Chapter 15

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I closed the door and turned to look at her, 

"Can you with anything?" I tried with a friendly smile.

"Can down?" She returned my smile and sat down on the bed, I only opened my mouth and clamped it again.

"I'm not sure if I want to talk with you right now if that's what you are..."

"Jennifer, please sit down and let's talk, everyone else doesn't seem to want to talk with me and Chris too is angry right now, I don't even know where he went" she said slowly patting my arm.

"I'm not in the right state, let's talk in the morning, okay?" I said more strictly and went to open the door for her to leave.

"Even when I want to tell you about me and Chris?" She asked, lifting a brow.

"I already know, though not the details but I'm satisfied with the little he told me," I said and tapped my feet on the floor.

"Well, then..." She stood up and went outside before she added "I think Chris really loves you, he has never told me about any girl the way he talks so much about you"

I leaned against the door and watched her, she shrugged and said in a very low voice, "I thought it stupid at first but I know how stupid love can be, love is really blind you know" 

She touched her stomach, smiled and said, "Ed Sheeran is right, we find love in mysterious ways" she made to leave but I observed I might need her company after all.

"Let's talk, Lisa" 

And that was the right thing to do.

We sat down on my bed and she took my hand and squeezed passionately.

"Chris is a good person, he's wonderful and I haven't come across any guy like him, hope you know that?" She started, this new Lisa is not the shy girl that came to see her friend a day ago.

"I guess so," I mumbled.

"You see, I came here yesterday to look for him because he promised to help me out of my predicament, he kept his promise at the expense of his own happiness, isn't he good?" She drawled holding my gaze.

I nodded and she continued, "Chris is my boyfriend's best friend" she swallowed hard and said, "forgive Jen, I don't really know how to start explaining things to you, can you please get me a glass of water?"

"Not a problem" I breathed. I went into the kitchen and came back with a full glass of water for her, she took it and said thanks.

She cupped it with two of her hands and lifted it slowly to her mouth, after taking a mouthful of it, she held it between her laps and smiled at me, "thanks" she said again.

I returned her smile and patted her cheek in a friendly gesture, "Chris seems to be choosing his friends wisely, Lisa, start from somewhere and tell me everything you think I need to know, I'm still confused about what's happening" 

"Okay, I'll...say it all. First, Chris is not the father of my child, he's my friend and he was my boyfriend's classmate, he is only helping me out"

"Then... why didn't he tell me, I..." I kept quiet when I realized I was about to say the obvious, what would I give as an excuse if I just tell her that I love him while she must have known I'm his cousin.

She wasn't surprised though, but I looked away when she kept staring at me. 

"I know how you feel dear, I have walked through that lane before and I know how it hurts to see that the person you love has another woman in his life" she smiled understandingly and that was a relief.

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