Fishy Reunion

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"They are on their way," Kate says anxiously. She does not even fully understand who this guy is or what is going on, but she knows the energy around her and she does not like it. Everyone is on edge and Sam won't stop pacing around Hope and the baby, making her super nervous.
"Are we sure he can't get out of that room," Scott asks.
"Yeah, we took a note on re-enforcing them during the Accords conflict...and when Bucky was still unstable," Hill says quietly, staring at her tablet, trying to find anything that can give them some sort of leg up on the situation at hand.
"What if there's nothing wrong with him? Maybe he just walked through a portal and decided to come and see us?"
"At the same time that the anomalies popped up in almost the same spots we have hit bases at in Russia? I don't think so," Sam snaps, overwhelmed by the whole issue that has been going on since Emma and Bucky left. The sooner they get here the better.
"Sorry, I'm just tossing hypotheticals out," Scott says, putting his hands up to avoid conflict. He hasn't been able to wrap his head around this situation either, and the only thing he can think of that might be contributing to this is the quantum realm, but the time machine was fully destroyed a long time ago.
"Go over what he told you Yelena, one more time," Bruce says.
"He said that he and Peggy were out for a walk and all of a sudden there was a bright light and he was in the middle of a field in upstate New York. He hitchhiked all the way to the city and then got a car to drive here. He said that the only people he thought could help would be us, since he was not even sure what happened. Then he just kept demanding to see Barnes," Yelena says exasperated, having repeated the same story several times since Clint left. Everyone is tired and in need of a shower at this point, and the longer it takes for Emma and Bucky to get back, the more on edge everyone gets.
"Why doesn't everyone go and get cleaned up and meet back here in a few hours. There's nothing more we can do right now but wait," Hill says and starts kicking people out of the conference room. She picked up a sleeping James from Hope and hands him to Sam.
"She needs a break Sam, watch your godson."
Sam holds him carefully and just watches him sleep, hoping to god that everything will turn out alright for everyone. He does not want to have to do what Emma asked him to do if shit hits the fan. Please you guys just haul ass home, Sam thinks to himself.
Sam's phone goes off and Bucky sent him a text saying that Sharon called Emma and warned her about the issue that they are facing. Same glares at the text and decides to call Torres.
"Hey man, when was the last time that you heard from Sharon?"
*"I don't know, why?"*
"She's knows about the anomalies and the guest that just arrived here at the compound. I want to know how the shit she found out. Can you do some research for me?"
*"I'm on it man. I'll let you know if I find anything."*
"Thanks," Sam says and hangs up and rocks James gently. One thing after another lately.

The inside of my lip hurts, but my nerves are so shot I can't help but chew away at the skin inside. Bucky is up talking to Clint and all I can do is just sit there and simmer in my thoughts about what this mysterious Sharon said.
Bucky said she is a woman that he and Sam came across awhile back on a huge case that involved John Walker and a group called the Flagsmashers, and previously during the Accords conflict.
Bucky doesn't trust her, and neither does anyone else it seems.
I block her number and give Bucky my phone, not wanting to sit there and stare at it constantly, waiting for the other shoe to drop. Bucky is on edge and I don't know what to do to help him, considering I'm in the same boat as he is. I just want James back in my arms.
I cry quietly as I wait for us to land and I get to hold our son in my arms again. I am definitely going to be salty about this whole issue until it gets done. No honeymoon, my husband distressed, and there's nothing we can really do but to play the waiting game. I watch Bucky pace the length of the jet, he looks like his mind is racing hard.
"What Emma," he asks absentmindedly.
"I don't know what's going on in your head, but we will figure this out, we always do. As scared and angry as I am about what has gone on, we just have to play this out by ear."
"I know, I just...I don't get it. Any of it," he says and sits down next to me. He looks like he wants to punch and/or cry and I feel bad that I don't know what to do or say to help him. All I can do right now is take his hand and hold it and stand by his side like I promised.
"It'll be okay Buck, I promise," I say and squeeze his hand tight.
"I love you Emma, I'm sorry for everything."
"I love you Bucky, I'm sorry too."
We eventually just sit back and try to get some sleep on the jet so that we can handle what is going on back home as best as we can. This shit show is going to be a lot.

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