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+There may be grammar mistakes (that I also notice and try to correct) since it is a translation of my work written in my native language.+

I woke up in a dark room. I perfectly remember that some masked men had arrived and I remember the pain when one of them pricked me with a needle. Whatever substance it was, she had put me to sleep. I looked at my still weak arm and saw a plaster. What kind kidnappers. I tried to get up and, with a little effort, succeeded. I began to touch the wall, looking for something that looked like a doorknob. When I found it, I tried to open it but in vain. I touched higher still and on the opposite wall I found a small window with bars. I searched again with my hand and finally found the switch. I turned on the light and saw that the small window was indeed barred and there was only one bed in that room. I looked up and saw a camera. I sat up in bed and began to breathe slowly, as my psychologist had taught me. The door opened and I saw a tall woman, with blond hair but lighter than mine and short; she wore a skintight black leather dress that reached her knees, heeled boots that covered her legs not covered by her dress, and she had red lipstick on. She was pretty, but I wasn't there to find a wife.

-What do you want from me? Why am I here?

-Wake up, Im Nayeon.- she just answered, closing the door.

I was terrified, but I didn't want to show it to her. -What do you want?

-From you? Nothing. It's your father who owes us something.

-Who are you?

-Simply the mafia, honey.

The Mafia. The matter is starting to get more serious. The breathing techniques wouldn't work. I just decided to stare into her eyes. Stare at the enemy and they will think you are not afraid, so my grandfather told me.

-We won't hurt you, unless your father is wrong. Do what we tell you and everything will be fine. Every morning they will come to pick you up to take a shower; you will then be summoned to the table, where you will eat; you will return to the room; lunch; room; dinner. You will be entitled to one hour of fresh air a day.

-What's this? The prison?

-You won't have privileges like at home, Princess Im. Now rest. Tomorrow is a new day. You will meet your companions.

Companions? I watched her leave and decided to lie down on the bed. It's just a bad dream. Tomorrow will be fine. Dad will get you out of here. Why did he go against the mafia? Why did they involve me? I didn't want to cry, but I did, and fell asleep with tears streaming down my cheeks.

The next day the sun's rays hit my face and, opening my eyes, I noticed that someone had been in my room, because they had turned off the light. A shiver ran down my back and a feeling of nausea hit my stomach. I got up on the bed and looked out the window at where I was. Perfect, I had no idea. It appeared to be a mountain, but I didn't know where we were. The door opened, startling me. I turned around and saw yesterday's woman, this time dressed in a kind of blue uniform, which consisted of long trousers and a shirt. Since when do criminal organizations have a uniform?

-Get out of bed, hostage Im.

-I demand a little respect.

-You started off on the wrong foot. Here respect is not obtained, it is only given. You have to go take a shower, hostage Im.

I didn't like how she was referring to me, but I felt the need to take a nice hot shower. I got out of bed and followed her out of my room. We walked down a narrow corridor, then came to a restroom that was shabby to say the least. There were only three showers and what remained of a toilet. All three showers were taken and there was a girl waiting.

-Hostages, I present to you your new partner: Im.

The girls looked at me with dull eyes and I knew I was going to be there for quite a while. One of them came out of the shower completely naked and looked at me.

-You go first, hostage Im.- the girl who was in line told me. She had fairly long, straight brown hair and Japanese features. Her eyes were large and seemed to sparkle with joy, despite everything.

-I won't take a shower if this pervert stays.- I said looking at the woman with the blond hair.

-Too bad for you, because you'll have to get used to it.- she replied, while she stared at the girl who had come out of the shower earlier, who still had nothing on and seemed to be shivering with cold. She had short black hair, also Japanese features and various moles on her face.

I smiled. -Good.

-Perfect, I'm glad we understand each other.

I went to the shower, while the others had gone out and the brunette had come in, and turned on the water, showering in my clothes.

-What are you doing, hostage Im?

-Taking a shower, as you requested.

-Hostage Minatozaki, why don't you explain to the hostage Im what happens if someone disobeys me?

The girl in the shower next to me looked at me. -They end up in the torture room.

-The torture room?- I asked a little scared, while I was shivering from the cold water of the shower.

-You know when you enter, but you don't know if you leave.- said the black-haired girl.

-Exactly, hostage Myoui.

So I have to shower in front of this pervert? I really want to hit her. I turned onto my back and slowly took off my clothes, remaining completely naked. I kept on my back the whole time but I was sure she was staring at me. When I was done, I put my wet clothes back on and turned over.

-Let's go to the canteen.- said the blonde.

Everyone started walking in line, I was the last.

-Nice ass, hostage Im.- she whispered in my ear, then giving me a slap on the ass. I held back so as not to jump on her and hit her.

We reached the so-called canteen, where there were other people in the blue uniform, others in the red one, still others in the yellow one.

-Capodecina Yoo.- a woman with dark skin and brown hair approached the blonde. -Are you the new hostage?

-Exactly, capodecina Park. Hostage Im Nayeon.

-Don't play too much, we have to blackmail the father with a healthy girl.

-Have I ever ruined one of the hostages? Hostages Myoui, Minatozaki, Kim and Park, have I ever done anything to you that goes against the rules?

-No, boss Yoo.- answered the girl with long blond hair.

-You see, dear Park, I know my job.

Mafia in the morning, sweetheart in the night|2YEON|ENGWhere stories live. Discover now