Chapter 23

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My uncle looked sad and worried, he held her tight. I can't say I understand what they are actually saying or talking about so I just listened and watched them because their backs were turned on me.

"Nothing is going to happen to me, where's your faith, Josephine. I have already paid the doctor so he would get blood donor from another source, we just have to pray he finds one quick" 

I got my uncle's name and his wife's, Mark and Josephine. I have always known them as Uncle and Aunty, my mother calls her brother...Nna m, Ezinwanne or my brother, so I never knew his real name till today.

They talked quite strangely and in a low voice, my heart tightened because I felt afraid that they are really talking about Chris and his life is at stake but I wondered why they are not giving him a donor, what's happening?

"What are we going to do about, Jenny? Your sister will..." My aunt started in a cool voice wiping her tears but my uncle cutted her off.

"When she fully recovers, then we will bring it up, for now, let's face one problem at a time and Chris's situation must be number one priority for us" he said to her and hugged her.

I wanted to keep quiet and pretend I didn't hear anything but I guess my mouth couldn't just snap shut, "What about me?" I asked quickly.

They turned sharply to look at me in awe, of course they didn't know I had been awake and I heard half if not all of their conversation which they had thought it's between them.

" are you feeling now, Jennifer?" My aunt cleared her throat and came to sit down beside me on the small bed.

"Aunt, please tell me what's wrong with me and what is Chris's situation, don't hide it from me, I am alright now" I begged, informing her that I can withstand anything she tells me no matter how hard it is.

"You see, we were talking about your health actually, the doctor said you will be discharged tomorrow morning and..."

"Aunt! You and I know that's not what you two were talking about, Uncle, please talk to me, I want to know what's wrong with me and Chris, please?" I looked at my uncle then.

"I don't think there's a point in keeping this from you because you will still find out anyway, Jenny, you are pregnant and the doctor said it's two weeks" my uncle said looking at me intently.

My mouth opened and closed, my eyes widened and I shivered. I saw this coming but I didn't expect them to find out like this, I felt ashamed and I could only mope at him.

"If the pregnancy is two weeks old, that simply means you got it here, don't lie to me, Jennifer, I won't be hard on you, who is responsible?" My aunt said quietly, holding my hand.

I diverted my eyes to look at her dumbfounded because I didn't expect her to still speak to me in such a manner. Now, what answer am I going to give her?

She has been so good to me and I never wanted or imagined that I would disappoint my parents or my uncle and aunt like this. What have I gotten myself into?

The last stroke that will break the camel's back is when she knows who is responsible, will she ever forgive me? 

Oh God! How did I get myself into this mess? What was wrong with me to mindlessly permit my cousin to commit incest with me and how will I be able to live with the shame? What would people think of me? Oh! How disappointed will my parents be?! 

"Jen? Am talking to you, tell me the truth and I promise, I won't be harsh, okay? You are old enough to have a boyfriend though I didn't expect this from you but I understand" she said again.

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