Calm Before

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Longest month of my life, and nothing is making it any easier. The closer we get to actually taking down Hydra once and for all, the more anxious I feel and am ready to run out and destroy them all. I feel like I have so much extra energy to burn off and I am pretty sure I'm wearing out everyone, especially Bucky.
Ever since he found those clothes in my drawer, he's been watching me like a hawk, and as much as I kind of hate it...I'm thankful. There has been so much going on in my head with the Hydra Supreme issue, that I hadn't really known how to deal with it. But, now that he knows what's going on, Bucky has been able to talk me through things a lot better and even has been talking to me more about things that he's been feeling.
We are still getting to know each other in different ways and I really like that we have started finding these ways to help one another without having to ask what the other needs. The last day or so he's been acting kinda fishy, and I'm not quite sure why. Sam and the team know something, but they just keep telling me to ask him.
I get up early one morning and see that Bucky and James are not in the apartment. I hear some commotion going on downstairs so I decide to get dressed and head down.
When I reach the landing, I see everyone packing up a jet, Bucky holding James as he directs people around.
"What's going on, Bucky," I ask confused.
"Mama!! Hi mama," James yells and wiggles in his dad's arms.
"Hi buddy, what's going on," I ask again and kiss his chubby cheek.
"We are packing up a jet for Alpine," Bucky says with a smile.
"All of us?"
"All of us," everyone pipes in happily.
"What's the occasion?"
"You are, Emma. I told you that we were going to celebrate your birthday. You deserve to get to have a great birthday every year after everything you've been through," Bucky says and kisses my forehead.
"I love you Bucky."
"I love you Emma. I have all of our stuff packed, we are just getting all the gear and food ready for the weekend now," he smiles and wraps an arm around my waist.
"Well I hope you all have some fun, as soon as you guys get back we need to really get this raid done on the palace. Emma I assume you have all the research done on the palace," Hill says.
"Yes ma'am it is all ready and I will be presenting it to the team as soon as we get back," I say with a soft smile.
"Good work, have a good weekend everyone!"
"Bye," we all holler and get loaded onto the jet. Clint, Laura and the kids are joining, as well as Kate, Yelena, Scott, Hope, Cassie, Bruce, Thor, and Peter. As they are finishing up loading the jet, Bucky and I come over to the rest of the team and we kind of stand in a huddle.
"Look, after this weekend, we don't really know what's going to happen. This is a huge step to drop kicking Hydra out of existence, so I want to make sure that everyone knows that I am really thankful we have one another. This team has really made some strides into becoming a strong and unbeatable team, and I'm proud of everyone," Clint says carefully. He looks like he has something more to say and he scratches the back of his head nervously.
"What's goin' on man," Sam asks concerned.
"Well...after Hydra is finally down, Laura and I both have decided that I will be retiring from the Avengers," Clint says quietly, looking a little emotional.
"But wait, you're our team lead," Bruce says, looking emotional himself. I get sad and look up at Bucky, who looks concerned but happy for Clint at the same time.
"Well I have spoken to Hill, and we have decided that we want Sam and Bucky to start taking on the team leader roles. We know that Thor and Bruce have been here the longest, but even they agreed that it is time to hand this off to the new guys," Clint smiles.
"Ohhh that's amazing," I gasp out and hug Clint happily as Sam and Bucky come over and offer their hands out to Clint, Thor, and Bruce in thanks.
"This is a huge honor, Clint," Bucky says, and wipes a tear from his eye.
"Yeah, seriously," Sam says with a smile.
"You guys earned it. I'm very proud of you both and I'm glad to hand this over to you guys. We all are," Bruce says as Thor nods smiling too. Everyone congratulates Bucky and Sam and gives them hugs and everything. Bucky looks a little like he wants to throw up, and Sam is beaming with pride. I'm so proud of both my guys.
"You two are going to do great," I say when I pull them off to the side. "You both have worked your asses off and I couldn't be more proud of you both."
"Thanks Emma, that means so much to me," Sam says and hugs me tight, then he heads into the jet. Bucky stands there looking a little green.
"Baby, you okay?"
"Clint just put a lot of faith in me...what if I mess up...?"
"Bucky you and Sam have practically already been leading this team on certain missions and such. You have been doing so much to prove what an asset you are, and Clint knows this. You're going to be amazing, and you are amazing," I say and kiss him softly. His smile returns and he wraps his arms around me and James tight.
"I wouldn't be here without you, Emma. Thank you."
"What did I do? I didn't do anything."
"You gave me that push I needed to be better. You made me feel like I am worth something. Now I'm a husband, a dad, and a leader of the Avengers," Bucky says with a warm smile, reminding me of pictures I had seen of him from the 40s.
"I'll always be by your side, till the end of the line, forever and a day," I smile happily. Bucky leans down and kisses me hard and eager.
"Come on, you two, before the weekend is over," Yelena yells from the jet. We laugh happily and hurry in and get strapped into our seats.

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