Training Day

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For the first time in the longest time, there were no nightmares, only dreams of Alpine and Bucky and the overlook. I am scared of everything right now except for Bucky and Sam, and that sort of worries me, since I don't even fully remember why being at that warehouse hit me so hard.
Sam did say that he really wanted to talk to me about the warehouse and what happened. I know that he was able to figure out some things about that place and Rafferty, but if I'm being honest with myself, I don't want to touch it. But at some point I am going to have to, as much as I absolutely hate it.
At about 4am I give up on trying to go back to sleep and decide to work out. I throw on some leggings and workout bra and sneakers and head downstairs to the gym with my iPod.
I pop some really loud angry music on in my headphones, Mötley Crüe always, and start to work reps on every machine or area in the gym that I can, my mind constantly drifting to Bucky as I try to focus on my form and work out. This man might actually kill me if I'm not careful, because I'm going to lose all focus on everything except the way he made me feel last night. I know that going this quick into a sexual relationship can be trouble, but in the moment, it feels like the most perfect thing in the world.
It's about 7am by the time I realize I've been working my ass off here in the gym, hearing the guys start to get their own days going upstairs while I'm pushing my limits here.
I eventually get to the barbell weights and I set the plates for resistance and reps balance. As I do lifts and squats for about 15 minutes, my stamina starts to go and the reps get harder to do, I am sweating profusely and trying to keep myself going.
As I am finishing my last rep, my legs give out and I brace myself for the slam of the barbell on my chest or head as I hit the ground. The hit never comes though and I open my eyes to see that Bucky is standing over me, holding the barbell with his normal arm, having kept it from slamming onto me. There is a very angry look on his face as he stands over me.
Bucky racks the weights and kneels next to me as I sit up, handing me a towel and water.
"Distraction or punishment?"
"What," I ask confused.
"Are you distracted or punishing yourself, Emma," he asks sternly, clearly not happy with what I was doing and what just happened. It throws me off that he is angry but is still trying to take care of me at the same time.
"Probably both, Sergeant."
He sighs angrily, "don't do that. What would have happened if I hadn't come along and caught the bar? And don't punish yourself, you did nothing wrong."
"I couldn't stop my thoughts from racing and my new dreams about yesterday from filling my brain," I say blushing.
I see Bucky smile smugly at me all of the sudden.
"You were dreaming about me?"
"Maybe," I blush and look up at him through my eyelashes, realizing he is dressed for working out too. Bucky kisses my forehead softly. There's something different in his eyes today, almost like there's something he needs to get out but other things are on his mind.
"Are you too worn out to spar? One fight each," he asks as Sam comes into the gym too sporting workout clothes too.
"Sure let's do it. Good morning Birdbrain," I smile and get cleaned up a bit before I go over to the large empty area for sparing. I feel a metal arm grab my ass as he walks by, making me blush. His gesture is met by a smack to the back of the head by Sam.
"Knock it off, Barnes. Emma you and I will spar first, we haven't done this since before I got the wings."
"Let's do it, Birdbrain," I giggle and stretch.
Sam starts to circle me slowly as I stand there listening and watching him move.
"Wow, you really are a vulture," Bucky laughs at him as he watches from the sidelines. Sam shakes his head and he goes to to lunge at me, me tucking and rolling out of the way just in time. I charge him and am able to jump and kick him back on the mat, but he grabs my leg with him and slams me down. I push off him and backflip onto my feet before he gets up.
Sam and I charge each other and end up in hand-to-hand for a few moments, trading the upper hand back and forth. Eventually I am able to sweep his legs and pin him in a headlock on the mat.
"Ahh, okay Emma, I give!"
I release him smiling and smack his chest lightly as I help him up.
"Come on, old man," I say with a giggle. Sam takes my arm and gets up, holding his neck and rubbing it as he walks towards where Bucky is standing.
"Goddamn, you still fight like a Viking, Emma."
"I know, I hunt like one too."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Maybe I need to make you my shield-maiden instead," Sam says irritated.
"Ha! Not a chance, the Asgardians don't have or need those, only warriors," I smile.
"Good thing you're not Asgardian," he mumbles and sits on a bench.
