Worrying Too Much

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The next few days of training go hard and fast. Hill and Barton put everyone on their toes at every moment that they can in order to help the team find a good working balance. There are quite a few training simulations that we have to run through in the buildings that were set up, and even they gave me a run for my money at times.
Emma struggles through it for the first two days, never having been worked out as an Avenger before. Some of the drills that we are used to running are vastly different from the ones that she is used to in the military.
The flight training in the first day seemed to be one of the harder ones for Emma, and she yelled at Sam for not giving her enough notice before he grabbed her vest and shot up into the air with her.
"I have told you I don't like flying, why couldn't you just fucking tell me before you yanked me up into the sky," she screams.
"I'm sorry, Emma. I just forgot and we were in the heat of a simulation," Sam said, obviously feeling bad, but Emma wasn't having any of it. She shakes her head and crosses her arms.
"Let's just fucking finish this," she said and we get the training simulation mission completed without anymore interruptions, Emma sour most of the day after that.
The second day was worse. I'm pretty sure Emma had passed out on one of the building training courses on the second day but didn't tell anyone, because no one could find her for a good 10 to 15 minutes after her set was supposed to be done.
"Guys stop, I'm fine! My gun jammed and I had to stop and fix it," she said, pushing past everyone and into the bedroom. That night I found her asleep in an ice bath with angry sounding music blaring in the bathroom and a bottle of hard scotch rested on the bathroom tile. I had to pull her out of the freezing water before she turned blue, but she didn't wake up until the next morning.
I could tell that she was so sore while she was sleeping though, as she normally curls up, but she couldn't do that that night very well, stretched out over her side of the bed as she slept like a rock.
The next day was better for her, as it was mainly marksmanship training and hand-to-hand, which Emma excels at both greatly. She was putting everyone in their place on the mats and even having fun, which was making me feel better too. She even seemed to find a mentor in Barton, who couldn't stop gushing about her target shooting. It unfortunately doesn't change the worry I feel when I realize we are getting closer and closer to the mission. My 1940s mentality kicks in whenever I see her hurt and I want to jump in front of every punch and kick meant for her.
Sam and I are in one of the booths finishing up with our marksmanship training, Emma having already finished and went upstairs to get ready for some mat time. We are both quiet for a moment before Sam speaks up, having been staring at me from time to time.
"What's goin' on man?"
"Sam I don't know what I'm going to do when we land in Moscow."
"What are you talking about?"
"Emma. She's so small, and the first few days were a struggle for her this week. Every time she gets hurt or punched or something I'm going to want to protect her."
"I know and she probably won't let you. Emma can handle herself, and if she needs help she will let you and everyone else know. Just be her partner, find a way to fight with her and support her without being a straight protector," he says crossing his arms.
I stop and think for a few minutes, Sam is right. She will probably get mad if I jump in and assume she can't do her job. Then I get an idea.
"Sam can you gather everyone at the mats with full gear, I have a plan," I say and run off to the bedroom to find Emma and my own gear.
"Uhh, okay," I hear him say and walk off.
I go into the bedroom and find Emma putting her hair up into a messy bun for the day's training. I smile and walk up behind her, putting my hands on her hips and kissing all the way around her neck.
"How are you feeling this morning, doll?"
"Mmhmmm I'm amazing," she smiles with her eyes closed.
"Good, because I have a training plan for this morning and I need you in full gear, and bring your axes," I say and slap her ass lightly.
"Wait why," she asks blushing. She looks nervous but like she is trying to trust me.
"You and I need some real tandem combat training if we are going to be partners. I want to find rhythms and patterns we can work with so that I'm not trying to jump in front of you and cramp your style."
Emma blushes badly at that, "well that's a really sweet gesture but you're right. You worry too much, Buck. I can handle myself."
"I know you can, but my old man brain doesn't," I say rubbing my face softly, feeling embarrassed that I am having this issue.
