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I smell food, and lots of it. I smile sleepily as I wake up, still wrapped in blankets from last night's festivities. I giggle happily and get up to get dressed. When I step outside I find Bucky making eggs and sausage and toast on the little camping grill.
The sky is still cloudy, and looks like it could rain any moment, but for right now, there is not a drop in the sky.
"That smells amazing," I say and kiss his cheek happily.
"I hope you're hungry, doll."
"Starved," I say and I sit in one of the camping chairs as he makes me a plate and brings it over. He leans over and kisses me, goes to pull away but I hold him by the neck and kiss him deeper. He moans his approval and smiles.
"Eat up beautiful, you're gonna need your strength today."
"What does that mean?"
"It means a hike before it starts raining again, we are supposed to have storms all afternoon, possibly the evening and I want to be back by then."
"Yes sir," I say absentmindedly as I start to eat hungrily. Bucky sits and eats with me, mapping out the hike for me so that I see the trail we are taking.
"Is this like an actual trail or something that you've been working on," I ask curiously.
"Something I've been working on. I would like to get it cleared some for a trail to be there since I have been thinking about building here," he smiles as he shows me the map of the property.
"That would be incredible," I smile. Bucky kisses my forehead gently with a smile. He looks like a new man somehow, like he's happier.
We get cleaned up and packed up and head out. Bucky takes my hand as we hike up a pretty trail through the woods, pointing out things that he's discovered since coming here, and things that he'd like to do with the property some day.
We get to a steeper part of the hike that leads up to an embankment above where the campsite is. Once we get up there, I can see the whole area and how secluded it is, but not isolating. It feels safe here, like it belongs just to Bucky and his little universe.
Bucky decides to hang out on the embankment for awhile as we watch the storm clouds roll in slowly. We have lunch there and just enjoy the sounds of nature surround us, almost like we are letting everything take away our stress and fear.
It's about an hour before I realized I dozed off and Bucky is waking me up.
"Come on doll, we need to get back."
"Okay Bucky, I'm sorry," I say as he helps me up.
"No you're all good, doll. It was relaxing and I slept some too," he smiles and takes my hand after we gather our things back up.
We hurry back down to the campsite, making it back just as the rain hits, thunder rolling in loudly as we are getting our stuff put away in the corner of the tent. Once we are done, I notice Bucky staring at me with a slight smirk.
"What should we do now," Bucky asks with a soft smile as he takes off his shirt and boots to get comfortable.
"Stay like that and get comfy in bed, I have something for you," I blush as I stare at him. He nods smirking and does as I say.
I hurry and find the little bag Hope gave me and get changed into the outfit inside. I pull out the final item that I need to go with it, not putting it on yet though.
I bite my lip nervously and breathe out a deep breath as I step into the bed area of the tent. I have no idea why I'm so fucking nervous about him seeing me like this, maybe it's the cheese of it all, but I want him to like it so badly.
Bucky is laying there in our bed area with his arms up and rested behind his head and his legs crossed, but he shoots to sit up when he sees me.
Bucky is almost drooling as his eyes rake over the pin-up, Army inspired high-waisted hot pants and the matching bra, and just as his eyes meet mine, I pull Bucky's old Army cover from behind my back and place it on my head a little askew. I made sure to have my dog tags on too to add to the role play a little more.
"Holy shit, there would have been no need for a draft if all us men had been promised one of you," he says blushing. I giggle and I walk over to him and straddle his legs.
"What do you think, Sergeant Barnes?"
"I think you're gonna get me in trouble, Lieutenant Wallace," he smirks and kisses me deeply, getting into the role play a little himself. "What if our CO walks in on us?"
"We can just tell him we were doing physical training," I say sensually and kiss him back.
"Yes ma'am," he groans and wraps his arms around me tight, making me feel how hard he is in his jeans. I press my hands against his chest as we start to make out eagerly.
"I guess we will have to make the most of the night huh? We don't know what's going to happen tomorrow," Bucky groans between kisses, starting to bite and kiss his way down my neck desperately. I like that he is really getting into the role play and fun, maybe this is something that he really needed that he didn't get before he left.
"Oohhhh yes Sergeant, I'm all yours."
Bucky growls eagerly and suddenly I'm under him on my hands and knees as he is unbuckling his belt and jeans. I look back at him and bite my lip as he starts pulling my shorts down and rubbing my already wet core. I moan out his name when I feel him against me then both of his hands move down the front of me as he lifts me so that my back is against his chest. I feel him reach down between my legs from the front and he inserts to fingers into my center slowly.
I gasp out when I feel him start to curl his fingers inside me, finding that spot that only he can find and moving around inside me. I beg for more as I reach behind me and stroke his hard on. He groans loudly and he starts to pump his fingers in and out of me and plays with my clit as I start to jerk him off.
"Ohhh fuck, yes Emma don't stop," he begs as we start to move together, grinding a little as we play with one another.
"James, I'm gonna come," I whimper as I keep jerking him off, feeling him throb hard in my hand.
"Yes baby come for me," he groans and bites my neck. I am suddenly undone when he hits that spot inside me just right and I come hard, actually exploding more like it, making a mess under me and all over Bucky's hand. Bucky groans my name against my neck as he starts coming all over my hand and back, squeezing us tight to one another.
"Oh my god, I've never done that before," I moan shaking hard, almost convulsing in his arms as I ride my high. I read about squirting once but I had never had it happen to me before.
"I don't know what that was...but it was fucking hot seeing you lose all control of yourself," Bucky growls and kisses my neck and shoulder eagerly.
"Do you want to keep going," I ask moaning, feeling Bucky already hard again as he lays be back down and lays over me.
"Yes baby," he groans and slowly enters me from behind, laying us slightly on our sides. I moan out his name in pleasure as he goes in as far as he can. I feel his metal hand on my neck, holding me against him tight as he kisses and bites my neck, thrusting into me. I moan out with each thrust he gives me, sending me to arch my back eagerly. Bucky picks up his pace and goes into me a little harder, his almost primal growls ringing in my ears.
After several minutes of the pace and ferocity speeding up and deepening, Bucky pulls me in really tight to him, his hand pushed into my bra. His leg wraps around me hard as he yells my name and comes hard in side me. I feel like he is filling me up as he does, but that is almost counteracted by my own orgasm, feeling like I emptied every ounce of liquid in my body.
"Oh Bucky," I whimper out weakly, feeling my weak legs from my waist to my toes. There is not another peep out of Bucky for the rest of the day and night, as he is already passed out, still inside me. I cover us up and let him sleep, feeling safe and secure with him.

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