"I may as well be, they helped shape a lot of who I am today," I smile happily and stretch out a little.
Bucky steps out onto the mat casually, watching me with a determined look in his eyes. I bite my lip as those steely-blue eyes follow me intently.
"Make your first move, Emma."
I raise an eyebrow and test the waters with a forward punch, which he dodges quickly. I decide to try full force, hoping to use my agility over his speed, but I barely touch him with any punch and his knocks me off my feet. I jump back up and run up to him, flipping up and getting my legs wrapped around his neck.
Bucky fights hard to get me off of him but I just tighten my legs and lock them. He drops to his knees as I do and I slam us both down onto the mat, using my leverage to pin him and sit on his back.
I bend down and his cheek, but he grabs me and slams me down, pinning me instead, his hands on my shoulders. I gasp out and breathe heavily but smile up at him.
"Wow that serum sure is something," I giggle and he helps me up.
"You okay?"
"I'm great, I guess I was more tired than I thought, I though I had you down on your knees there for a minute."
"You did, doll, but you left yourself open when you got your lips stuck to my cheek," Bucky says smirking.
I giggle and kiss his cheek again. As he wipes my face and his with a towel he is smiling happily.
"What do you guys say, firing range next," Bucky asks.
"I'm game, let me go grab some stuff," I say.
"Your guns and axes are on your bed, Emma. I was able to get them back from the warehouse," Sam says as I leave. I feel something tighten in my chest as the mission flashes in and out of my mind.
I slow down and breathe as Sam mentions the warehouse but I just push through it and grab my 1911, my axes, and I get my sniper rifle out of its case.
As I come back down the stairs, the guys come out of the gym and go to head outside but see me with my stuff. Bucky smiles when he sees what I'm carrying, possibly a little lit up inside when he sees I'm probably as much of a gun nut as he is.
"Oh shit, she brought out the big guns," Sam says.
"Is that a M40A5," Bucky smiles like he's proud and turned on by what he sees and I blush. I think guys get thrown a curveball when they see the kind of stuff that I carry and use, but I like having the upper hand on most guys, and now especially Bucky and Sam.
"It's not that big, boys. And yes, 7.62mm, my pride and joy, I call it Castle."
"Emma special requested that thing from the USMC because she liked the way it felt in her hands more than the M24 SWS the Army tried to hand her. She handles and cares for that thing better than most men handle their dicks," Sam says and heads out to the range.
Bucky smiles proudly as I walk towards him, watching my every step.
"You got some drool there, Sergeant," I smirk, motioning to the corner of his perfect lips.
"You are incredible, you know that? And why do you call it Castle?"
"Oh, there's this guy I met a long time ago named Frank Castle that I got to know, kind of a badass and named my rifle for me," I laugh softly and pat his shoulder as I giggle and head outside too, feeling his eyes on my backside as I go. Why is he able to make me feel so badass and sexy? I'm just going to train and he's staring at me and I'm showing off, I think to myself. Why am I showing off? I just met this fucking guy and he's folding me like a goddamn cheap lounge chair that rotted in the hot sun.
The three of us get our gear set up outside at the range and start running drills.
As I am working through targets in standing, kneeling, and prone positions, I notice the guys getting distracted by my pace. I try to ignore them and switch to my 1911, running clearing drills and combining with my axe throwing to work my precision in close quarters. I'm so showing off again, I think to myself. But I can use the practice after yesterday, I feel so rusty. I don't feel like getting my ass locked again by anyone, especially some shitty weapons dealers.
After about an hour, Sam calls it quits so he can run some errands.
"Emma, Bucky, try not to kill each other," he hollers as he leaves. I giggle and start clearing up my gear and unloading my sniper rifle.
"You're making me look bad, doll."
I look up and see Bucky pulling all my target pages down and holding them up to see where my shots landed. Only a few of my shots were off, most of them ending up in center mass.
"Oh really? Because some of those tell me I need to adjust my sights, Sergeant."
"Emma the drills you were running are drills you run in active combat but upped to 11. And this morning you were up before all of us in the gym. Why do you push yourself so hard?"
