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I can't even imagine myself sleeping without the thought of him or waking up without seeing his gorgeous face. 

How was I able to live all those years before I met him?

The question that keeps popping up at the back of my mind is...why does it have to be him? Why must it be my cousin? Didn't my heart see any other guy to beat for? To love? To hold on to? To crave for? 

"Babe?" His voice is the best melody ever on record, is there any other voice out there to be compared? I guess none.

"Yes, my lollipop" 

"I haven't shown you the surprise yet, common, get on your feet let's go eat and I will take you to where my surprise is" he said kissing my neck, my head was still thrown back.

"I guess today must be full of surprises" I beamed at him and stepped down "who knows what the next surprise will be?"

"Call me the surprise master!" He laughed and held my waist as we went back to my favorite spot, beside the white stone.

"Where are you taking me?" I questioned Chris when I noticed we had walked past all the man-made forest trees and went deeper into the bushy part.

"Taking you to my secret!" He chuckled, leading me through an open tunnel.

"Isn't it a bit dangerous to go inside that ..." 

"Shush! Nothing dangerous is in here, I have been here twice before, you will love it!!" He shunned me and moved inside first.

"How in God's name did you find such a place?!" I couldn't help asking considering the fact that it's quite deep in the bush.

"Come on! Let's get inside first, then you ask me that question again!" He grinned sheepishly.

"I... don't think it's safe inside, I'm kinda scared, Chris" I refused to follow him inside.

"You don't trust me?" He looked hurt.

"No! That's really not the case, I just feel uneasy going..."

"And I told you that it's safe here, I will protect you, Jenny, if eventually something happened, nothing is gonna happen, anyways" 

I held him tight as I swung my leg inside and he helped me go in with him, the place was dark and I see that's the reason why he carried a torch light.

"What's this place called?" I asked curiously wondering if it's a cave or another underground work of the Almighty, it might even be a man-made cave.

"It's a cave but I don't think anyone has discovered it here because if they have, it wouldn't be like this" he said and flashed the torch.

"I thought as much. Wow! This is wonderful, Chris!! But...that is a flower, how did it get there?" I said enthusiastically as I went to touch the beautifully arranged flowers on a bedrock.

When my hands touched the flowers, it started spinning and split into two parts. After some time, I saw written words on the rock.

As surprised as I was, I snatched the torch light from him and took a closer look, I read out the words loud one by one;

" beautiful... I... love... you" I jumped into his arms, I knew he was the one that did it "this is beautiful, Chris"

"I know...but, not as beautiful as you. You haven't seen the other surprise, keep searching" he hinted. 

"What other surprise? I'm already merry with the one I just saw, how did you come up with all these?" I trailed off looking from the bedrock to him.

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