Strike Hard

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For the next week, all of my dreams are of that night and the way that Bucky was dressed and how he looked at me all night.
Never have I before been looked at the way that Bucky did when he saw me all dressed up, or in that old car, or as we danced the night away. It felt like the whole world stopped for us and I already miss it. I can't help but share every bit of the night experience with Hope, just spilling every little moment of Bucky making me feel like the absolute most important person in the world.
"I've never had someone treat me like that before. It was sort of overwhelming at times," I say to her one afternoon.
"That's understandable, you haven't had a lot of true human contact when you were in your childhood. Those relationships made at those ages are important and you didn't have them. So it can be a little off-putting to get it as an adult," she says, reassuring me that everything I'm feeling is okay to feel.
"I want to do something special for him, but I might have to wait until after the next few missions."
"I'll help you come up with some ideas if you want," Hope says happily.
"Thank you, Hope," I smile and hug her.
During the day we prepare for the next mission, as we will officially be going in as a strike team on that supply line base, then just a few miles down the road is an actual mini-Hydra base we can take as well. I am getting antsy to go again, and this time I feel prepared and raring to go.
Finally Hill gets us sent out to the location we stopped at before but because we are a strike team with some of Hill's operatives, we only land a short distance away.
* "Ok everyone, remember your positions. 20 in perimeter guard, unknown inside but there are a lot of heart beats. Strike hard and don't let up until the whole base is taken. Stick to your partners and keep in contact at all times. This is the beginning of Hydra's end, let's make it a painful one,"* Clint says over comms as we are getting ready.
"He really knows of to hype up a team, wonder if he was listening to Steve for too long," Bucky smirks as Sam and I laugh at the cheesy lines.
Bucky helps me get my special magnet locked into my vest harness for my long axe so that I don't have to just carry it the whole time in my hands. I get my 1911s locked and loaded and find my hand axes to put in my thigh holsters. Bucky is studying me as I am getting ready to go.
"What's that look for Buck?"
"I'm just staring, I'm told I have a staring problem," he jokes and kisses my cheek. I smile happily and watch him walk away, most definitely checking out his ass in those work pants, which are fitting a little tight but not to restrict movement. It's almost like he can feel my eyes on him because without turning he says, "just because I have a staring problem doesn't mean you have to."
I blush dark red and I get back to business, biting my lip as I make sure my extra magazines are loaded. I finish locking in and tightening my vest harness and head over to Sam for him to take me back up to the sniper point I found on the recon mission.
"Alright Emma, I have the zip line locked in for you once you're done up there, that leads to our entry point. Take only the shots you can then join the ground team," Sam says and gets ready to grab the back of my harness. Bucky runs over and kisses me hard and squeezing my hand before running back over to the ground team. I blush and nod to Sam, letting him know I'm ready.
He grabs my harness and flies me up to the vantage point and makes sure I'm secure before flying back down.
* "Comms are live people. Let's get in, strike hard, and leave clear. Emma, clear us a path,"* Clint says.
"You got it."
I start taking out the guards that are stationed around one of the back entrances, as well as the tower guards and make sure that the alarm system is knocked out.
I forgot how satisfying it can be to see the bad guys drop seemingly out of nowhere as I am firing. Especially when you absolutely know they are a bad guy and you are saving the world one asshole at a time.
There are not a lot of guys stationed around the place, most of them will be inside getting the next shipment of supplies ready to go out to the bases that need them.
* "How's it going up there, WarMaiden,"* I hear Bucky ask over the earpiece.
"Good, I'm almost done, hang tight."
After taking out the rest of the guards around the supply base, I make sure no one else is going to ruin our entrance and I lock away my rifle.
"Okay guys, you're clear, I'm on my way. That back entrance is clear and there are no guards around the entire perimeter," I say and get locked into the zip line. The team expresses their acknowledgment in varying ways and I make my way down quickly and land on an embankment just above the entrance of the building.
I clip out and jump down to follow the team in, them just ahead of me. I take out a few of the henchmen on my way through that were trying to avoid detection, making sure to stay as stealth as I can until I reach the team.
I round a corner and find everyone in hand to hand fights with Hydra agents and what looks like some Gunrunners as I get in on the fights with Bucky. Scott and Hope are getting charges set up to blow the supplies. Rhodes, Sam, and Clint are outside taking care of any stragglers that run out of the building, and Kate and Yelena are gathering intel that can be used for the next mission as they fight too.
Bucky and I are able to move and fight together near seamlessly, messing up bad guy after bad guy as we clear out the supply base. It is almost like we have been fighting together for years. I grab one guy and grab his armor with the blades of my axes and yank him to the ground as Bucky fires a shot at him, ending him.