I hadn't really thought about any of this in any long thought before, but now that Bucky says it, I really do train and fight like I've got something to prove. And in a lot of ways, I did and do. There is so much that I need to show, to myself and others that I subconsciously am fighting off all the time. I got to prove to myself and others that I am more than my past, that I'm not just some girl, and that I'm not weak. It takes a lot of practice, but for the most part I think I get by. A lot of people I've worked with and been in squads with have not known how to handle me or how to keep up to some degree.
"Well...I'm just me, so I have to be better," I say with a shrug.
Bucky hops back over the range tables and sits on it in front of me, "what are you talking about 'just you'?"
I chew on the inside of my lip before I answer.
"Bucky, I'm five foot, two inches, not the skinniest person in the world. I came from a drug dealer family and I'm a woman. I am small and angry and vulnerable and fierce all at the same time, but yet I am still looked down on. I work hard every day to show that I'm not just my past or my physical being. Or that I'm just some woman that is going to bitch and complain about stupid bullshit."
Bucky looks down and shakes his head, seemingly thinking about what I said. He hops off the table and stands in front of me, kissing me softly.
"You have nothing to prove, Emma. You've trained with gods and soldiers and warriors, and time and again have shown what a goddamn pistol you are. You don't have to push yourself like you're punishing yourself for being you. Make improvements because you want to, not because you have to. It's okay to be vulnerable sometimes, especially with what you've been through. And you balance it all better than most. I'm going to say the same thing to you that I told Sam, the first mission was a fluke and you were caught unprepared. It's okay, it happens sometimes when you don't have all your memories. Believe me when I say that I'm still figuring my own shit out, and some days are going to be bad, but it also takes time. At least you don't have 70 plus years to figure out," Bucky says with a soft chuckle.
I tear up a little at that and I smile, feeling a weight lifting off my chest as I take in Bucky's words. He's too good to me, I think to myself.
"Thank you, Bucky, that means a lot to me," I smile and kiss his cheek. I check my watch and Bucky sees the time too.
"Damn, 10am already? How about a cooldown and a breakfast shake then a shower," Bucky smiles softly, holding my hips.
"Lead the way, Sergeant," I giggle softly. Bucky gathers his things and I grab mine and take it all inside. I lock my stuff away as we stretch out with cooldown exercises and then Bucky starts pulling stuff out for protein shakes. Once I'm done I watch him happily, chewing on the inside of my lip absentmindedly.
"Penny for your thoughts, doll?"
"You're cute."
Bucky laughs, a sound that makes my heart skip badly. He has no idea what he does to me, the only guy that has ever made my chest hurt and my knees weak.
"So I'm cute, huh," he asks as he stops what he's doing and comes around to where I'm sitting. There's a playful and lustful look in his eyes as he towers over me, even with me in the barstool.
"Definitely," I smile and bite my lip and wince when I remember that there's a nasty split in it. Bucky looks at me warmly with a bit of concern in his eyes as he holds my face with one hand.
"That swelling is going down on your eye and lip, does that hurt?"
"A little, but I haven't really had the chance to focus on it," I giggle and rub his sides softly. Bucky leans down and plants the softest kiss on my blackened eye, making the butterflies in my stomach all the worse. Who knew the Winter Soldier could be so soft, it feels so safe. And the way he looks at me is so different from the usual looks I get.
"I need a shower," I whisper softly, suddenly feeling super gross and self conscious as I sit here. Bucky chuckles softly and kisses my cheek, his five o'clock shadow lightly brushing on me and tickles me. Bucky steps back and finishes making our shakes and we talk as we finish them.
"I hope the team likes me. Sam said a few of them can be...selective," I say nervous and chew on my lip.
"It'll be great. And if anyone says otherwise they will need to answer to me," Bucky winks. This makes my cheeks heat up.
"Anyone I need to watch out for?"
"As of right now probably Kate and Yelena. Kate is young and Yelena is an ex-Black Widow. She's Russian and hates just about everyone. Scott is annoying and a pain in my ass, but Hope balances him out. Bruce has been gone for awhile for some research of some kind, and Clint is like the dad of the group. Rhodes kind of keeps to himself, but he's nice enough, reminds me of Tony. The Guardians don't really come around a whole lot since they have a whole galaxy to look over, and Strange is...strange. Every once in a great while we have a kid named Peter come by and help on some missions, but he's on his way to college we think, so we aren't sure how often he will be around."
