Chapter 21

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"You had better be! And I hope you are happy now because you have a lot of explaining to do to your friends!!" I howled.

"Jen, calm down. I don't care what they think of us, all that matters to me is that I love you and I don't want you to go" 

"Are you listening to yourself at all?! We have talked about this millions of times and I'm not going to change my mind, period!"

"I know you are saying all that because you are angry, you have every right to be mad at me but I'm begging you, Jen don't leave me"

"Do you think this is easy for me?! Hell no!! I'm just trying to be strong you fool, aren't you supposed to be the man that will have control over your emotions?! If you are like this, then how about me?!!"

"I know and that's why I'm asking you to stay, I have tried to accept the fact that we are related and let you go but I can't, call me coward or selfish but that's the truth!" 

We barked like mad dogs, it's a good thing it's a lonely road, if not, we would have created a big scene and we will be the next gist on social media. Who knows what the headline will look like if it shows up in a newspaper.

"That truth is where the danger lies, Christian, we will never be together and I have already told you to stop making everything more complicated for us, can't you see?" My voice went down a bit, raising my voice at him had done more harm than good.

"My heart is bleeding, Jen. What have you done to me? We can be together if you want us to, let's just elope" he said something that made me burst into a cynical laughter.

"Elope? Wow! Clap for yourself, I'm even thinking of how to get out of this web of love and you are.... wait, elope to where exactly Mr.?!" I wondered.

"We can take a night train and run far away to any place of your choice, I'm ready to do anything for us to be together, please?" 

He talked about spraining my neck days ago but I think I will get a really sprained neck looking up at his face, this guy can't be serious! I'm finished for real!!

I was drawn to tears because of the pitiful look on his face, he's really serious and what makes him think I would want to elope with him, that's taboo plus abomination equals to ruin! I will be done for good if I even think about it.

"Pardon?" I batted my eyes and used the car to support myself from falling.

He looked away weakly, "please" he mumbled coming close to me.

"You love me, right?" 

"Yes, more than you could ever imagine" 

"I love you so very much too, Chris. And, are you ready to do anything I say?" 

He nodded and I cupped his face and looked into his eyes, "We are not going anywhere and I must go back to the village, I will be glad if you forget about me and move on, think of me as a bad dream"

"Bad dream? I can only think of you naked in my arms and your irresistible body that haunts my dreams" he said, possessiveness and desire flaring in his eyes.

"God! Just take me home, I'm tired!!" I breathed and I tried to enter the car but he grabbed my arm.

"Jenny, please?" He begged, turning me to face him. I'm already tired of lifting my face to look up at him, and I wish I'm still wearing my heels. I looked at our entwined hands as he held it tight, he's afraid to let go.

"Why did you agree with Lisa to bring me to the beach and hook me up with Caleb?" I changed the topic because I am afraid I will accept to elope with him if I look at his face again.

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