Chapter 11

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I shut my eyes and did nothing but feel, take and hold onto what he's giving. He lifted his body, my eyes stuttered open and followed his movement, he parted my legs wider and inserted two of his fingers inside me.

I swung my legs over his shoulders as he fingered me, he spanked me and urged me to spread my legs wider.

"Don't you want me to touch you here?" He gave me a wicked grin as he fondled my breasts with his free hand, a cry escaped my lips.

"Chris! Please!!" 

"Say that again" he growled as his fingers thrusted quicker and went deeper into me. I held the edges of the stone and forced my legs to stay still when it threatened to close.

I waited for a while before I surprised him. I also want to be in control, I want to satisfy him and show him that I'm made of metal and can't easily accept defeat, not in this field.

I pushed myself up and pulled him up with me, I jumped into his arms and crushed my lips on his, I kept angling my head as I pulled on the back of his head to deepen the kiss.

He pinched my butt and that sent my head backwards for a wince as he grasped, "that was close to death! You are a daredevil, Jen!!"

"That's just a reminder that you don't play tricks on experts!" I mocked him as he found it hard to breathe.

"I hope you won't run because I'm enjoying this part of you" he said as I came down from his arms, he kissed the tip of my nose and added, "you're a wonderful bed partner"

"You aren't bad either, we are just... good together. That's why I love you more, I would have been on my heels if you weren't a good striker" I said coyly, rolling my tongue inside my mouth.

I placed my head on his chest and smiled slyly when pink colors rose to my cheeks.

"Awwn, she's blushing after she almost killed me with her lips" he teased and tilted my head up so I'd look at his face. "I'm not done with you yet!"

"I know, I just think I'm the one that has unfinished business with you but... I'm not doing that again" 

"Yeah! Thoughtful of you, I got protection but I think it's inside my car, let's go get it because I can't wait anymore" 

He picked up his torch light and took the bracelet while I picked my clothes. He carried me swiftly into his arms before I even got a chance to wear my clothes.

"Chris, someone might see us!" I said, wrapping my arms around his neck, "you know..."

"Shhh, no one comes around here by this time of the day, and it's no use wearing it because it's already torn, thank God I bought extra clothes for us!" He said adamantly.

I reached for the clothes with one hand and threw it over my body, I don't want to risk being seen nude by an unknown transposer.

"That purposely ripped it off" I whined, biting his ear lightly.

"Crazy! I was know... I couldn't wait to touch your bare skin, don't you know you make me go gaga and I don't try restraining myself because I love the way you make me feel" he teased.

I felt like a little girl seeing her crush on a first date, I buried my face on his neck, "I'm the one feeling crazy, not you and I can't even help it" I am not even ashamed of admitting that.

He carried me out of the cave and moved towards the river. I closed my eyes and filled my nostrils with the sweet smell of him. male. strength. love. 

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