"What about...what's her name...Scarlet Witch?"
"Honestly, I have no idea, none of us have heard from her much. Strange has been keeping tabs but for the most part we leave her alone after what happened to Vision," Bucky says, looking a little somber.
"Well I am still excited to meet everyone, I just hope I'll be able to keep up with all of you," I say smiling.
"Oh of that I have no doubts, warrior," Bucky smiles and kisses my forehead.
"Okay, I for real need to shower now," I giggle and kiss Bucky's cheek before hopping off my stool and running upstairs, hoping that the bounce in my step gets his attention.
I get into my room and undress and start the shower and some music. I get cleaned up and all fresh then wax all over, all the while singing and dancing a bit to the music. I feel happier than I have in a long time, thinking about back when I met Sam and we were working together.
Sam really took me under his wing and made me feel like I finally had a family of some kind. I got to meet his family during a leave one time and I fell in love with all of them, and I'm feeling the same way with Bucky I realize. I'll have to call Sarah and gab with her a little bit. I know she has spent some time with Bucky and she might be able to give me some insight into him.
My mind drifts over to the darker things that I have been trying to leave behind me. The mission the other night was just a fluke, like Bucky said. None of us anticipated it and I am glad that he still wants to work with me after everything that happened. Rafferty really caught me off guard and I know that Sam is going to want to talk, honestly I know I have been avoiding it. I need to address it, but I desperately do not want to.
Bucky has been seemed a little more comfortable with me though. And he seems much bolder after what happened between us last night...I really like it. I keep thinking about the events of the last few days and smile happily as I get changed.
I brush my teeth and hair out as I blow dry it, getting into a matching bra and panty set, realizing it has comic book art all over it and I laugh at myself. I pull on some denim shorts and a v-neck shirt that I tie to show my belly button, and a gray, oversized hoodie that I wear to be comfy. I do light eye makeup and curl my hair a bit to fluff it out.
Once I'm done I grab my phone and head back downstairs, seeing Bucky sitting at the counter, all freshly showered and changed too in jeans and a long sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows, it's a navy blue Henley. His hair is a little messy and wet still. Even with him sitting there so perfect, my mind wanders to the events of the mission, wondering how that man ended up still being in the warehouse after all these years.
"Hey, Bucky."
He turns and looks at me and smiles, "feel better, doll?"
"What's wrong?"
"What's going on with the Gunrunners and that man? Are they being handled?"
He frowns softly, looking worried at my question.
"They are all in custody and are going to be going away for a long time. Even Rafferty, who is a real piece of work by the way."
"Yeah, I know," I say, lost in thought as I come over to the counter and lean on it.
"You want to talk to him, don't you?"
"Maybe, no...yes. I don't know. I don't know what kind of answers I expect out of him since I don't remember all of it. But I feel like he's connected to something bigger than this little rinky-dink weapons movement in New York."
"What do you mean?"
My memory flashes to all of the times I was seeing Rafferty's tattoos, trying to understand what they meant. One of them caught my eye and I feel like I might have seen it somewhere.
"Buck, is there a way to have someone send us information and documentation on tattoos of prisoners?"
"I think Sam said there is a database for that sort of thing, not sure what that means."
"I think I want to have Rafferty's tattoos documented and run through the database. There might be something that leads us to other syndicates or something higher."
"We can run it by Sam and see what he thinks."
"Good idea, there is this one tattoo that I saw on his arm while he grabbed me, and it honestly made me think back to when he had me captive as a kid," I say, glad that he agrees with me. I want to better know this man and take down anyone he might be affiliated with, and he sure as hell is not going to talk, based on how things went.
"What else are you thinking," Bucky asks curiously.
"I'm thinking I can't keep avoiding the subject with Sam forever. He wants to talk to me about the warehouse."
"And you're not ready."
"No, but if we are going to get through this and stop them, then we gotta talk about it."
"We will, just don't let him push you too hard. Sam can be pushy sometimes," Bucky laughs.
"This I know," I laugh softly and smile up at him. I go quiet, thinking more about what else I might have remembered from the warehouse.
