New Sensations

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I am so glad that James has finally begun to regulate sleep and self soothe. I have finally been able to get some real sleep again and have even begun to get back in the groove of working. I've been able to burn off the baby weight pretty quickly, thank you super soldier serum, and I am excited to try being a mama and being a superhero at the same time. But first, Bucky.
My anger has ebbed over the last few days and I understand why he did not tell me right away about Ben Rafferty. Honestly I'm grateful now because I do not think that I would have been able to handle it a month and a half ago. I feel terrible for yelling at Bucky the I did, and the team. And I especially feel badly for slapping him, that was never something I should have done.
I sit up in bed, as best as I can anyway since Bucky fell asleep literally on me, and I grab my phone. I blink nervously when I see there is a reminder that pops up: Bucky's Birthday Today. Oh's March 10th.
I look down at Bucky and I do the best that I can to wiggle out of his arms without waking him up. I finally get free and I get showered and into jeans and a shirt, then tie my hair up in a messy bun and get my glasses. I look around for the special wrap that Laura got me and I get James. I feed and burp and change him, then get him wrapped up and attached to me before making my way downstairs.
When I hit the ground floor, I see everyone in the conference room and I go in.
"Emma! Hey, uhh, how are you," Scott asks concerned.
"I'm fine you guys, I'm great actually."
"You and Bucky okay," Hope asks.
"Yes, in fact...I need your guy's help. Today is his birthday and I can't leave the compound for Bucky's sanity. Can you guys help me?"
"What do you need us to do," Sam smiles.
"Would you be willing to work the grill? I wanna do like a gyro cook-out for him, lots of booze, and just relaxing."
"You got it Emma," everyone says together and they hop up to help get things ready. I love my new family.
Hope, Scott, and Sam go out grocery shopping for all the stuff we will need for a gyro cook-out and for the alcohol, which I honestly am glad I will get to have again.
Kate, Yelena, and Cassie work on some modest décor in black and red balloons and streamers. I get Bucky's birthday present all wrapped and ready to go, so glad that Shuri was able to come through for me on the special request I made awhile back. The other present has to wait for later tonight.
It is about noon by the time Bucky wakes up, and we are already getting everything together that we need for him. Bucky comes downstairs in jeans and a black T-shirt, looking freshly showered and much more rested.
"Well hello there, sunshine," I smile sweetly, in the middle of feeding James in the living room.
"Hey, where have you been," he asks as he kisses my cheek and rubs James' head softly.
"Just down here hanging out, how are you feeling?"
"Much better, are um...are we okay?"
"Yeah Buck we are good. Hey can you come outside with me," I ask as I finish burping James.
"Uh sure?"
I smile and get James laid down in his playpen before I take Bucky's hand and lead him outside to the back porch area.
"What's that smell, it's making my mouth water," he says as we come around a corner.
The whole team yells out as they see us and I see Bucky smile for the first time in a month and a half. He sees the gyro bar we set up and all the drinks and the decorations.
"This is awesome, you guys. Thank you so much," he smiles and goes around shaking hands or hugging people. He turns to me and wraps his arms around me tight as he kisses me gratefully.
"I don't deserve you Emma."
"Bucky you deserve whatever you want. I'm here to try to give that to you. Happy birthday baby."
"Hey quit with the sappy and get with the happy," Scott hollers and brings us drinks. I giggle with Bucky and we start to party.
Bucky eats so many gyros you'd think he was starving but he's just so damn happy. We all drink and talk and finally have some time to relax together and bond after how crazy we have all been running around.
After awhile I get up to check on James, who is still asleep and change his diaper real quick and lay him back down. I grab Bucky's gift and take it out to him outside.
"Alright birthday boy, this came from Wakanda on special order just for you," I smile softly and set the box at his feet.
"Emma what is this? You didn't have to get me anything."
"Well I did, so I hope you like it."
Bucky smiles and tears off the paper to find a metal box inside. He unclips it and opens it, finding a new arm inside. It is all black and silver vibranium, but the circuitry is different and has a much desired new feature to it. I even had a new star added to it in a navy blue color with white lining on it to go with his newer uniform.
"Emma what did you do?"
"Shuri and I have been working on this for awhile for you. It was a lot of trial and error, but she was able to to get the neural and nervous system connections done right. Once you are locked in, you'll have an instant effect to it. These connections here work with your nerve endings, that way—"
"I could feel with the vibranium?"
"Yes baby," I say smiling.
"What if I need to stop a bullet or do some hardcore stuff with it? I'll be bent over in pain."
"Nope, because Shuri added this little remote for it that clips into your uniform. You're the only one that can push the buttons with your thumbprint so that you can't accidentally turn the sensors on when you're working. Or have anyone use it against you."
"Oh Emma...I don't know what to say."
"You want to put it on?"
"Yes please," he says smiling and I unlock his arm carefully then lock the new one in place. He throws his arm around in a circle to fully lock it in and calibrate it with the mechanisms, making me swoon a little. I hand him the remote and he pushes the sensors on.
The first thing he does is grab my face which sends heat all through my cheeks.
