces.

Only God knows when it's gonna be and only Him will determine the situation that will split us. I pray he changes this fate, it really hurts. And whatever that's bothering him, I don't want to pressure him because I don't freaking care about any other thing, especially ones he doesn't want to share for reasons best known to him.

My uncle is a good man, his wife a virtuous woman and they are so dear to me, they all are so good to me and I feel bad thinking about how disappointed they will be if they find out about this.

This is incest for crying out loud! How will I face the world, but still, instead of pushing him away, I held him tighter, what craziness is this?!!

When you feel you are doing the wrong thing or when you are actually doing the wrong thing, you battle with your conscience just as I am right now but I just noticed how blind love can be.

That stupid feeling can make you do crazy things, I still think about how my strongly built walls had collapsed under one second.

How my morals and principles have headed for the rocks and my pride as a woman which I had promised myself if not on my wedding night, that it remains there… Now what, I was even the person that asked for it when he wanted to fight the temptation, I pushed him to give me more.

If my parents by any chance hear something like this, they will conclude without a second thought that my uncle's city corrupted child has finally deceived their well trained Jennifer.

And if something else comes out of this... funny... I might die because I don't want to go against the promise I made to my parents as their only child.

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