Over It

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Emma has been quiet since after she had to give her statement to the police. She took Kate's hoodie and asked me to take her to get her hair cut, barely speaking a word.
I asked Kate and Yelena to take James home with them, assuming Emma would need some time to just chill out. I can feel the anger and frustration coming off her in waves.
As I drive to the salon she asked me to take her to, I keep my hand on her thigh and all she does is hold it, a slight tremble to her as she does.
"Emma can you talk to me please," I ask softly.
"About what? About why I keep getting people attacking or hurting me, or how I'm fucking over this shit."
"How about we start with one then the other," I say.
"I'm getting fucking sick of constantly getting the brunt of bullshit. And I'm over it, I just want to be able to spend some fucking time with my husband and son without being assaulted by some asshat that can't control the testosterone in his fucking DICK," I yell out loudly, not yelling at Bucky, just yelling in general to vent.
"Emma you're a hero, and ever since the Blip, there have been more assholes out there than normal. The world is a little broken, but all we can do is take it one day at a time. And you'll always have me to back you up and remind you that you have more power than most. And that girl that saw what you did, she looked up to you and seemed grateful you took the time to speak to her," I say and take her hand, squeezing it gently. Emma nods and thinks for a minute.
"Maybe once all of this Hydra stuff is over we start giving back to the community. Going out and helping people with education or training and things like that for situations I was put in," Emma says finally.
"I think that's a great idea doll, you can spearhead it!"
"You think so?"
"Of course Emma, we could use our status as heroes to try and really get down to the civilian level and help them in more ways than one. That's the kind of thing that Steve and I always imagined doing, and he did for awhile during the Snap. I think it'd be great to do it with you," I say and kiss her cheek as I pull up to the salon. Emma smiles and I can tell she is feeling much better about what's going on and what happened.
"Thank you for helping me Bucky. I feel so embarrassed for how I acted just now," she says softly.
"Emma it's okay, you're allowed to be angry, those guys were a bunch of assholes."
"You're right," she says and we get out of the car. I open the door to the salon for her, and before Emma an speak, I put my card out on the table.
"This is my wife Emma. She has had a really bad day and I want you to give her whatever she asks for," I say and smile as I look down at Emma happily. Her whole face goes bright red and she smiles up at me.
"Wow you got a brother you can set me up with," the lady behind the counter asks jokingly and takes my card smiling, then leads Emma back to a chair.
"Emma, doll I will be back in a few okay? Enjoy yourself," I say and leave smiling, seeing a blushing Emma talk to the ladies in there about what she wants. I go for a walk down the street, just thinking and trying to clear my head.
I think about all the things that Emma and I have been through for the past year, and how much we both have grown together. She has so much more confidence in herself now, with a great once in awhile when she gets shy or nervous about things. She knows her strength and doesn't let her position get the better of her. I love watching her with James, and seeing the mom that she is blossoming into. She's smart and beautiful and holy hell am I proud of her.
I find myself wandering near a little antique store and decide to peek in. I look around for awhile and pick through some old papers and postcards and such that people had brought in.
As I'm flipping, I see a familiar face in the stack and stop. I pull the picture out and see my old squad, the Howling Commandos. I smile as I poke through the rest of the stack and find more pictures, along with signed postcards and other Commandos memorabilia. I find as much of it as I can through the whole store.
I go up to the store owner with all of it and pay cash.
"You must be quite the WWII collector. What are you going to do with all of this sir," he asks curious.
"Actually it's not for me, it's for my wife," I smile and thank him before I leave with my haul.
I get everything in the truck then I run into a HallMark store for an album to put the pictures in. As I am finishing up there, I get a text from Emma saying she is all done and ready to go. I smile happily and hurry back over to the salon to see my girl.
I put the album in the truck and then go walk into the salon. When I look up, I see Emma standing there looking like a new woman. She was able to get her hair back to her natural platinum color, but it is cut super short into what I've heard called a pixie cut. There is still some thickness to it so that it can be curled or whatever she'd like, and it looks adorable and badass on her at the same time. I can't help but beam at her as she comes over to me.
"I-it's not too much," she asks nervous.
"Emma it's sexy as hell, and badass. Do you like it?"
"I think I do, I know you liked the long hair but..."
"Emma you're always sexy to me, no matter what you look like. You're beautiful," I say and cover her in kisses happily.
"Thank you Bucky, I was afraid you'd freak out or something," she blushes softly.
"Do you feel better?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Then that's all that matters, doll. You're gorgeous," I say and kiss her forehead. Emma thanks the ladies for the work they did and gives a big tip to each other before we leave. We get in the truck and I can't help but stare at her for a minute.
"You okay, Buck?"
"I'm in love with you," I say and hold her chin as I kiss her deeply. She kisses me back eagerly, knotting her fingers in my hair as she does. Fuck, I want her so bad.
"When do you get those stitches out?"
"Depending on how healed it is, maybe a couple of days," she moans softly and kisses me again.