"Oh my god, I can feel you. I can fucking feel you blushing and the heat in your face," he says happily and kisses me hard over and over. He runs his fingers through my hair and then runs inside to James. I giggle as we follow him in and he picks James up carefully, just relishing in the fact that he can now feel his son with both hands. He is in tears as he just watches the baby sleep and holds him.
"Bucky, are you okay?"
"I'm fucking amazing," he says with a happy sigh. I kiss him again and everyone watches him happily. We all spend the next few hours just relaxing in the living room, talking, watching movies and playing with James. Bucky tickles him at one point and James let's out the cutest little giggle I've ever heard and it sends Bucky into a laughing fit, both my boys with that little crinkle in their nose as they laugh. They make Kate and Cassie laugh uncontrollably, and Scott and Hope join in. Clint, Sam, and Yelena just chuckle and shake their heads and I am too focused on my boys happiness to laugh, I just watch them.
After dinner, we all decide to call it a night and everyone wishes Bucky a happy birthday again. We go up to our suite and I feed James and change him real quick then put him to bed. When I'm done, I find Bucky in our room changing into sweatpants, his shirt still on. I smile and wrap my arms around his waist from behind.
"I love you Bucky."
"I love you Emma, thank you for today. It was perfect."
"Anything for you, Sergeant," I smile. "Why don't you relax, I'm gonna change real quick okay?"
"Wait, one thing," he says with a smirk.
Bucky turns to face me and he reaches behind me and gropes my ass hard and eager with both hands, making me press against him. I moan eagerly and Bucky growls in my ear.
"God, that feels so good to do again, and feel it with both hands," he smiles.
I giggle and kiss him deeply before I wriggle out of his grip and disappear into the bathroom.
I brush out my hair and do my make up just a tiny bit, lightly spritz myself with some scented body glitter and get on Bucky's birthday present. I open the bathroom door to see Bucky reading in bed, his arm back and propping up his head as he leans against the headboard. I smile and watch him quietly, posed against the bathroom door frame in a sexy light gray lace slip-like top with matching panties. I'm only there for a minute before Bucky looks up then does a double take.
"Oh wow Emma," he says breathing out quickly, like I knocked the wind out of him.
"Do you like it?"
"I love it, come here so I can touch you," he says seductively. I giggle and walk over to his side of the bed.
"I created a monster with this new arm, didn't I?"
"Probably," he says and he moves is metal fingers along the strap of the dress, down to my breast slowly and down along my stomach. He stops right at the hem of the top and pulls me closer against him, making me straddle him on the bed. Bucky moves his hands greedily up my legs and to my ass then back around to my stomach under the top.
"Is it bad of me to say that I like these and this, and these a lot? Like obsessed with all of you. And I'm pleased with how big your breasts have gotten," Bucky groans as I feel his hard-on against my panties as he rubs my whole body.
I moan and bite my lip eagerly as he gets his hands full with my breasts. He looks up into my eyes as he pulls the top off of me and pulls me into him to where his face is on my chest and I am wrapped around him, still straddling his lap.
I hold his head and moan as he starts to suck and lick one of my nipples. I whimper eagerly as he does and before I can warn him, I feel my milk coming through. Bucky pulls off me with a slight smack of his lips.
"Did I just..?"
"Yeah baby I'm sorry, I forgot to warn you that can happen if you go too long."
"No I...I liked it. Can it again later?"
I look at him a little confused and wonder, there's nothing wrong with that I think.
"Yeah baby, I have enough pumped for James," I say and kiss him deeply. He smiles and he lays me down eagerly, my head towards the foot of the bed as we make out hard and eager. I feel him slip his fingers in the waistband of my panties and pull them down slowly before coming back up and kissing me again. He slips out of his sweatpants and situated himself between my legs, rubbing his tip at my entrance slowly and teasingly.
"Oh Bucky," I whimper out and each for him eagerly.
"Holy shit you feel so fucking good everywhere," Bucky says eagerly and keeps going.
He grabs me and kisses and bites all the way down my arm to my neck as he enters me a little roughly. The sensations of soft and rough send me closer already, butterflies in my stomach. I think Bucky feels the same thing because he lets out out a sexy groan and starts to thrust into me like it might be his last time. He boxes me in as he moves in and out of me slowly, letting every movement take us over. He can't keep his hands off me, wanting to feel anything and everything.
I bite my lip hard to try to keep from crying out too loudly, but that fails when Bucky pulls me up to his lap with him inside me still, hitting that super sensitive spot.
"Oohh fuck, Emma I love you so fucking much," he groans and moves us together as we get closer and closer to our climax.
"I love you Bucky," I cry, holding onto his neck and hair in pleasure. I gasp when I feel him start to play with my clit as he fucks me, sending me spiraling in ecstasy. My thighs squeeze him really tight as I clench around him and come hard and Bucky hits his high too.
"Ohhh FUCK, EMMA," he yells and I feel him empty himself into me and our foreheads come together as we breathe and ride it out together. We both are in tremors as if we were electrocuted, not able to settle down for several minutes. Bucky lays me down and covers us up in the bed, just holding me for dear life.
"Happy birthday Bucky, you doing okay?"
"No, Emma. I'm fucking scared," he says.
"I know...I am too Bucky. But we will all be okay, we will fight together and handle this together. As a family."
"I don't know what I would do if anything happened to you or James."
"Well you'll never have to find out, I promise."

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