Chapter 16

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I opened the plate in front of me and smiled at what he made, it smelt wonderful. 

Noodles coated with fried eggs and vegetables. I looked over at him before I picked the fork to taste this special food from the best chef of this century.

"I made it with a heart full of love for you, just a plate of love coated with kisses and flowers, I made sure I sprinkled love portions on overdose of it" 

He covered my left hand which I had placed on the table with his. 

"Chris," his name rushed out of my lips in a whisper, it opened up my wounds and I dropped the fork and lay my head on the dining table as my eyes clouded with tears.

"Please, Jenny, don't go... have a taste of my food. If you accept to stay with me, I won't survive if you leave me" he said, tightening his hold on my hand.

"Why are you making this hard for me, Chris? You and I know we have been commiting incest, we just have to stop, I have already made up my mind to go back to the village" 

"What will happen to me then? What happens to everything we have shared? It's not my fault that I love you like crazy and I don't even understand myself anymore! All that matters to me each and every day is your happiness and I know you will never be happy if you leave here" 

He rounded the table and came to sit down beside me, he tried lifting my face but I pushed his hands away, "leave me alone" 

"Jen, look at me! Okay, I'm sorry. Please, eat the food" he pleaded.

"I don't want can eat your food all by yourself!" I yelled at him and ran upstairs. I ran into my room and banged the door shut.

"I'm sorry, Jen! I won't say anything again, please, don't be like that!!" He called and banged on my door but I ran into my bathroom and cried myself to sleep.

I woke up famished, I undressed sadly and reluctantly out of my gown, I removed the diamond and threw it into my closet. I have gone out with Chris, haven't I? Stupid girl like me!

I took a quick bath, changed into shorts and t-shirt and went downstairs. I knew Aunt and Lisa must've been back because I heard voices outside.

"Jennifer! Are you okay?!" My aunt asked immediately when she saw me, she was setting lunch on the dining table. I looked at the wall clock and noticed that it's three minutes past one.

Who knows how many hours I spent in the bathroom sleeping and weeping my soul out. Only God knows how swollen my eyes look as a result of it.

"I'm fine, Aunt. I think I have headache, that's all" I lied quickly to cover up for my sore look and took the plates she's holding away from her, "let me help you"

She touched my forehead and nodded, "you are running temperature, we could have gone to the hospital together if I knew" she said worriedly.

"Don't worry Aunt, I'm alright. Paracetamol will do the job" I forced a smile. "How was your visit to the hospital? Hope it went well?" I inquired.

"Yeah, she has no complications and the doctor gave us his word that she's strong and healthy" She replied and released a breath of relief.

"Thank God" I sat down "where's my Nancy?" I asked after the madam of the house, that oversabi girl.

"She dozed off in the car on our way back home, so I put her to bed, she needs to rest" 

"But, today is Monday, she didn't go to school?"

"Public holidays, are you in this country at all?" She smiled for the first time since Lisa came into this house yesterday.

"Oh! I guess I'm not" I laughed.

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