"I'll go get dressed and we will figure this out," Emma smiles and kisses my cheek softly before going into her suitcase and getting her suit out. I lean back against the wall and watch her get dressed, mesmerized by her completely. How could someone who's been through so much and so small and innocent be this fiery pistol of a woman that is going to be fighting by my side? How did I get to this point to be so lucky?
"Buck, you okay," Emma asks, pulling me out of my trance. She's standing in front of me looking up at me with worry on her forehead.
"I'm great, doll. I'll meet you out there okay?"
Emma nods and kisses my cheek before leaving the room.
I hurry and get my own gear on and find my lucky knife and hurry back to the fight mats. Everyone that will be going on the mission is gathered in their gear.
"What's going on, Bucky? What are we doing," Barton asks confused.
"Partner training for Emma and I. With her being so new, I need to be able to fight in tandem with Emma and her with me. I will need you guys to give it your all."
"You got it," everyone says together and gets ready. Emma and I take our place in the middle of the mats and I can hear her breathing a little irregularly as we stand back-to-back. I reach and squeeze her thigh gently to reassure her and she eases up a bit, but not completely.
"Whenever you guys are ready," I say with a smile.
The entire team surrounds us and we begin to fight. Sam comes at me hard and we end up sparring as I see Emma in hand-to-hand with Clint, using her axes to hold back his bow from smashing over her head. I am close enough to sweep his legs and she is able to pin him the rest of the way as Scott comes at her with a kick that she is able to deflect and grab in her hands, using her leverage to spin him and slam him down.
Hope and Clint come after me too, attempting to wrestle my knife away from me but Emma slides in from her fight and grabs their ankles to yank them back, giving me the chance to knock them onto the mats. Emma and I are back-to-back again and are able to stick together pretty well through the whole fight, each of us trading blows with each other's opponents until one by one they tap out and collapse on the mat.
Emma and I are still left standing, her breathing heavily but smiling, proud of herself. I can't help but grin at the smile on her face and I lift her up in a hug tight and spin her.
"Wow, that was incredible," she says smiling and trying to catch her breath.
"Glad you had fun. Anyone got any orange slices," Scott groans as he rolls on the ground.
We all share a laugh and we help everyone up and thank everyone for the help. Hill walks in looking impressed.
"You all have been doing very well, especially you Emma. You guys can go ahead and take the next two days to regroup, relax, and just work on the game plan for Monday, no more severe training drills this weekend."
"Thanks Hill," Barton smiles and we all split up to go get cleaned up and changed, the team congratulating Emma on her hard work as they leave.
"So, what you want to do now," Emma asks me, looking up at me softly, playing with the zipper on my jacket as we stand in the walkway.
"I can think of a few ideas," I say smiling, leaning down to kiss her. Before I can touch her though, Emma takes off running down the long hallway towards our room. I smile and chase after her, catching up and picking her up by her waist and tickling her as I get us in our room. Once I get the door shut and locked, the atmosphere changes.
Emma kisses me hard, her hands wrapped up in my hair as her lips clash with mine.
"Oh fuck," I groan and I pick her up, her wrapping her legs around my waist as I take us into the bathroom. We make out hard as I get the shower turned on and I set her on the counter, starting to unzip her vest and uniform eagerly as she undresses me. I have her uniform unzipped all the way down and I take the sides and open them with both hands to kiss and bite all the way from her neck to her chest and stomach. Her moans get me going bad as I do and I pull the outfit off of her. I feel myself getting harder and harder with each moan and movement she makes and she frantically undoes my belt and pants, her hand slipping into my underwear.
"Oh Emma," I moan and bite my lip as I feel her grab me and squeeze gently. I feel her press against me eagerly as we start to make out hard. I release her hair from her bun and I lift her into the shower with me as it steams up the bathroom. I push her up against the wall of the shower as I hold her up, easing myself into her slowly. I feel her nails in my back as she adjusts to me being inside her, letting out the most sinful moan I've heard yet. I tear her bra off hard and I wrap my lips around her nipple hungrily, letting my tongue tease and dance over it as I start to move in and out of her center.
