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We finally land back at the compound at about 4am the next day after being extracted from Siberia. The flight was long and boring, and a bit nerve-wracking considering the events of the previous day. I look over at Emma to wake her up and she is asleep, clutching the harness she is strapped into. I shake my head and kiss her forehead softly. She's going to have some serious trust issues with planes and jets for awhile until we work that out of her.
"Emma, doll. We are back at the compound about to touch down," I whisper softly. She wakes up slowly and mumbles sleepily. I smile and kiss her softly as she rubs her eyes awake.
"We're back already?"
"Yeah baby, we're back. Let's get you unlatched and then we will go get ready to leave for Wakanda."
Emma nods and starts to unbuckle as the jet touches down on the landing pad. We all unload and are greeted by Yelena and Kate and even Cassie who has been hanging out at the compound more often.
"You guys took a hell of a hit, especially the rookie," Kate says as she helps get everything off the jet.
"Yeah but we made it out just fine. Especially the rookie," Barton says sternly. I notice her raise an eyebrow and shut up at that, almost like she was trying to stay out of trouble that her comment might have gotten her into.
Emma comes walking down the jet hatch smiling softly, despite how tired and beat up she looks. She goes up and puts a hand out to Kate.
"Hi, I'm Emma, it's nice to finally meet you."
"Kate Bishop, nice to meet you. And this is Yelena Belova." Yelena walks over and studies Emma carefully then puts her hand out too.
"Welcome to the team," she says, the thickness of her accent always surprises me whenever I hear it, but her harsher demeanor goes along with it perfectly.
"Thanks," Emma smiles softly and we all finish getting unloaded. Kate and Emma talk with Yelena back and forth and seem to be getting along pretty well, which eases my anxiety. I am particularly concerned with Yelena, as she is a much different person compared to Emma and am not sure how that relationship could develop. Yelena is very judgmental towards a few of us still after she learned about Natasha, and what really happened during what Scott calls the Time Heist.
Emma finally says her "see yas" and takes my hand as we go to our room to pack up.
"Sam and Clint are going to be joining us too if you're good with that," I say clutching her hand tight.
"Fine with me. What should I pack," she asks as we close the door and head into the bedroom. I think for a minute and get an idea.
"Pack your normal clothes and your suit just in case. But I hope you have a bathing suit and something like that to wear to have some fun too."
Emma looks at me confused but blushing, "I think I have something for that."
"Perfect, now let's get ready to go," I smile and spank her lightly, making her giggle excitedly. I smirk at her happily and we hurry to get packed for a few days. Emma decided to shower then change into street clothes before we leave and I get our stuff set up outside by a smaller quinjet so that we can leave.
Sam walks over to me with a look of concern.
"How's she doin'?"
"She's doing okay, I think she's just exhausted. I'd rather wait to take her to Wakanda after some rest, but Hill sounded pretty adamant."
"What do you think Hill has on her mind?"
"I'm not entirely sure, but I am worried that it is that goddamn serum," I say, feeling myself tense up as I push the sentence out. Sam helps me get the bags and stuff in the jet as we talk.
"Do you think that is a possibility?"
"Honestly yes. Now that we know the Gunrunners and Hydra are connected somehow, and that Emma's parents were allowing the Gunrunners to experiment on her...there are a lot more possibilities of what she went through now."
"You mean like how Zola experimented on you...," Sam asks looking even more worried now.
"Maybe...I don't like the thought either but if Emma doesn't remember much of anything, it is really hard to say what was going on until we get ahold of some intel."
"I have Torres working on it right now," Sam says and shows me what Torres has been working on from his phone. I nod and cross my arms, just waiting for Emma now.
As Sam and I are finishing up, Emma comes out in jeans and a tight shirt and a denim jacket with her sleeves rolled up. She left her hair loose and brushed out and she's wearing her glasses. She must have another headache. The scarring on her face is still noticeable, but confusingly not as much as it was the night before. I take mental note of this as she walks up to us.
"Hey, you all ready to go," I ask her smiling. Emma nods and hugs me before getting onto the jet. I can't help but feel something is bothering her, but I decide not to push her and just follow her in to get her locked into her harness.
"Have I told you today how cute you look," I smile as I pull the straps on the harness to tighten it. I feel her breathing change and her face goes red.
"No, sir," she stutters softly.
"Well you're cute as hell," I smile and pat her thigh as I stand up straight. I notice her eyes rake over me slowly and I suddenly feel exposed, but in a good way. I clear my throat and sit next to her as Barton and Sam load up too and get in the pilot seats. We take off and head for Wakanda, my head spinning as I wonder what might be going on with Emma as far as her ability to fall from a jet onto her back and be alive, and what might be going on in her head.
She asks me a million and one questions about Wakanda, trying to soak everything in before we get there. As she talks, I notice all her scratches and bruises are healing already and have almost disappeared, and I suddenly feel anger and heat rising in me. I hope this isn't what I think it is, because if it is, our lives just got a whole lot more complicated. Emma does not seem to really know or understand what's going on with her either, thinking that she got lucky with the massive black and purple bruise that is still spread along her back from where she landed.

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