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Namjoon and I continued to see each other, despite Jeongyeon's ban. Who does she think she is? Just because she's my kidnapper doesn't mean she has the right to forbid me from seeing my boyfriend. Namjoon came secretly and no one knew about it, not even Mina, Rosé and Dahyun. My life finally had meaning and I wasn't going to let any capodecina ruin it for me, again.

-Guess what I heard?- Dahyun said.


-They're planning a new kidnapping.

-Hooray.- Mina said sarcastically.

-The two Shins will move from Yoo's team and from Kim's a certain Min and a certain Park.

-Who are they?- asked curiously.

-I have no idea.

-Dahyun! Go spy better!- Rosé complained.

-You go!

-We sent you because you are as tall as a barrel.

-Always taller than Son.- Mina commented.

Those two will end up killing each other.

-Sometimes I wonder if Sana is still alive...- Rosé said.

✿.。.:* *.:。✿*゚¨゚✎・ ✿



-Go away, you piece of sh*t!

-What's wrong with you? Is that how you talk to your future wife?

She had suddenly shown up in my room. By now I thought she was dead.

-You took me away from the others and showed up after two months. Couldn't you have left me with them!? And now expect us to get married.- I laughed bitterly.

-Sana, darling—

-Don't call me that! Take my name out of your filthy mouth!

-Jennie! The present!

Jennie, who had been taken from Yoo, brought me a box. I threw it to the ground. The boss took it back and opened it, revealing a beautiful bag.

-I don't want an illegally earned thing.- I said, even though I liked it a lot.

-Illegal!? Now giving happiness with a little coke is illegal. Got it, Jennie?-asked the boss, laughing and Jennie followed her, probably forced. -Come on, I chose a nice dress for you. You can decide to change it.

-I won't marry you.

-Maybe you forgot our chat. Either marry me or I'll kill you. Capiche?- I sighed. I had no other choice. She sure would have. I didn't answer and glared at her. -Good. You won't regret it.

-I'm already do.- I said with my arms crossed over my chest.

-You will enjoy your new life, my baby.

-Why do you want me to get married? Why not Nayeon or Mina?

-Because you were chosen from the beginning.

-What do you mean?

-See, it's no coincidence that Hoseok was your husband. It was no coincidence that you met at that café.- I arched an eyebrow. -Hoseok was one of ours. He married you and then he brought you here to me.

-Now where is Hoseok?

-We killed him. For safety, you know.

-You are monsters!- I screamed in despair.

-They are. I didn't do anything. Capodecina Son and Lee took care of that.

-But why did you take me!? Why me!?

-We are meant to be together. Do you know who your father is? An old childhood friend of mine. I was promised to you before you were born. I was five years old when I saw you in the cradle and I already knew we were going to get married. Then things got complicated, your father took out mine, my men took out yours... I no longer had any right over you. So I kidnapped you, simple as that.

-By now the agreements were skipped! Why did you do this to me!? You couldn't let me live with someone I love!?

-This is not possible, my baby.- She told me, wiping my tears with her hand. -You are the most beautiful girl I know and I won't marry anyone else. Capiche?

-When should we get married?

-In two days. Now go with Jennie to see your dress.

I followed Jennie and found myself in a large room. That villa was gigantic and that room was as big as the canteen where we hostages ate. I saw her dress and recognized it. It was the dress I married Hoseok in. Tears filled my eyes. It was Boss Chou who had chosen that dress even then. But how did she know my tastes so well?

-She observed her for a long time. She sent several men to look at you.-Jennie told me, as if reading my thoughts.

-I call such a person a "stalker".

-Think on the bright side: you'll live in this beautiful house and have everything he wants.

I huffed. I didn't like that situation at all.

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Namjoon didn't show up that evening. I had a bad feeling. Jeongyeon had definitely told him something. She's gonna hear from me now! The next day, while I was in the canteen, I heard the two Shins talking.

-They killed one of Kim's men. Poor boy.

-Did you hear it? They killed one of the yellow soldiers.- Dahyun said.

-What are you surprised about?- Mina asked her, drinking her water.

-B*tch.- Son said, passing in front of our table.

-Sl*t.- Mina answered.

I was afraid the soldier might be Namjoon. I had confirmation of this when I heard Park talking to her soldiers about him, saying to be careful because the same thing that had happened to soldier Kim Namjoon from Kim Taehyung's group could have happened to them. Son had explained that they had sent him to an old crook and his men had killed him.

I didn't eat that night. Why did they kill him!? Why had they entrusted him with such a difficult mission? He was about to become capodecina. It was his dream. Finally he would have some power. When I went to Jeongyeon's room, I did nothing but cry.

-What's wrong with you?- Jeongyeon asked me, as I continued to cry.

-They killed him.- I said with my head on her shoulder, while we were sitting on her bed.

-I know it. I had him killed.

I cried even louder. I couldn't move. I was like paralysed. The only one who showed me love, the only one who had been there for me, the one who had given me in a few weeks the thing my father hadn't given me in years, they had killed him, because of me. Jeongyeon stroked my hair as I continued to cry in despair, apologizing to Namjoon inside me and praying for him.

-There is me now. Everything will be fine.- Jeongyeon whispered to me, and we stayed like this all night.

Mafia in the morning, sweetheart in the night|2YEON|ENGWhere stories live. Discover now