I move to her other nipple as Emma grabs my hair hard and pulls a little, making me throb harder inside her.
"Bucky," she whimpers out loudly in pleasure and I feel her start to move with me desperately.
"Ohhh fuck you feel so tight," I groan and I pick up my pace with her and find my hand around her neck and jaw as I use my other to lift her thigh higher up for better movement. She tilts her head back against the wall, every thrust we share sending her closer and closer to her high.
"Oohhhh God, Bucky yes!"
I growl eagerly as I bite her neck, leaving a mean looking bite but she's in thralls of pleasure as we are getting closer.
"Emma you're so fucking sexy," I growl in her ear and I feel goosebumps form from her neck all the way down her legs. We kiss harder and harder as I grab onto the corner of the wall to keep us steady.
Emma screams out loudly and I feel her combust around my length inside her, almost like she is melting from the inside out.
"Oohh fuck Emma," I yell and come hard inside her, cracking the corner of the wall in my grip, causing tiles to clatter to the floor. We are both shaking hard as we cling to one another under the hot water. I go to pull out of her but she grabs my arm.
"Don't move," she whimpers.
"What's wrong??"
"If you move I'm going to come again, everything feels so sensitive."
"Is that so..?"
Emma blushes and she opens her eyes to see a mischievous smile on my face. She gasps as I suddenly have her laying in the shower floor, her legs spread for me. I bite my lip as I look at her and ease a metal finger into her slowly, using my thumb to rub her clit gently.
"Aaah, fuck, Bucky it's cold," she whimpers out and bites her lip. I smile and curl my finger inside of her as I move it in her, leaning down and sucking on her clit eagerly. Her moans get louder and louder as I go longer, her back arching into the air as I hold her to my face.
"Oh no, oh fuck! Bucky," she screams and she grabs my hair and her thighs clench on me as she comes again. I smile and clean her up with my tongue then kiss my way up to her as she convulses with pleasure still.
"That was fucking hot, baby," I smile and kiss her over and over.
"Holy fuck that was a lot," she moans in a breathy voice.
"Was that too much?"
"No, it was amazing," she moans softly and holds onto me. I smile and help her up slowly, starting to wash her all over and then I wash myself. I get us both dried off and she gets into clean panties and a bra, and the T-shirt I lent her the other night. The hem of it just reaches past her perfect ass, barely hiding her panties from view unless she lifts her arms. I bite my lip and grab her ass as I walk by to get my sweat pants on, her squeaking cutely and giggling as I do.
I finish getting comfortable for the night and I watch her brush out her hair and blow dry it, listening to music as she does.
God, she's so fucking beautiful she makes my chest hurt. I like that she seems to enjoy music so much, and you can't tell what kind of mood she is by what she's listening to, I love it.
I smile and dig in my bag and find a book to read, getting comfortable on my side of the bed and turning the lamp on. I start to read and relax, disappearing into the story until Emma comes into the room and smiles at me. She's taken her contacts out again and is wearing her glasses, her hair all soft and shiny looking after drying it. I smile and set my book down and lean over the bed to grab her and pull her into bed with me.
Emma smiles and straddles my lap and kisses me slowly but deeply. I place my hands on her thighs and squeeze them as we make out like this for a few minutes.
"We make a pretty good team," she says softly, looking down at me with an odd glint in her eye.
"Yeah we do, doll," I say and rub her cheek gently, she closes her eyes as I do, relaxing in my arms more.
"Is it okay for me to be a little terrified for Monday," she asks as she lays against me, snuggling in under my vibranium arm.
"It's normal, but I think it will work out just fine. The first real mission this huge is always nerve-wracking, but you have the whole team on your side. And I will be sticking with you through the whole mission," I say and rub her back slowly.
"This is Hydra, something I've not fought before."
"I know, but you've got this, we've got this. I'll be there to help whenever you need it."
"Thank you, Bucky," she says sleepily and she lays her arm around my waist softly as she falls asleep. I turn the light off and curl up around her, holding her tight as I fall asleep too.

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