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-Can you shut up!? Why are we having only balls and chains lately?-asked one of the two women.

-Let's take her to her room. Let's move.

-What are you doing!? Where's Hoseok!?- Sana asked, now in tears.

The girl heard the sound of keys in a lock and then she found herself on the ground, thrown like a sack. A woman removed the blindfold from her eyes.

-Hello, Minatozaki Sana.

-Who are you?

-Capodecina Yoo and capodecina Son. That's what you'll call us from now on.

-Capodecina? What kind of place is it? What do you want from me?

-Only your blood.- Son told her, getting dangerously close to her.

-My blood!? And what's the use to you!?- asked the terrified girl, while she cried.

-To perform a ritual. We need the blood of an innocent girl.- Son answered her.

-Come on, enough, we scared her enough.- Yoo said.

-You always screw up on the best part.- I commented annoyed.

-Miss Minatozaki, welcome to your new modest mansion.

-Mansion? Hoseok? Where is she? Where did you take him!?

Yoo laughed. -Haven't you figured it out yet? Of course you are stupid. Who knows why he wanted you here...

-Your husband sold you to us.- Son answered her.

I felt my cheeks being covered in my tears once again. No matter how much time passed, every time I remembered it I felt bad. Hoseok... Did you marry me to sell me or did you really love me? This is what I always wondered, but I will probably never get an answer. Who knows where he is now.

✿.。.:* *.:。✿*゚¨゚✎・ ✿


-You and Yoo are behaving in a strange way.- Rosé told me.

-When is there ever something normal that concerns the two of us?

-This morning she didn't watch us like a pervert while we were taking a shower. What did you do to her, Nayeon?- Mina asked.

-I have no idea. I certainly didn't scare her. Yoo is just weird.- I replied.

It's probably because of her dress. Yesterday it seemed that she can't accept herself. Maybe it's because she exposed her insecurities.

-Look who we see again... Are you not laughing anymore?- Son asked, approaching our table and looking at Mina.

-I still do it, but you can't hear me from down there.

-Little impertinent! Your father will never find you.

-Not even yours, since it was my cousin who killed him.

This explains the hatred between these two. Son would have gladly hit Mina but she was immediately stopped by Park, who took her away from us. Yoo, meanwhile, was still weird. She watched the scene but she didn't intervene this time.

-You're lucky I can't hit you.- Son said with a menacing look.

-What's stopping you?- Mina asked, standing up.

Son walked away from Park and came back to our table. She grabbed Mina by her collar and looked seriously into her eyes.

-I'll never forget what your awful family did to my father.- she whispered inches from her nose.

-Don't worry, I don't want you to.

Son let go of Mina and walked away, back to her soldiers.

-Okay. Lunch is over. Go to your rooms.- Park told us.

-But we're not done yet.- Dahyun complained.

-Snow White, we have things to discuss. We don't care if you're done or not.- Park answered again. Come on, let's go. Son, go with Yoo.

-C'mon, Son, listen to your superiors. You'll never be on their level.- Mina yelled, before leaving the cafeteria.

As usual, that was the dullest part of the day. Reflections on what was between Son and Mina. Mina wasn't as innocent as she seemed. Well, she's still an ex-mafia member. What did I expect? I closed my eyes and embarrassing images made me open them. I don't know why but I had seen Jeongyeon on top of me bringing her face closer to mine. I closed my eyes and all I could think about was her torturing me with her member. I pushed my imagination further and found myself gently removing the top of her uniform. I'd never seen her without her top on, but I pictured a white sports bra covering a full breast. I opened my eyes and blushed at my thoughts. Come to think of it... Shenever showed me the top part. Thinking about it again... It wouldn't hurt to have fun too. I still have to have s*x with her, right? Why not take advantage of the opportunity? She's a bad person, but she's sexy, I admit it. I hope I don't have Stockholm Syndrome. Speaking of the uniform, Dahyun told me that each color corresponds to a different role. Who knows what Yoo and the soldiers in the blue uniform are up to.

Yoo opened the door and, seeing her, after the thoughts I had had, I blushed. Luckily she was still weird, so she didn't comment on my blushing. I went out and joined Dahyun and Rosè in the courtyard.

-Mina didn't make it today either?- I asked, sitting next to Dahyun.

-Son forbade her to go out again.- I heard it from my room. -How does it feel when a superior gives you orders? Poor Son, I think she has inferiority complexes.- Rosé answered me.

-Do you think they have killed Sana?- I asked worried.

-I don't think so. There wasn't even a reason to have brought her here, why kill her among all of us?- Dahyun asked.

-Maybe there's something we don't know.

-There's always something here that we don't know.- Rosé said, nodding.

-Hostage Park! Are you ready?- Son yelled, approaching us.

-I have to go.- Rosé told us, standing up.

-Good luck. I hope you won't suffer too much. See you.

She just smiled at me, then looked at Dahyun, who gave her a bitter smile.

-I wonder if she will come back.-Dahyun said when Rosé was gone.

-Why shouldn't she?

-Yeji never returned. She was also a hostage and they made her do the same as Rosé does. We believe she was killed after she fulfilled her mission to leave no evidence.

-But Rosé always came back.

-This is her first mission. Before her they only used to prostitute her.

-Why do they do this?

-To earn. Anything illegal that makes money is done here. Any.

I was shocked. I'd always thought of the mafia as just a series of people who kill, but it's even more complex.

Extra chapter today cuz why not?

Mafia in the morning, sweetheart in the night|2YEON|ENGWhere stories live. Discover now