Chapter 13

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I looked up at my aunt slowly and I wished the ground would just split into two parts and swallow me up, "Aunty" I answered slowly.

She came over and checked my hand, "thank God it's not fatal, let's get lunch ready, your uncle must be hungry and you know how Nancy can be when she wants food too"

Oh my... Thank goodness! I released a breath I didn't remember withholding through my lips and swallowed hard, what should I do? Go for Thanksgiving or Testimony? 

Jen, snap out of it and take lunch to the dining table! My head commanded and I followed the instruction immediately. 

Lunch wasn't as fun as it used to be. I didn't see Chris around. 

Lisa found it hard to eat because she felt very nervous and uncomfortable with the prying looks everyone gave her. I wasn't left out on sending her 'who the heck are you' look.

I had to settle with feeding Nancy, I can't even lift a spoon to my mouth. I totally lost my appetite and the food I just cooked looked sore to my eyes.

"Lisa, you don't have to feel uncomfortable here, this is as well as your home now, I don't want you to feel otherwise, okay?" My aunt said out of pity for her.

She nodded and forced herself to eat more, but I saw her fingers shaking when she clutched the spoon tightly, I felt sorry for her though I'm jealous that she's a girl in Chris's life.

My heart tightened when I thought about the fact that she might remain there forever. Isn't it better? Anyways, Chris and I aren't supposed to be together no matter what, this is a good way to end our foolish relationship.

I managed to eat a little to avoid my uncle and his wife looking at me as if they were spying on me. I cleared the table when everyone had eaten to their contentment and went inside my room.

I curled myself on my bed and wetted my pillow with tears, how could he do that to me? After all the promises and everything we shared, how am I supposed to be okay again? He should have told me that he's done chasing the winds.

This simply means he has a girlfriend and he lied to me that he has only ex's and he took advantage of my feelings for him, how could he do that? Who knows if I'm pregnant already? I questioned myself again.

Why do I still feel something for him after all I had witnessed today? How can my heart still yearn for him? Why do I still want him? Am I cursed? What should I do now?

I buried my face in my pillows and cried my eyes out silently, when I heard the door click open, that's when I knew I didn't close my door and I had to look for a way to wipe my face and comport myself, it seems all the inhabitants of this house doesn't know how to knock.

"Sister Jennifer, are you crying too?" 

That's exactly who it should be! This little girl doesn't have a single manner and I guess I will be forced to beat the living hell out of her before I leave this house.

"What do you want now?!" This is the first time I'm raising my voice at her and I don't like it though she deserves it.

"My... I... I just want to stay with said she wants to talk with Dad" she mumbled, holding her lower lip and looking down on the floor.

"Come, baby... I'm sorry, okay?" I lifted her to the bed, it's even better to use her and distract myself from weeping all day.

She warbled on and on and I smiled and gave her a high five on everything she said, that helped until I lifted my face to see him standing on the doorway, my eyes watered.

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