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We were in the bathroom but Jeongyeon had disappeared for some strange reason. I was taking a cold shower and thinking about my father and how stupid I had been. I would have risked my life not to put him in danger and he sold me to these pieces of sh*t. I saw Rosé looking towards the door and I turned too, seeing a girl I'd never seen before.

-Hostage Hirai.- Jeongyeon told us.

-I... Should I take a shower here?-Hirai asked.

I understand her. I had the exact same reaction. I stepped out of the shower to let her in. She hesitantly took off her clothes under Jeongyeon's watchful gaze. I rolled my eyes and wiped myself quickly. When the girl was done, we headed for the cafeteria.

-Hi, I'm Roseanne but you can call me Rosé.

-I'm Mina.



-I'm Momo.

-Why are you here?- Rosé asked her.

-Obviously for a trip.- Mina said sarcastically.

-I... I think they want my whole family. I come from an old noble family—

-Oh my God! Are you a princess!?- Rosé asked excitedly.

-A countess. My father was scammed, so he asked them for help but then... My cousin handed me over to them and here I am.

-Have you been cheated on by your cousin? It must have been terrible.-Dahyun said worried.

I too was betrayed by my father.

-I'm so confused. Who is capodecina Yoo?

-She is as if she were the captain of her army.- Rosé explained to her.

-And why are the showers cold?

-They all act rich and then they don't pay the bills for hot water.- Mina commented.

-And... Why is the capodecina Yoo staring at us while we take a shower?

-Because she is a pervert.- Dahyun answered.

-I don't like this stuff. I'm not used to eating stuff like that.

This Momo reminds me so much of me in the beginning. She is so innocent.

-Of course she's really pretty.- I heard Son say to Park.

They've never said anything like that to me. I didn't finish third in Miss Seoul for nothing. Momo may be curvier than me, but she certainly isn't prettier. Honestly I don't really like her eyes or even her smile. She has a raccoon face. And this one is supposed to be a noble?

-Hirai, is there a problem?- Jeongyeon asked as she approached our table.

-I just can't eat this stuff.- Hirai said.

-Perfect, I'll be happy to reserve you a special treatment.- I knew perfectly well that she was entitled to it. We wouldn't see her all day and then she would learn to eat normal things. -Kim!

Jisoo approached Jeongyeon, who said something to her, and nodded. After a while she returned with bacon and eggs. Edible food. I watched confused as she handed it to Momo.

-Do you want some?- Momo asked.-They all took some. -Nayeon?- I didn't answer, too busy looking at Jeongyeon, looking for some explanations.

✿.。.:* *.:。✿*゚¨゚✎・ ✿

That night, I entered Jeongyeon's room angrier than ever. The girls had spent the day talking and giving their full attention to the newcomer. I have been here for two months and they have never shown this much interest in me.

-You must be confused about Hirai.

-Exactly.- I said, squeezing her pillow.

She laughed and sat down across from me. -She is a special guest. We are protecting her.

-Protecting? Are you now also guardian angels?

She laughed. -Are you jealous because the other hostages are paying attention to her and no longer to you? Are you no longer the center of attention? What a disgrace!


-Repeat it. Say it again if you dare.-she told me, pushing me back on the bed.

-Idiot.- I said, spelling out the letters better.

She started biting my neck, lots of little bites like she was a little bird that hadn't eaten in days and couldn't get a hold of the worm. She unbuttoned the top three buttons of my blouse, revealing my bra.

-I should give you a red lace one.- she whispered to me with her mouth immersed between my breasts.

I stroked her butt. -Why don't you show me your anger?

-You play with fire, Nayeon. Remember I'm part of the mafia. I might as well shoot you.

-But you won't. You're not like them.- I whispered to her.

That sentence had somewhat upset her, because she ripped my shirt off me, forcing her to buy me another one, and she took off my bra. She bit my nipples, making me whimper. She stripped off her pants and underpants, revealing her erect member. She pulled my panties down, lifting up my skirt. She placed her head between my legs and as her hands caressed my thighs, her tongue entered my intimacy.  She wanted to make me suffer and she knew how impatient I was. I bit her lower lip, while she slowed more and more her movements with her tongue in my now completely wet intimacy. When her fun was over, she too thought about her needs and finally slipped her member into my intimacy. It was very fast, and although it hurt, it was also pleasant. When she was done, she lay down next to me and caught her breath.

-I'm not like the others, huh? Did you see what I just did?

I didn't answer. She turned her head towards me as I continued to stare at the ceiling, catching my breath. She cupped her cheeks with her thumb on one and her fingers on the other and turned me towards her. A blink of an eye and I found her full lips on mine. They tasted like strawberries, probably from the cheesecake Momo had also eaten. I refused to taste it. It wasn't an aggressive kiss as usual. It was more delicate. They were simple lips enveloping each other. Simple lips dancing with each other. No one wanted to be in control for once. It wasn't a punishment. No, it looked more like a prize. We parted for air and stared into each other's eyes. She had a new expression. She wasn't angry but I didn't know how to decipher it. She stroked my cheek with the back of her hand and then brushed her index finger against my lips.

-Vanilla toothpaste? Refreshing.- she whispered to me, still looking into my eyes.

Stream moonlight sunrise

Mafia in the morning, sweetheart in the night|2YEON|ENGWhere stories live. Discover now