The First Christmas

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Two Months Later

I am officially losing my mind. And I am so fucking over the negative effects of the baby hormones.
We are 6 months into the pregnancy and my doctor has officially made me stay off of missions, which Bucky is ecstatic about to some degree. He makes sure to still give me things I can still help with, but also has me go and work on the baby's room with Hope so that I'm not getting stressed about Hydra or the Gunrunners situation.
The team has a huge mission coming up that will require all hands on deck, excluding me, of course.
As the team is getting geared up for that, I am getting the baby's room finished and am even doing some special exercises in to help me prepare for labor.
At night Bucky and I just enjoy our time together while we can, him loving the baby hormones that turn me into a sexual deviant sometimes. He takes care of me so well that I barely have time to think or feel like I'm not attractive or unwanted, and he has been really good at reminding me how much he loves and cares for me no matter what I look like. He still thinks I'm sexy as hell, and there are most days where he can't keep his hands off me.
There are also days where I cannot stand the stupid looks he gets on his face or the sound he makes when he chews his food. Gotta love the pregnancy hormones and their destructive ways. They have really been the mastermind of some majorly stupid arguments we have had recently. I'm sure he's over that too.
I'm in our bedroom doing some laundry one afternoon when Bucky comes in from a run. He's been doing that a lot lately to get ready for the huge mission.
"Hiya handsome. How was your run," I ask with a smile as I start a shower for him and hand him a towel.
"Mmm thank you, doll. It was good, you wanna join me," Bucky asks with a smirk. I blush and giggle as he pulls me into the bathroom with him. He kisses me eagerly, all the passion in his body pouring into me.
"Oh my, what was that for Bucky?"
"I'm so in love with you," he groans and helps me undress slowly. I moan softly and undress him too, wanting him so badly.
"I'm in love with you too Bucky," I moan and kiss him hard. He smiles against my lips and carries me into the shower. He starts to wash me all over and I him, the two of us just focusing on one another and our bodies as we shower and relax.
"I don't know what I'm going to do without all of you here," I say softly, my hands trailing softly over his scars on his left shoulder.
"I know, it's going to be weird not having you with us," Bucky says and kisses my forehead. He looks worried and it makes my heart sink a little bit. I know he would stay if I asked him, but it is definitely not a good idea. There is so much left to do and this needs to happen before we settle for the holidays.
"You guys have everything you need ready right?"
"We do, Emma. Everything except you..."
"Oh come on, you guys have been on missions without me. Nothin' bad will happen," I smile and rub my fingers through his wet hair softly.
"I still worry. You've become a vital part of all of this, my partner too so it is going to be different not having you there."
"I'll be back before you know it, Buck."
He smiles at me softly and wraps his arms around me tight.
"Come on, mama. Let's get you warmed up and cozy for the night," Bucky smiles and turns the water off before picking me up and taking me into the bedroom. He dries me off and helps me get into some pajamas. I watch him curiously as he dresses me.
"What's on your mind, doll?"
"Why are you so good to me?"
"What do you mean..?"
"You just do so much for me, I feel like I don't take care of you enough," I say softly.
"Emma I'm not pregnant."
"I know, smartass. I just mean in general. Sometimes I feel so inadequate because you're this amazingly awesome super soldier that doesn't really need help, and I don't always know what to do to take care of you."
"Emma, you take care of me more than you realize. I don't think you realize how much of a great influence you've been on me psychologically and emotionally," Bucky says and holds my shoulders.
"What do you mean?"
"Well I'm not as angry or upset in general. I feel like I have someone that has been able to help me trust more. You've made me a father, something I've never been sure I would get to be because of my past. Whenever I am struggling, you're there. You take care of me and you don't even have to try," Bucky smiles and holds my face in his hands gently as he kisses me. My heart races heavily as he does and I whimper softly.
"I love you so much Bucky."
"I love you Emma," he whispers against my lips and smiles. "Let's get you and the baby to bed."
I let Bucky help me into bed before he finishes getting ready for bed. When he comes back he is in plaid pajama pants and a T-shirt, his dog tags hanging from his neck still. He climbs into bed with me and wraps his arms around me before we go to sleep quickly.

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