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I opened my eyes to the sound of the alarm clock. In that mafia there was no time to sleep, not even on Sundays. I would have liked a mafia in which everyone lives at home and intervenes if necessary. I sat up and looked at Jeongyeon who was still sleeping hugging my waist. It was like she didn't want me to walk away from her. I know that she has suffered so much from the abandonment of both her biological and adoptive parents and I am sorry. I hope nothing will separate us because I don't know how she could take it. I admit that I don't even know how I could take it. I too have no words for what my father did. Selling his daughter? What if they lied to me? But would Jeongyeon do that? She would tell me...

-Jeong...- I shook her calmly. -It's seven o 'clock.

-Give me five minutes.

-But... Capodecina Yoo... Aren't you the one who says we have to wake up early?

-Soldier Im... You take command of the decina today.

-Imagine what I could combine...

-Call Jihyo. She has a medical degree.

-Are not you feeling good?

She shook her head. I got up immediately and didn't mind being in my pajamas. I left the room and went to Jihyo's room, which was not far away. I knocked. Jihyo opened it with her uniform already on.

-Soldier Im.

-Capodecina Park, capodecina Yoo asked me to call her because she's not feeling well.

Jihyo arched an eyebrow. -Why were you together?


-I told her a thousand times not to sleep with you or she won't wake up in the morning.

-No no! It's not for that...

Jihyo closed the door behind her and walked towards my room. I went in and made her sit down.

-What's wrong, Jeongyeon?

-Headache, stomach ache, pain everywhere... It was all so sudden.

-You're a great capodecina and you complain about it? It's called fever. Measure it. I'm taking the lead on your decina today.- Park looked me up and down. -You get dressed and come with me.

-Can't I stay with Jeongyeon and take care of her?

-Every soldier is the same.

-But I would be helping her. I'd still be doing something useful.

Park looked at Jeongyeon and then at me. She sighed. -Stay. Only today. You work tomorrow even if Jeongyeon is dying.

Jihyo came out of my room and I closed the door. I went to the first aid kit and also found the thermometer. I gave it to Jeongyeon and we waited.

-It would have been nice to be capodecina for a day.

-I don't think so. Don't you hate kidnappings and this stuff?

-But at the moment we are not organizing anything.

-We don't but the decinas of Son and Park are moving.

-Are the seizures necessary?

-Only if they owe us debts. Otherwise why kidnap useless people?

-So I'm useless?

-You weren't kidnapped.

I arranged the covers better on her. -Jeongyeon, I need to know something.

-What, beautiful?

Why does she make my heart beat so much when she calls me that? I composed myself mentally and asked the real question. -Did my father really sell me out?

-There was an agreement between your father and the boss. If he hadn't paid the amount he owed the boss, then the boss would have taken you. He didn't pay, not caring about you...

-It is not true! He cares about me!- I raised my voice. -Probably he is also looking for me. He didn't have the money...

-Nayeon! He is rich! So are you!

-I know but... He must have had his reasons. He will come get me.

-He preferred his money to you.

-It is not true.

She took off the thermometer and looked at it. -Thirty-eight and two.


I gave her a kiss on the forehead.

-Lie down next to me.

-So I catch a fever too?- I chuckled.

I lay down next to her and closed my eyes completely absorbed in the warmth of her body.

✿.。.:* *.:。✿*゚¨゚✎・ ✿


Tzuyu had told me she had an announcement to make to the capodecinas. I saw Park and Son but there was no sign of Yoo.

-Capodecina Son, you are the last to arrive and the only one who doesn't know about Myoui.

-I heard about it, boss Chou.

-Well. It is precisely about her that I want to tell you. Our infiltrator managed to get in touch with me.  Boss Myoui is looking for a girl. Im is getting help from him.

-The father of the hostage Im?- Jihyo asked.

-Exactly, Jihyo.

-Why did he join the Myoui mafia?- I asked ignorant on the subject.

-Because Im wants her daughter back but knows he won't get her back if she doesn't pay.

-Maybe he doesn't have the money. Isn't it cruel?

I saw Park and Son's puzzled looks on me.

-Sana, Mr. Im has a lot of money. It was his choice not to give us what belongs to us.

-And I don't think Im would give up on Yoo.- Park intervened.

So it's serious between those two...

-Speaking of Yoo... If I may... Where is she?

-She didn't feel well.- Park said.

-Tomorrow Sana and I will come to see you. Have the hostages, Kim and Im in good condition.

-Yes, boss Chou.- answered Son.

-Speaking of boss Myoui... I want you to send a warning. Capiche?- I rolled my eyes. I hate when she's a mobster. Not that she's usually nice but when she talks like that I can't stand it. -Son, how is Kim doing?

-Good, boss Chou. We get along very well.

-Perfect. Do you have something to report?

-I would like to talk about Yoo and Im. What will we do if capodecinaYoo decides to leave?

I looked at Tzuyu. She shrugged and took a deep breath. -What can we do? Keep her here forever? Capodecina boss Yoo has done a lot for us. She is free to do what she wants.

-What if she were to hand Im over to her father?

-She will not. If Yoo wanted to live a quiet life she would change country. She will never contact the police knowing that she risks prison. And she should also be careful of her little girlfriend because she is inside it too now.

I was surprised by Tzuyu's "goodness". When it comes to Yoo I always see her very involved. There must be a good friendship between the two. Who knows... Maybe with who she loves she's not so bad.

Mafia in the morning, sweetheart in the night|2YEON|ENGWhere stories live. Discover now