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4 Months Later

—It's dead quiet as I make my way through a long corridor, only my footsteps making sounds as my boots hit the concrete ground. There are doors all the way down the hallway as I walk, random numbers written in Russian on each one of them.
Suddenly there is a blood-curdling scream from a door at the end of the hall and I run to it as quickly as I can.
I kick the door down to find Emma being held down by Hydra agents, screaming for me as she is in labor.
"Bucky please don't let them take him," she begs in pain and tears as I am trying to fight them off without hurting her or the baby as he is being born. Emma screams again in pain as I am finally getting through the rest of the operatives in the room and kick them out, locking the door.
"Bucky he's coming now, I can't wait anymore," she says in tears as I hold her.
"It's okay, Emma, I've got you both," I say and just as she screams out louder than I have ever heard her scream, there is a loud explosion.—

I wake up hard in the middle of the night sweating and breathing heavily, camped out on the floor of the living room. I look around and try to remember where I am as I wake up.
I'm at the compound, I'm in mine and Emma's suite, I am in my living room floor. I'm not in my bed because Emma is not here and I can't sleep there without her. I thought I had fallen asleep on the couch, but I must have woke up and gotten in the floor at some point last night.
Emma, she's still on a recon mission with Sam and Yelena. I didn't go with her because I needed to rest up for a big mission that Hill won't let Emma go on. I breathe in slowly and rub my face in my hands, wishing she were back already. I don't like the thought of her being out there without me, but I have to remember her independence and trust that she will tell me what's going on with her. She has Sam and Yelena to lean on too, she does not always need me watching over her, as much as I would want to be.
Emma is 5 months pregnant now, and has just begun to show, which means that she won't have much longer till her independence is taken from her to some degree. She has been handling everything like a champ and I am amazed by her.
Emma has been slowly gathering things she needs for the baby and I help her get it all ready happily. Hill moved us into a bigger apartment on the compound with an adjoining room that we can use for the baby and even has its own living room in it.
Emma has gone full mommy mode already, and I can tell part of it is because she wants so badly to be a great mom that she didn't get. She keeps asking me about my parents and how they raised Rebecca and I, but I have to keep reminding her that I grew up in different times.
George and Winifred Barnes did the best that they could despite the hard time that we were going through in Brooklyn back then. And I will always love them for that.
The whole team has been really supportive for both of us and it feels great. Emma and I both have really been feeling like we found our family from the whole team and we have a plan for a gender reveal to help make them feel included. I'm not entirely sure what this gender reveal thing entails, but Emma wants to do it so I'll help her.
One thing I didn't expect is Emma's changes and my changes as the pregnancy goes on. She is so sure of herself and her abilities and it makes me proud and amazed at her. There are also some times where she seems to want to kill me, and Clint warned me that it has to do with the hormones that are flooding her system to help her properly carry the baby.
Learning that I'm going to be a father makes me want to work harder for my family and give them everything. I do not feel as angry or bitter regarding some of the things I've been through, especially knowing that it led me here. I just take everything in stride and have been working through things with my therapist too when I can't bother Emma with something.
I get up and sit on the couch and just relax, trying to remember that the bad dreams are temporary, even though they have changed since meeting Emma. She is in every single one now in some form or another, and now the baby whenever there are bad dreams.
I get up and decide to go work out to burn some energy, finding Clint in the gym too.
"Hey man, you good," he asks.
"Yeah just..."
"Worrying about Emma."
"You have no idea," I say shaking my head.
"Eh I have some idea. I still worry about Laura and the kids, but it takes control and strength not to fly home every night to rescue them from nothing."
"I know, you're right. It's just a lot, and I am feeling really anxious about not knowing what's going on. And the nightmares are taking on some new forms. Hydra is always there, but the more changes that go on in my life, the more they change around that," I say and sit down at a machine and start to work out.
"What was it this time?"
"She was kidnapped by Hydra and was giving birth while being held down by them, the dream ended with an explosion out of nowhere."
"Have you always had such vivid and awful nightmares?"
"Not since I was rescued in the 40s," I say softly and shake my head.
"Have they gotten any better."
"Somewhat, but worse when I'm worried or stressed."
"That'll happen, you just gotta remember to trust her. Women know their bodies really well during this time and if she gets scared and feels something is not right, she will tell you. Believe me, Laura made sure I knew everything weird that she experienced. The cravings and the sex change too, all those damn hormones are fuckin' weird."