I see Bucky twirl his knife and go after another guy, who catches the wrong end of it and he tries to stab Bucky in the back. I take my long axe and am able to slice his arm through before the knife makes contact with Bucky.
Bucky and I end up back to back as we fight, using one another's weight and leverage and free hands to take down every guy that comes at us.
* "Alright guys, we have all the intel we could get from the database. Rhodes and Sam, are we clear to run out of here,"* Kate asks.
* "All locked up, anyone who is left in the base will be taken out by the blast,"* says Rhodes.
* "Guys, RedWing found something interesting, let's get the hell out of here,"* Sam says, sounding concerned.
Finally Scott gives us the all clear to get out of the building and we hightail it out of there as quickly as possible. Kate and Yelena are already on their way out as we make our way to the door and outside into the cold air.
As we get far enough away, the base goes off in a ball of fire and the loudest explosion I've ever heard. I cover my ears and hit the deck as the aftershock of the blast blows through the trees, feeling Bucky shield me and cover his ears too.
* "Great job, guys. Clear out of there and operatives will take over from here and will then empty the small Hydra base down the way. We will see you guys back soon,"* Hill says over the comms.
As we dust ourselves off, Hill's agents take over the mission and they go clean house through the supply base debris and another team heads out to the Hydra base.
"Wow that was moving so fast," I say breathing heavily, brushing my hair out of my face and laughing softly, full of adrenaline and unable to stand still. I feel like the blood all through my body is going at a breakneck speed and I don't know what to do with myself.
"You okay Emma," Scott asks with a weird look on his face, yet again holding some form of food item out to me from a zip lock baggie.
"I'm good, I'm just pumped with adrenaline still. I'm gonna try and run this out. I'll meet you guys back at the jet," I say taking off my weapons and I take off running, trying to get my adrenaline levels back down. Everyone else packs up and gets stuff on the jet as I take off, until I realize Bucky followed me. I stop in the middle of a dense part of the forest and he follows me, stopping right in front of where I stopped.
"What you doing Buck," I ask but instead of answering me, he picks me up and slams me against a tree, kissing me hard. I groan out my approval and I feel him undoing my pants as he holds me up, me unbuckling his belt and pants at the same time.
We are both frantic and eager, adrenaline flowing heavy through both of us. We make out hard and heavy as I feel Bucky pull himself out and push inside me hard. There is a clash of lips and teeth clicking as we are fucking hard and fast, our hearts racing hard form the adrenaline and rush of the moment.
"Oh fuck," I moan and hold onto him tight as he goes in and out hard, not making love, he's fucking me hard and I am loving it. I'm pretty sure that he is going to bruise me but I don't care, I just want him so badly. He kisses and bites my neck, leaving marks on my sweet spot as I grab his hair hard.
The rough and desperate movements quickly send us into euphoria as we both come hard, trying hard to stay quiet so we don't let the others know what's going on. Bucky has his metal arm over my mouth as I try not to scream out to the forest.
We stand there like that for a few minutes, breathing heavily and sweating, Bucky still inside of me with his forehead pressed against mine.
"Oh my god that was....fuck. Did I hurt you or was that too much at all," Bucky laughs softly into my neck as he holds me.
"I know and no baby you didn't, I promise," I moan as I kiss his head and the breathing goes back to normal.
"That was fucking hot," he groans, his voice ragged.
"You're an animal sometimes," I say and kiss him hard. Bucky smiles and growls in my ear before kissing and biting me wherever he can. I giggle and try to wiggle away from him but he holds me in place.
"You're so fucking hot, I was desperately trying not to stare at you while you were fighting," Bucky says smiling proudly.
"Was I turning you on Sergeant?"
"Yes. Just yes all the time," he smiles and kisses me again before setting me down and cleaning us up.
"Let's get our asses back to the jet," Bucky says and he slaps my ass with a nice little sting to it that makes me blush badly. We run back to the jet quickly and join the others on board.
"You two feel better," Sam asks, a look on his face like he knows something. I hope to god we weren't loud, I didn't think we were but his smug expression sort of tells me otherwise.
"Yes Sam, thank you," I smile and hug him before Bucky straps me into my seat. We stare at each other, the two of us knowing what we know and giggling like idiots as we get strapped in. We get comfortable for the long flight, we all just talking and getting to know one another some more, goofing off too.
After awhile, it is just Bucky and I awake, everyone else asleep and the jet is on autopilot so Sam and Clint can rest a bit.
"Hey Emma, would you want to take a trip with me to Alpine in a few weeks? Just to get away for the weekend and go camping?"
I smile happily and nod, "I'd love to, Bucky. I haven't been camping in a long time and I love Alpine."
"Great! It's a date," he smiles and kisses my cheek before he rests his hand on my thigh as we fall asleep.

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