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I went on my knees as well and cupped his face, he purposely shifted his gaze, I saw the sadness in his eyes.

"Please, look at me. You didn't hurt me, don't make me regret this, Chris, I'm fine, I don't want you to stop...not now" 

His eyes finally met mine, "you are a virgin" he said worriedly, "I can't help feeling like I took advantage of you, I should have controlled myself, you should have told me"

"No, please, don't say that. This is what I wanted and you were gentle with me, I love you, Chris. Believe it or not, I feel safe when I'm with you. You didn't hurt me,"

He took a deep breath and I felt better because he relaxed and covered my hands with his on his cheeks "I believe you, even a blind man will see that in your eyes"

"You promised to make this night a memorable night that I must never forget. Chris, I am sorry that am inexperienced, be my coach, teach me how to love, please"

He removed my hand from his cheeks and placed it firmly on his chest, "you aren't inexperienced, Jen. You are just innocent and now, I am more afraid because I feel I am not the right person to..."

"Shhh" I shook my head in disagreement with his words "You are the right person because I love you and I also wanted this to happen"

"Jen, thank you, I... I just wish we could be normal couple, I will just climb the highest mountain and shout out to the whole world that I love you"

"We don't need the whole world to make this happen, the two of us, on your bed, is all that matters. If you love me, show me, we don't need the world to see"

"I will, for as long as I live, I will keep showing you…loving you" he beamed and planted a lingering kiss on my forehead.

"I... will be expecting that, I'm still waiting to exhale in contentment of your love" I gushed.

"Now, do me a favor" he gasped.

"What?" I chuckled.

"Lie down, close your eyes and take all the pleasure you can because I would want to show you the stuff I am made of," he said, angling his head to kiss my ear.

I took his index finger into my mouth and suckled as I brought up my hands to rub at the back of his head.

"That's more like it, sweetie" I coaxed 

Woah! Who taught me all that? 

"Come on!" He pushed me playfully to lie down on my back on the bed, he pounced on me almost immediately.

We shot off to the stars.

*Next morning*

I opened my eyes slowly and his face came into view, blurry at first and then, clean and handsome as the morning sun.

"I thought you would never wake up" he flashed a wicked grin at me.

He was holding my hand in his and he was still naked as he sat beside me on the bed, he kissed my temple fondly.

"Why?" I inquired as I tried to stand up from the bed.

"Because, I was certain... I..." He threw the sheets off of me and dipped his fingers between my thighs "almost killed...."

I caught his hand and pushed his butt off the bed, "your big head isn't working normal this morning" I laughed at his tease.

"Aish! Babe, you have broken the remains of my waist, how will I..."

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