"Damn it," I groan and kiss her hard and she giggles cutely. I smile and get the truck moving back home to the compound, squeezing her leg a little tight as I fight off urges to jump her bones in right now. I don't know what's wrong with me lately, but all I want to do lately is have sex with my wife. If she wouldn't have gotten hurt we definitely would be right now, I can almost guarantee.
I pull the truck back up to the compound and we get out of the truck.
We hear screaming inside and we hurry and run in quickly.
As we burst through the doors, we see Scott, Yelena, Kate, and Bruce running around the living room, a cute little James crawling around the sofa chasing them and screaming.
Emma and I look at each other and laugh, then James sees us and smiles happily, squealing in delight. Everyone stops running or laughing and they drop their jaws when they see Emma.
"Oh Emma honey, you look great," Hope smiles and comes over and hugs her.
"Great is an understatement, she looks hot and like she is ready for battle," Yelena says with a smirk.
"You really took that shit moment as your own girl, you're fuckin' badass," Kate smiles and picks up James to hand him to Emma.
"Thank you guys, that means a lot she says softly, her cheeks redden at their compliments.
"Are you okay," Sam asks and hugs her.
"Yeah Birdbrain I'm fine," she laughs and she kisses James' cheek happily as he babbles cutely.
"Awesome! Since you guys are here now, I ordered food which should be here soon, while we get some research done on the next few missions," Scott says.
"Okay great, Bucky and I stopped at the bookstore and grabbed some books on the Winter Palace and stuff. Maybe we can see if there's some form of early connection to it with Hydra, so Bucky and I can start cross-referencing that," Emma says as we go into the conference room. Emma puts James in his walker so that he can play and snack while we work.
For the rest of the day and that week, we are working on research, all of us paired up and taking different missions or levels of mission requirements.
Emma and I are lost in research on the Romanovs. Bruce, Shuri, and Cassie are working on the reality pulse device, while Scott, Hope, and all the rest are looking into different bases that we need to attacks before we go deeper into Russia towards the Winter Palace.
Emma and I end up getting stuck on a few things with our research, wondering why such a place would be the base for Hydra.
At the end of the week, several of the team members decide to go ahead and take down another base, since most of the Hydra bases are starting to weaken after how many we stopped in Romania. That leaves Emma, James, Cassie, Bruce, Shuri and I all back at the compound for the weekend.
Since those three are almost done with the device to send Sharon home, I decide to keep my family in the apartment for the weekend and just enjoy them. Emma got her stitches out early since she is all healed and is moving around perfectly. I get James laid down for a nap and leave his room, poking around the corner into the living room and see Emma sitting on the floor as she leans against the couch. She has her hair brushed back out of her face like she just pushed her fingers through it, and she's in those things she calls Spanx shorts and a loose T-shirt.
"Emma, doll you okay," I ask her and there's no answer. I come around and realize she has her AirPods in and her eyes are closed as she just sits there, hands in her lap. I've noticed that since we've been home, she's had to start doing this from time to time because of the sensitivity she has to things around her. Unfortunately the serum didn't cure the headaches because of how it was administered as a kid, and she is still getting used to the hearing sensitivity, but she no longer needs to wear her glasses for the pressure on her eyes and head. I come over and I sit crisscross in front of her and rub her legs to help her relax.
"Mmmmm I like when you do that," she says softly and opens her eyes, smiling when she sees me.
"You doing okay? How's your ears?"
"It's getting better, I don't know why my ears are so sensitive."
"It might be because of the things you were dealing with between doses," I say softly and kiss her forehead.
"Maybe," she says softly and takes her AirPods off and puts them away.
"Is something else on your mind doll?"
"Honestly I'm just happy to be home, I have you and James and our friends, and I get to go back to work soon. I feel great finally," she smiles. I grin at her softly and I kiss her slowly.
"I am the luckiest guy on the planet to have a perfect wife like you and the perfect son like James. I don't deserve either of you," I say and stroke her face gently, taking her beauty and incredible face into my memory.
Emma pulls herself into my lap and kisses me as she straddles me, arms wrapping around my neck. I look up at her and lick my lip, smelling that sexy perfume she wears when she's feeling comfortable and happy. I grab her face and kiss her hard, my tongue slipping past her lips eagerly. She moans in approval and holds onto me tight, her tugging on my hair a little as we make out. I lift her and lay her down on the carpet eagerly, starting to kiss and bite all around her neck and shoulders. She moans eagerly underneath me as I push her shirt up and use it to restrain her wrists. Emma giggles cutely and reaches up to kiss me and I oblige her. She tastes so fucking sweet and I can't get enough of her. Her moans are gorgeous and sexy and drive me wild as I lean over her. I undo my jeans and pull her shorts off eagerly, kissing my way back up her legs hungrily before teasing her through her panties. She's soaked through them already and I flatten my tongue over them, making her gasp out in pleasure.