I chuckle softly at that and take in his words as I burn off some excess energy. After about an hour, Clint heads out and I decide to leave and shower too.
When I get out of the shower I sit down and decide to watch some TV, and end up passing out until I am woken up by the sound of a jet landing on the landing pad.
I get up and change, realizing it is about 9am and hurry out to go greet Emma. She is walking down the hatch looking tired but happy, her vest and harness starting to not fit right over her baby bump. I smile up at her and she jumps into my arms happily. I cover her in kisses and put a hand over her belly.
"How are you two doing??"
"Great Bucky, it was fine. We got all the data needed for the really big mission coming up so you guys should be covered by the time I go on leave."
I kiss her again and hold her tight.
"Bucky are you okay?"
"I'm just glad you're home. I know you need your independence and I trust you, but I still worry."
"I know Buck but I'm okay, I promise you!"
I smile and take her inside to get her something to eat. She smiles up at me and takes my hand.
"Do you want to go to my appointment with me today? We might get to see what the baby is."
"Absolutely, I do also need to stop by and talk to Dr. Raynor if you're okay with that afterwards."
"Is everything okay?"
"Yes ma'am, just need some advice," I say and kiss her deeply as Sam walks in.
"Alright, if you're sure. Can Sam come too? I wanna have my big brother there with me."
"Anything for you," I say and smile as she gets up.
"I'm gonna go shower and change, the appointment is in an hour."
"Alright doll, call me if you need anything."
Emma goes up to our room as Sam sits at the table and takes his gear off in the workroom area.
"How did she do?"
"Bucky she was fine man, great in fact. She sat up on a vantage point and made calls on the base for us as we marked up the facility for the strike. Not one complaint other than the belly got in the way of her being able to go prone, and she was movin' great. If you didn't see her belly you couldn't even tell she's pregnant."
I breathe a sigh of relief and rub my face.
"I'm going to be stopping by Dr. Raynor's office while the three of us are out today. Maybe you can sit in with me."
"Wait you actually want me to sit with you in your therapist's office?"
"Yes Sam, you're my girlfriend's brother and...honestly I need a guy with me in on this to get their perspective while I talk to Raynor."
"Whatever you say man, I'm there, just sort of surprised after how the last session I was in went," he says and claps me on the back. "I'm gonna go get changed too."
Sam heads to his own room as I go to mine. I get into our bedroom and find Emma crying in the bathroom as she is trying to button a pair of jeans.
"Hey what's wrong??"
"None of my pants fit right," she says in tears and I chuckle softly. Those hormones are no joke that's for sure. The bouts of crying are a little terrifying, there hasn't been a whole lot of anger, but Clint said not to count those possibilities out yet.
"Don't laugh at me," she whimpers and wipes her face gently.
"Oh doll, I'm so sorry. What if while Sam and I are at Raynor's office, I take you to the mall to get you some maternity clothes, that way you can shop for what you need without me crowding you?"
"Are you sure..?"
"Positive, doll," I say and kiss her softly. I go into the closet and find a short sleeved white sundress and a pair of her matching Vans and a denim jacket.
"Wear this for now and you'll be comfortable enough for the appointment, okay?"
Emma nods and wipes her face as she hugs me. I kiss her forehead and then let her get dressed and finished getting ready.
We head out and meet Sam downstairs and notices Emma being kind of quiet. I mouth the word "pants" and make a motion towards my stomach and he nods with a soft laugh as we all get in the truck to go into the city.
Sam talks nonstop about some changes he wants to make to his wings, wanting to make them a little less mechanical looking when they are out, but I don't know how that could be possible. He said he saw a comic book that shows these red wings that look like real falcon's wings and he wants to see if he can make it work.
"Maybe Shuri and Bruce could help figure how to do it," Emma suggests.
"Maybe you're right, I'll have to ask them," Sam smiles excited. I chuckle softly to myself, wondering what he will come up with next. The suit he was given as the new Captain America was a pretty huge change already, and now the wings might be making a change too. There's always something growing or changing around here.
We get to the doctor's office that Emma is supposed to be at for her appointment, and I feel all kinds of nerves as I sit there. I notice a few odd looks as Sam and I sit on either side of Emma in the waiting room, one of them a little boy pointing to me and talking to his mom.
