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-No, Jeongyeon.- We were walking down the corridor to go back to my room, or should I say cell.  -I won't become a soldier.

-Nayeon... These are the boss' conditions.

-I don't care. I will not kidnap someone to be with you. I will never traffic drugs or kill anyone.

-Nayeon, here you either kill or be killed.

-Let them kill me.

She hugged me from behind. I almost didn't recognize her. I stopped in the middle of the corridor. -I would never let them kill you.

I turned to her. -Look... Jeongyeon.- She looked at me with her big eyes that were so beautiful but so empty. At that moment they seemed to be shining with their own light. -I can't do this just to be with you.

-Why not?

-I'm not so in love that I don't care about anything anymore.- Jeongyeon makes me feel things, but not so strong that I risk everything. -I don't think I can call myself in love yet.

Her gaze changed. She looked me into her eyes with her cold irises. -It does not matter. I should have known you're just a b*tch. What could I expect? Did you just want to bribe me?

We were doing something that benefited both of us.

-If you don't want others to lose esteem for me, even though I know you don't care, don't tell anyone about this conversation or anything involving the two of us except punishments.

She kept walking, passing me. I followed her without saying anything. She forgets that for a slightest attraction I'm going risk everything for her. Maybe it's Stockholm Syndrome, maybe I'm just too excited, maybe I'm caught up in the situation and context I'm in. But surely I can say that I'm not in love and I don't want to be in a relationship with her. Ever and never. We arrived in front of my room and I went in, hearing the door being slammed and locked. I sat on my bed and leaned against the wall. I heard fists banging on the next door.

-Hirai!- Jeongyeon was shouting. -Come with me tonight.

I sighed. I couldn't be jealous of a mobster. I definitely didn't like Hirai because she got what I didn't get. At least I had the attention of a capodecina left but I decided to refuse it. I lay down on that bed and closed my eyes hoping to sleep.

-Im!- I woke up suddenly standing up. I looked to the left and saw Park. I sighed. As always, Jeongyeon didn't show up. -Shower.

I followed her without saying anything. I was too tired at the time. We got to the shower and saw that Jeongyeon was actually with us. She had sent Park especially for me. Capodecina Yoo was watching Momo take a shower. I felt a touch of jealousy but kept it to myself. I might as well forget this capodecina than kill or kidnap to be with her.

I turned on my back and started taking off my skirt.

-Have they ever told you that you have a nice butt?

I smiled satisfied. Having that influence over Jeongyeon made me feel happy and somewhat excited.

-It's not nice to say that to a countess.

I turned and watched in disgust as Momo flirted with Jeongyeon. Indeed, Jeongyeon flirting with Momo. That comment was referring to Hirai. I stepped into the shower and heard a fist bang on the wall next to my shower.

-Daughter of a b*tch.- I heard Dahyun whisper.

I rinsed off as fast as I could and then went to her. -Dahyun, did something happen?

She glared at me. -You, did something happen?- I arched an eyebrow. -I had to leave with Momo but boss Chou doesn't care about you and capodecina Yoo.

-Did you tell her?

-Yes, Nayeon.

I frowned. -Because of you or two options: die or have them die. The boss wants me to be a soldier. You betrayed me, Dahyun.

-What did you expect to happen in a criminal association? And now I don't know what you did to Yoo but she's angrier than usual and she's flirting with my girlfriend.

-Girlfriend?- I asked confused. -Tsk.  It's stupid to call someone you don't even know that. It's stupid to have love for a countess. She has the power, what do I have? That's why I chose capodecina Yoo, telling myself that there's nothing between us.

I suddenly felt bad. That was how Jeongyeon must have felt. I hate her so much but Momo and I are not that different. Maybe I hate her because I hate myself.

-Let's move.- Jeongyeon told us.

We made our way to the cafeteria and sat down. They were especially good serving us soy biscuits that day.

-Don't talk to me.- I woke up from my trance when Dahyun started screaming. -You're a b*tch.

-Dahyun, I'm doing this for us. I don't care at all about capodecina Yoo.

-Tsk.- Dahyun crossed her arms over her chest. -You like sleeping with her.

-I can't deny it but—

-You shouldn't like it!

-Hey! What's going on?- Son asked as she approached.

-Capodecina Yoo is a profiteer, that's what happens.

-What are you saying, hostage Kim?-Jeongyeon asked standing up.

-You take advantage of the hostages to satisfy your personal desires. First hostage Im, then hostage Hirai. I won't let you keep touching Momo.

-Leave her alone, Jeongyeon. She is jealous of her girlfriend.- I commented amused.

Jeongyeon walked over to our table and lifted Dahyun by the collar of her shirt. -I could kill you. Be thankful that you are related to the boss.- she whispered to her with burning eyes. -Shin, take her to the boss.

One of the two Shins, Ryujin, came and took away from us. I didn't know if she would return. Momo watched her disappear down that long corridor. Perhaps she had the same thought as me.

-You could have told me that your girlfriend is jealous.- Yoo said to Hirai.

-Girlfriend? Dahyun is the boss's half-sister, that's all.

Jeongyeon laughed heartily. -You're using everyone in your favor, huh?

-You too, capodecina Yoo...

-Tsk. Two false, hypocritical and bad people.- Rosé whispered to me. -They're just made to be together.

I finished writing this book

Mafia in the morning, sweetheart in the night|2YEON|ENGWhere stories live. Discover now