"Bucky please don't tease," she begs softly, holding onto her shirt tight. I smirk at her and grab her by her thighs, pulling her up my legs as I pull myself out of my jeans.
"Is this what you want baby," I ask and tease her panties a little bit.
"Yes," she moans out, almost whining.
"Yes, what, doll?"
"Yes Sergeant," she whimpers out and bites her lip.
"Good girl," I growl softly and kiss her hard as I enter her slowly. She grabs onto me hard and moans out loudly as I ease in, her tightness clenching around me as she adjusts to me.
"How do you want it, Emma," I growl in her ear, sending shivers through her, goosebumps forming all over her skin quickly.
"Like I'm not glass, Sergeant," she moans out. I smile and start to thrust into her slowly at first, taking her hands and lacing my fingers with hers as I hold her down. She lets out a soft moan with every thrust until I start to pick up the pace and get a little rougher. Her moans get louder and more eager, her legs wrapping around my waist as I go. I groan and lean over her again, one hand on her hip and the other wrapping around her throat and gently squeezing.
"Ohhhh yes Sergeant," she begs and starts to move with me, feeling desperate as she tries to match my pace.
"Mmmm you like that, baby girl," I ask and tighten a little on her. Her pornographic moan gives me my answer and I start to fuck her harder. She puts her arms around my neck and holds me tight as she moves with me, her whole body shaking eagerly.
"Ohhhh Bucky yes don't stop," she cries and I feel nails dig into my back as we move. I smile and pull out of her and she lets out a loud whimper.
"On your belly, baby girl," I groan and stroke myself. She does as she's told and lays on her stomach, looking back at me with her fine ass up in the air. I spank her with my metal hand lightly, letting the sting sit there and send her begging. She's so fucking wet when I get back into her that there's no push needed. She cries out loudly again as I grab her hips and start to snap into her hard. Every thrust earns me a begging moan from Emma and I can feel her getting tighter around me as she gets close.
"Ohhh god yes Bucky please," she screams out and I wrap my fingers around her mouth.
"You're going to wake James," I say and bite her earlobe then her neck as I keep going hard into her. I feel myself hitting my climax too the tighter she clenches around me.
Emma whimpers loudly into my hand and I feel her coming hard all over my cock, spilling out all over the carpet as I fuck her.
"Ohhhh fuck Emma," I groan and I hold her tight against me as I spill into her, letting everything release as we ride our orgasms together.
Every time feels just like this and I never want it to end, and I can't let it end. I cover her in kisses eagerly all over as I hold her, wanting to make sure she knows now much I want and need her.
Suddenly, the door to our apartment opens and I sit up, my hair a mess and my shirt missing as I peek over the couch at Cassie standing in our doorway.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry, I wasn't sure where you guys were and I wanted to check on James," she cries out and covers her eyes, dropping James' baby blanket and his pacifier.
Emma and I chuckle to ourselves and hurry to get dressed.
"It's okay Cassie, we are decent," Emma says and hugs her gently. "Just please remember to knock next time."
"Message received loud and clear," she blushes badly and buries her face in her hands.
"We appreciate you wanting to check on James too, that means a lot to us," I smile and hug her softly, kissing the top of her head.
"I didn't see anything, I promise, just please don't tell my dad."
"We won't Cassie, you're all good," Emma giggles softly. Cassie nods and looks up at us with a smile.
"You guys are great. Oh, umm the machine to send the alternate Sharon back should be just about done. When the rest of the team gets back from the mission tomorrow we are going to go ahead and get it turned on."
"Okay perfect, we will be there. Good work you guys," I say and smile at her. Cassie blushes and runs off, handing Emma the blanket and pacifier before she leaves. Emma smiles and looks up at me with a warm smile.
"You okay?"
"Yeah I just feel like we are finally getting to the end of the Hydra bullshit. They've been an awful pain in the ass for way too long," she says softly and takes the blanket and pacifier into James' room. I watch her at the door quietly, just loving her so much.
Everything feels like it is starting to slow down again the closer we get to taking down that final Hydra base. We thought we were done with them when Hydra Supreme was dead, but this is one last hurdle. After this, I am taking my family away for awhile. Little does Emma know that I have a special surprise for her once this is all over.
"Buck...you okay?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah I'm okay, doll," I smile and pull her to me again and kiss her.
"Where were you in your head," she asks.
"Far away with you once this Hydra stuff is over. I'm taking you and James away for a good long while. We need to have some time to be away from all this and just let our family bond."
"I was thinking the same thing," she says softly.
"I've already spoken with Hill, and she's on board for it."
"Good, how long did you ask to be gone," she says and hugs me, her head on my chest and arms around my waist.
"As long as we need. I was thinking about a year or two, depending on what you're comfortable with."
"We can smooth that out later, right now I just want to be in the moment and enjoy you and James and our job. And get Hydra down for hopefully good. I'm getting sick of cutting off heads," Emma says exhausted.
"I am too doll," I chuckle softly and kiss her forehead. For the love of god, please let this be the last of Hydra.

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