"Mommy, that's White Wolf! He's Captain America's best friend!"
I notice Emma smile at that and she rubs my leg happily.
"Mommy can I go say 'hi' to him?"
"Very quickly, I'm sure they have their own errands to run just like you and me buddy," the mom says blushing as the little boy toddles over to us, looking apologetic as the boy runs over.
"Mr. Wolf My name is Ryan, you're my favorite 'venger, Captain America too," he says smiling.
"Well hello there Ryan, it's nice to meet you. How old are you," I ask him.
Ryan holds up five cute little chubby fingers and I chuckle softly.
"Five!? Oh my goodness that's awesome! You better make sure to eat all your vegetables and do what your mommy says, that way you can be a superhero too some day."
"I will, I promise," Ryan shouts excitedly and he runs up and hugs me.
I look over and Sam is laughing quietly and Emma is in happy tears. Ryan's mom is looking at me apologetically as Ryan squeezes me with what strength he has. Ryan let's go of me as his mom stands up to leave.
"Come on Ryan," she says smiling and she mouths "thank you" to me as he takes her hand.
"Bye, Mr. Wolf," he says and waves as the two of them leave.
Sam can't contain himself any longer and busts out laughing.
"Mr. Wolf is forever now a nickname, oh god that was adorable!"
"Shut up," I grumble, bright red and embarrassed.
"Oh don't even start, that grumpy old man thing is officially only a façade," Sam says.
Emma hugs me happily as we are called into the doctor's office.
I get Emma up on the table next to the ultrasound equipment as the doctor comes in and Sam and I sit down. The doctor comes in, a friendly looking thin woman with dark hair and bright green eyes.
"Well hello there, Emma, my name is Dr. Nathan and I will be handling all of your OB/GYN appointments from now until delivery! I hear that this is your first baby," she says smiling warmly.
"Yes ma'am, this is my boyfriend Bucky and my brother Sam," Emma points to us and we wave sheepishly.
"Nice to meet you both! Now I just want to do a quick exam and make sure everything is going good down there and then I'll send the tech in to get you some pictures of your baby."
Emma nods blushing and gets situated on the table then the doctor does her exam on her. Sam and I sit there uncomfortably, trying to distract ourselves in conversation about literally anything else while Emma and the doctor do their thing.
"Everything seems to be progressing perfectly. Now because of your figure, I want to warn you that you might have a harder time with some cramping and pains as your body gets ready to be able to go into labor. So just watch out for that and get help when you need it for moving around."
Emma nods and thanks her as the tech comes in and gets Emma set so that we can see the baby. She gets out this little wand and clear stuff to rub on Emma's belly so that they are able to look into the womb. The three of us can't help but stare at the screen in awe as the ultrasound comes up on the screen and the baby is right there. I tear up and hold Emma's hand as we stare, lost in thought as we see it.
"Alright you two, it looks like everything is going good, it looks like we have a little boy here. Congratulations mommy and daddy," the tech says smiling and snaps the pictures of the baby, identifying how we know it's a boy.
"Holy shit, a son! I have a son, WE have a son," I say overjoyed and kiss Emma eagerly. She giggles happily as I cover her in kisses and Sam hugs her tight.
"I love all of you guys so much," Emma says quietly, just enjoying this moment with us, once again she is in tears which I hope are happy ones.
"I love you Emma, you're the best," Sam says and kisses the top of her head. Emma looks up at me and smiles.
"You still want to do this?"
"Of course I do, Emma! Will you stop trying to give me an out, I'm with you till the end of the line," I say and kiss her again as the tech comes back with the pictures of our boy. The nurse helps Emma get cleaned up and finished. Emma works out a date for the next appointment with the doctor before we leave and we get back in the truck. The three of us just sit there in silence for a moment and just smile like goons before we drive off headed to the mall.
"Are you sure you'll be okay for about an hour," I ask Emma as I help her out of the truck when I pull up to the entrance of the mall.
"Yes Buck, go figure out what you gotta figure out and I'll be waiting for you," Emma smiles sweetly. I kiss her cheek and I stop her from heading in.
"Here, take this please, ease my mind a little bit," I say and I slip my pocketknife into her jacket pocket, along with my credit card. Emma blushes and nods and hugs me and heads inside. Sam gets into the passenger seat and we head off to see Dr. Raynor.

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