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“What in God’s name is going on here?” I shrieked looking at the condition of my kitchen, flour and baking powder is massively used to paint the whole kitchen from ceiling to floor and the two men in it as well.

I sneezed repeatedly and managed to wait for an explanation of what Chris and his son had just done.

“Oh! Junior, kindly tell your mother that the men in the house are fixing the best food ever for the ladies!!” Chris said untying his apron.

“Mum! Dad and I have made all the favorites of the ladies in the house and it’s gonna be ready soon, just go take a shower, chill and wait for the surprise masters!!” Junior beamed and scratched his head, which left tickles of wet flour on his hair.

Unlike his father, he likes his shiny brown hair and he doesn’t like cutting even after his school declared haircutting, that’s the last thing he would do and I think that tells a bit about Chris' father in him and their accent too.

“Do you guys know how many hours of scrubbing and mobbing it’s going to take me to keep this kitchen tidy and in order again?!” I asked in awe, moving away when Chris came to kiss me.

“Am not supposed to touch my wife because I did a very bad thing by cooking, Junior, is it a crime to cook?” he played and stood like a gangster, that was to make me laugh but I didn’t even find it funny with the load of work they just added to my chores.

“No no, Dad, I think my mother has finally learnt how to nag, it lives in every woman, Sis Nancy told me” Junior drawled.

Now, Nancy is teaching my son all her expensive words. She’s six years older than her cousin now and they are best of friends.

“Who knows? Honey, don’t worry, we got this and I will revive your kitchen for you” he smiled and drew me into his arms.

“You had better return my kitchen to its normal view and talk some sense into your I-too-know son” I hissed and feigned anger, they don’t know how funny they look, snow-white.

The door opened and Nancy’s head popped in, her eyes widened before she opened the door fully and came into the kitchen, Tania’s arms clutched round her neck and she held her tightly around her tiny waist.

“Oh my goodness! Have we suddenly employed millers to cook for us in this house? What’s all this paints about, Junior?” Nancy asked, looking from father to son.

“Help me ask them, if this is the way to bake” I hummed and covered my lips when Chris brought his head down to kiss me “abeg, go clean your mouth” I said referring to the streaks of flour visible on his lips.

“Sis Nancy, our baking tastes a lot better than the ones you and mum make because we made it with a heart full of undying love” Junior mumbled and knelt down to pack some baking sugar skittered around the floor.

“What exactly did you bake, bread or cake? Or maybe, your big head because I still don’t get it," Nancy asked and went to open the microwave. Junior stopped her and told us to leave the kitchen because it belongs to men for that day.

“Nancy, let’s go and freshen up, let them finish what they started because I don’t have the strength to clean any mess, especially not ones as big as this one” I said and we left the men as Chris and our son put it.

That has been our life ever since we got married. Simple and what I call perfect!

After the birth of my son, five years ago, we got married in the simplest way but the best for me; we spent our honeymoon in Paris. When we moved back to Nigeria, I took a one year and three months course in computer training at Ikeja, Lagos.

After the course, I started up a cyber café and to the glory of God, it’s doing great. My Romeo….NO! ...hairless Romeo moved his business to Lagos and we now live there.

We would be celebrating our six years wedding anniversary soon alongside our daughter’s one year birthday party.

Nancy comes to spend her holidays with us and we visit our parents often, Chris’s biological father doesn’t fail to come around and he got married recently after Chris pressured him to, for his own good as he said and the lady is helping him.

Lisa has three kids already and we keep in touch, I don’t want to dig deep into what you and I already know. Smiles.

Caleb...mmm...for him, he’s doing good, he even came to our child’s dedication with his fiancée. He was hurt because of everything that happened but thankfully, he is very understanding and he found love and we are happy for him.

Everyone is doing well, as I am concluding this story, they are sending their greetings and I can’t stop thanking God Almighty.

It wasn’t an easy journey but God in his infinite mercy made it end with cheers, merriment and joy.


“What else are you writing, sweetie? Come let’s go ride a horse”

Chris lifted her into his arms and she buried her face in the strength of his shoulder.


To God Almighty.

To my sweet mother.

To my siblings.

To all my fans! God bless you guys, you made this happen... anywhere you are, just know that Sha Ron loves you...

(Ibo words in this book and meaning)

Ibo word trans:

(I kana-aju ajuju) you are still asking questions.

Onye? _ Who?

Ugomma m. /Omalicha nwa m. /Asa nwa m _ (praises) My beautiful daughter.

O ya ka iji nwayo ekwu? _Is that why you are lowering your voice?

Onwe ihe mere? _ did anything happen?

Adanna ya, kedu ka imere? _ Her father's daughter, how are you doing?

(Ezza language) Okwa oto onwedu onye le-acho ghu ofu? _ hope no one is troubling you? 


Hope you understand…


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