I must have been standing there lost in thought for awhile because Bucky is tugging on my hoodie to get my attention.
"What's on your mind, doll?"
"I'm sorry, I spaced out a little, I do that sometimes."
Bucky smiles and pulls me to him by my hoodie, placing me between his knees as he sits in the stool. He stares at me softly, almost like he is taking me all into memory.
"We are going to be meeting up with some of our friends tomorrow for the start of a mission, if you're up for it," he says.
"Friends? As in superhero friends," I ask eagerly. He smiles at my excitement and nods.
"We are going to be working with them for awhile and will be going to the compound in the city, we will be having to stay there so we aren't having to travel back and forth. As I am saying this I remember that you have already been briefed on this part of it," Bucky says and shakes his head.
"That's fine with me," I say and move my fingertips over the vibranium plates on Bucky's arm. My mind races with what is going on between us, hoping that this isn't just going to be a mistake on either part. As I stand there playing with his arm, Bucky senses what's going on in my head and kisses my forehead.
"Emma, I really like you. I want you to know that I don't do 'flings.' I just haven't been in a real relationship in a long time so I might be out of practice on some things."
I giggle softly and kiss him, "don't worry Buck, I'm rusty too. I really like you too though."
Bucky pulls me in closer and kisses me slowly and deeply, taking his time as each kiss pulls us further into one another. His hands travel down my sides to my hips, then to my ass. He squeezes firmly as he sucks on my lip, almost like it's a possessive thing, but I don't mind it one bit.
"I like this," he grins happily.
"You don't think I'm too big..?"
Bucky's eyebrows fly up, wrinkles forming on his forehead, "Emma, you're just built differently. You're still fit and healthy and badass. No one can help how their chest is growing naturally, and your thighs and ass are...really strong and firm. Having them wrapped around my neck was a little terrifying, but in a good way," he says, almost like he's trying not to drool, which makes me giggle.
"Well I liked having you between them," I say as I bite my lip.
Bucky gets a mischievous grin on his face as he picks me up and sets me on the counter in front of him. He grabs my face and kisses me hard and eager, our tongues clashing eagerly as we make out. I feel Bucky's hands grip my thighs hard as he bites and kisses my neck roughly, sending goosebumps all over my body and a cry of pleasure from my throat.
"Bucky," I moan breathlessly.
"Yes, doll," he asks as he keeps going.
"I umm...I really fucking like the intensity and roughness you're using," I moan out, feeling instantly worried that he will think I'm a freak, especially with my background events. He stops what he's doing and looks at me curiously.
"So would you like it if I did this," he asks as he places his hand on my neck as he teases the front of my shorts with the other. I'm soaked through and he knows it, my breath hitching hard as I let another moan escape.
"I do like it, sir."
Bucky's face changes to one of intensity, and a little bit dark but not scary, more like lustful. He picks me up off the counter and puts me over his shoulder, slapping my ass as he takes me upstairs. I can't help but grab his ass as he holds me like that and I hear him chuckle softly to himself as I do.
I giggle happily and eagerly as we get to his door and go inside. I look around as Bucky carries me, seeing how comfortable and lived in it feels. I can't help but notice a makeshift cot on the floor in the far end of the living room as he takes me into the bedroom and tosses me on the barely used bed.
As I land, the smell of his cologne fills the air and gives me a head rush of adrenaline.
I sit up on the bed, and Bucky pulls off his shirt and his dog tags hang from his neck, making a soft metallic sound as they are jostled. He grabs me by my ankles and pulls me to the edge of the bed and he kneels in front of me, pulling my shorts off of me to reveal my super nerdy panties. I blush and pull my legs together embarrassed. He looks at me sternly and pushes my thighs apart again, kissing the insides of my thighs eagerly, his tongue leaving trails of saliva on my skin as he does, cooling my heated skin. I feel the beard on his chin brush against my thighs and it makes me even wetter.
"Bucky," I moan out softly and bite my lip, leaning my head back in pleasure as he slowly and wetly licks the front of my already soaked panties. How is he doing this to me so easily, I'm putty in his hands.
"Mmmm Emma your moans are so sweet," Bucky groans softly against me, looking up at me as he moves my panties to the side and kicking softly, teasing me.
