Only One Way Through This

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It's July 13th. The wedding is tomorrow, and I am feeling so anxious that things are going to fall apart or there is going to be some massive blow out from Hydra or something. Hill insisted that her agents are handling things for us all while we get ready to have fun and get married.
Pepper called Bucky yesterday and was on the phone with him for awhile, but he won't tell me what it was about. Shuri was able to send me the item I needed from her though, thank goodness and it arrived this morning.
Hope and the other girls and I have been running around like crazy, the guys too in their own way. We will be taking two jets out to Alpine once everyone is ready, one for all the guys and guests, and the other for the girls and the rest of any guests that won't fit in the first or who are not able to drive out there. There is not an insane amount, which is good.
Bucky said Dr. Raynor was not able to make it but she sent her congratulations and a letter for the both of us to read at some point.
I'm in mine and Bucky's apartment sitting at the desk, working on the last few details for tomorrow when I feel a real and metal arm wrap around me. I smile and bite my lip happily.
"Any cold feet feelings," he asks and nibbles on my ear softly.
"Mmmm nope, all warmed up," I moan softly, my eyes closed as he nibbles. I feel him start to massage my shoulders slowly, moving to my neck then my scalp, feeling tension release off of me as I sink into my chair. I suddenly regret letting Bucky go out and have a bachelor party tonight.
"Do you want me to stay home," he asks softly.
"No baby, go out and have some fun, please," I smile and kiss his metal hand gently. There's a knock at the door and I hear Sam's voice.
"Hey Buck, come on. Grab James and let's get out of here," he hollers. I giggle and stand up smiling as Bucky goes to get the door.
I grab James and Bucky's backpack and the diaper bag as Sam comes in. I hand James over to Bucky and point a finger at my fiancée and brother.
"I swear to god if you guys are not at the jet on time with my husband and child completely intact, you will never hear the end of it and you'll all have a metal appendage, and it won't be your arms," I warn.
"Yes ma'am," Sam laughs and hugs me tight.
"Please keep them safe," I beg softly as he hugs me.
"I will Emma, I promise."
I kiss James' cheek then Bucky leans down and kisses me deeply.
"I love you Emma," he says dreamily.
"I love you Buck."
The guys leave and I hear all the men laughing and joking around as they leave the compound. I breathe out anxiously and Hope sees me in the hallway.
"Hey you okay?"
"I'm great, just feeling those nerves that my fiancée might not be there tomorrow."
"Are you kidding? That boy is head over heels in love with you. Plus he has your kid so he has to show up."
I laugh and hug her tight.
"Thank you so much for everything Hope. Tomorrow is going to be magical."
"Of course Emma, so what do you want to do tonight?"
"Honestly I am completely content with just hanging out, watching movies and drinking wine. I need some chill," I say.
"You got it girl," she says and skips off to make some calls. As I go back to my room to change, my phone goes off in the bedroom. I look at it and see Bucky has sent me a text:
-(B)hey just wanted to say I love you and can't wait for 2morrow 🖤
-I luv u 2 Bucky, u ok?
-(B)I'm great, just kind of wishing I could have stayed
-I wouldn't have let u, plz go have fun and keep our son out of trouble
-(B)no promises, feeling we have a ladies man for a son
-I don't doubt it lol, he takes after daddy.
the girls and I are going to have some wine and relax, I'll text you b4 I lay down, plz send me updates on James
-(B)I will doll, I love you
-I luv you Buck💛
I change into shorts and a T-shirt and Bucky's black hoodie before I head down with my phone in hand. The girls are breaking out the good wine and I laugh as Yelena shows up with what looks like every flavor of carton ice cream possible.
"They all looked delicious," she laughs and we start to dig into the ice cream and wine. Morgan watches as Pepper pours herself a glass and smiles.
"Mommy can I have some too?"
"Nope, these are for big girls over 21," Pepper laughs.
"Here Morgan honey, I picked up some fruit punch just for you tonight," Hope smiles and gets her a glass.
"Thank you," Morgan smiles.
"Emma were you able to look at that trinket you asked me to make," Shuri asks.
"Yes thank you, it's perfect. Bucky is really going to like it," I smile and hug her tight. I am feeling at ease and at home now, just enjoying my time with all the awesome people that I've met. All of these people are amazing to me and I couldn't imagine my life without them now.
We spend the next few hours just laughing and talking and getting drunk. Kate and Yelena end up getting way messed up and singing I Will Survive at top volume.
Cassie, Hope, and I talk about a cute guy that Cassie has a crush on at school and we give her advice on how to handle all that fun stuff.
Shuri and her mother tell us stories about T'Challa and Bucky during his time in Wakanda.
Pepper tells us all about Tony and being married, and the kind of dad that he was for Morgan.
Valkyrie tries to get everyone trashed on Asgardian liquor, but the only one with the guts to try it is Yelena, who somehow takes it like a champ.
Laura and the kids are roasting their dad while he isn't here, telling goofy stories about when Clint was on house arrest after the Accords issue. It was a really relaxing and fun, memorable night that I know will have been saved by hundreds of photos we were taking during the party. I get texts and pictures of James from Bucky throughout the night.
-any ladies I have to beat off with a stick?
-(B)only one, but I'm pretty sure she's not James' type, she kept pinching his cheeks and asking if he was having fun fishing with daddy
-cougar huh?
-(B)I don't think she classifies as cougar anymore...
-hahahaha!!! 😂🤣
-(B)we should be home in the next hour, no one has caught anything except Happy and Peter, pretty sure they are just webbing them up tho when we aren't looking
-lol ok baby, I luv u
-(B)I love you more
-(B)Forever and a day
-forever and a day sergeant
I smile and we all get the kitchen and living room cleaned up then decide to split and get some rest for the long day tomorrow.
"Hey Emma wait, I wanted to bring these for you as your blue and borrowed, instead of wearing your dog tags with your dress," Pepper says smiling and hands me a small box. I blush and open it and inside is a set of earring studs and a necklace that have a bright blue stone inset in them, looking like little tiny arc reactors.
"Oh Pepper, I couldn't," I say tearing up really quickly.
"Yes you can and you will, they are perfect for the theme and fits in with everyone who will be there," she says smiling. I hug her tight as I cry a little, something that I'm sure I'm going to be doing from now until the end of the honeymoon.
"And I have your something new," Laura says smiling as she comes over and hands me a box too. I open it and it's a beautifully crafted garter made of black and silver lace with a silk silver bow in the middle, and a red star-shaped jewel in the middle of the bow.
"That's for Bucky only to see though," she giggles and I hug her tight.
"Thank you guys so much, you have no idea how happy I am that you all are spending this with us."
"We will always be here, now quit crying and go get some rest," Laura teases and we split ways for the night. I decide to leave what I have on for bed, just wanting to keep Bucky close to me for the night in any way I can.
-I'm laying down now, plz be safe coming home
-(B)always doll, did you have fun?
-I did, u?
-(B)yes doll, just tired now, almost home. James is conked out
-maybe he'll sleep thru the crazy tonight lol
-(B)we can only dream lol
I smile and curl up in bed and start to fall asleep, just so happy and nervous for everything that will be going on tomorrow. In the middle of the night I hear Bucky and James come home and he puts him to bed, then slides under the covers with me, his arms wrapped around my waist.
"I love you Emma Barnes," he whispers softly in my ear.
"I love you James Buchanan Barnes," I mumble back sleepily. He snuggles into me more and we fall asleep.

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