I gasp out harshly as he does and I cry out as the teasing sends me closer to my high already.
"Please don't tease me, sir," I beg, being a little louder and whinier than I meant to. I hear Bucky chuckle softly and then dive in, wrapping his mouth around my center eagerly. I gasp out and let out a sinful moan as he sucks and licks my clit like it's his job. I clutch his bedsheet hard with one hand and grab his hair with the other as he works himself further into me. I feel him wrap his arms around my legs and pull me closer to his face as I tried to pull back a little.
Everything feels so sensitive down there, making me yell out his name and I arch my back as I come hard, goosebumps all over me and every part of my body shaking. I breathe out hard as I ride my high, feeling Bucky kiss and lick his way back up to my chest and neck.
I suddenly can't take anymore and I grab him and kiss him hard, wrapping my legs around his waist and pulling his shirt off of him hungrily. I kiss and bite his neck as he squeezes me to him and pushes his waistband down, his hard-on finding my opening easily. Bucky pushes himself inside me slowly and starts to move in and out at a slow pace.
I moan out with each thrust, feeling him hit that spot inside me every time he goes in. I wrap my arms around his neck for some sort of control, but it does nothing to steel the pleasured shaking I feel as we move.
Bucky lays me back down on the bed and kisses me hard as he picks up the pace. We are both still tired from the days workouts, but we can't help but feel energy and strength and need from this moment.
I move my hips up to meet his with every thrust and he groans loudly, a sounds that makes me whimper eagerly and get closer to my climax.
"Oh God, Bucky I'm so close," I whimper.
"I know, baby, me too. Fuck," he growls in pleasure as we both start to move faster and faster. I cry out his name again as I feel him throbbing hard inside me and he is almost slamming into me, I feel no pain but I know I'll be bruised.
Bucky grabs my face in both hands and we look into each other's eyes as we both yell out in ecstasy, both of us reaching our climax and riding a very trembling high. We are both holding each other tight and breathing heavily, foreheads pressed together as we come back down to earth.
"Holy shit," we both say together and laugh softly as Bucky lays over me, his face buried in the crook of my neck.
We lay like that for a long time, just breathing and relaxing and kissing.
"That serum is intense," I giggle softly, feeling a soreness begin in my core, but loving the feeling.
"Did I hurt you," Bucky asks and sits up to look at me, his brow furrowed.
"No sir, I'm perfect, but I think we both need another shower," I smile and rub my fingers through his hair. "And if we are going to keep playing rough, I'm gonna need aftercare of some kind after each adventure, I may be a badass, but I'm not a super soldier."
Bucky laughs softly and he kisses me deeply as he rubs me down slowly.
"Come on, my Viking warrior, let's get you cared for," he smiles and picks me up bridal style to my bedroom. He goes into the bathroom with me and sets me on the counter while he gets the shower going, the bathroom starting to steam up.
I watch him curiously, wondering what's going on in his head as he gets me ready for our shower.
Bucky lifts me up again and sets me in the shower, starting to wash me all over softly, his fingers lingering softly wherever they could. I notice him looking at me differently and I frown as he works.
"What's that look for, doll?"
"Wondering what's going on inside that cyborg brain of yours." Bucky smiles and kiss my forehead.
"I was thinking that I don't want this to be a fling, and I hope that I can get to know you better. I don't feel so alone since you've been here."
"It's been two and a half days, Bucky. And you have my loudmouth brother here with you too."
"That's why I feel so sure about this feeling. I'm never comfortable with anyone this fast. You're the first person that has been in my room ever, eve since before I enlisted. I don't trust easily. So when someone makes me feel safe and comfortable and like they truly want to get to know me...I want to hold onto that. I know that sounds selfish but I know how I feel and I can't ignore it."
I feel my heart tighten and I tear up at all of that. I wrap my arms around his neck in a hug and I let him hold me tight against him. We wash and hold each other until the water runs cold.
Bucky pulls me out with him and dries us both off, tickling and kissing me here and there. I giggle and kiss him happily, feeling so safe and wanted.
"What do you say we keep talking and getting to know one another while we get packed for this trip," Bucky smiles and pulls his clean clothes on.
"Sounds perfect," I smile.

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