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I am so glad that we decided to take things slower and focus on things before sending Emma back out on a mission.
Every bit of work and training that Emma has put in has paid off. Her endurance and stamina is better than ever, she has been able to keep up with everyone, and is truly working with her newfound strength to great advantage. She seems to be embracing the fact that she's not as fragile as she thought, and has been pushing her limits with her strength and power to see what she can really do. There has been a really interesting vibe coming from her as she learns more about herself and the things the serum allows her to experience.
The last few months has been so much fun and hard work at the same time, and getting to see Emma come into her own has been a treat. The physical relationship is not as hot and heavy as those first weeks, but the attraction is definitely still there and I know Emma has been definitely trying to curb some urges just like I have. I don't know how hard it is for her, but I know I'm struggling a bit. Every chance I get I spank her playfully and nibble her ear to show her I'm still interested, but the space and slow build is what the both of us have needed after so much fast movement.
Sometimes the tension gets to be too much though and it has caused us to argue here and there. I thought Emma was going to punch me one day when I walked into the apartment and got mud all over the tile in our bathroom.
"Bucky, I just fucking slipped and hit my head on the counter. Why the fuck didn't you clean up?"
"I got sidetracked by something with the research, I was going to come back and do it."
"Fucking hell, Bucky..."
I try my best every day not to lose focus, but I am constantly thinking about Emma and the great strides she's made since she landed on our doorstep. It's been months since a nightmare or panic attack, the tears are less, and she has even been able to keep up with me in the training sessions. She's starting to live up to her nickname I keep saying from time to time.
I've been scratching through several names for her in my notebook here and there, trying to figure out one that she can use as her callsign on missions. Nothing really sticks or sounds right for her and I end up giving up each time.
One rainy afternoon I just give up on the idea of focusing on this map of the next location and I leave the conference room to go see if I can find Emma. When I go in our room I notice all her axes missing and I think she might be in the weapons training range, but she's not there either. I wander into the workroom and see Sam at one of the counters working on RedWing with Clint and Torres.
"Sam, have you seen Emma?"
"She went outside about an hour ago with her axes."
"What?? It's pouring out," I say and grab a jacket and go out to find her.
"It wasn't pouring an hour ago, man. Chill," Sam hollers and follows me, the others trailing behind confused.
There is thunder and lightning as I leave the building, the rain heavy and thick as I look around for Emma.
Up on a hill a ways away from the building, I see Emma sparring with someone, and sparring hard.
It's Thor, when the hell did he get here?? Emma is fighting her heart out but with a smile as she is clearly having fun too. She has her long axe and is in fierce combat with Thor as he uses Stormbreaker, barely even registering that she is in the freezing, cold rain.
I sit back and watch her, realizing her jeans and shirt are soaked through from the storm, her hair in a messy soaked half-ponytail. Thor is able to yank her long axe from her but she comes at him full force with her hand axes and uses her leverage to lock up his arms, wrestling Stormbreaker from his grasp, and it landing blade-first in the ground.
She pushes off the ground and is able to use her legs to wrap around him and knock him into the mud, one of her blades against his throat.
I smile as I watch her stand up and help Thor up.
"That was incredible Lady Emma, I've not sparred like that in years!"
"He's right Emma, I don't think I've ever seen him lose," I speak up and come over to them, feeling super proud and happy.
"Thank you Bucky," Emma smiles eagerly and plants a huge kiss on my cheek as she jumps up into my arms.
"I'm glad you have kept up with your Asgardian training after all this time, Lady Emma. You truly have surpassed all expectations," Thor says and shakes her hand happily before picking up Stormbreaker and heading back to the compound. I look down at Emma and she is beaming from ear to ear.
"I beat up a god and took his weapon away from him," she giggles sweetly and wraps her arms around my neck. She sounds like a little kid saying that as she speaks, looking super excited and proud of herself at her feat.
"Fuck yeah, you did! I'm so fucking proud of you Emma," I say excitedly and kiss her as I lift her up by her waist and spin her. She giggles happily and holds onto me tight as I spin her then set her back down.
"Have I told you lately how amazing and beautiful you are?"
"Not since we got back from that recon a few weeks ago," she teases sweetly.
"Well I've been slacking then, because you're amazing, and really fucking hot," I say and spank her lightly.
"Actually I'm freezing now that I'm not moving, can we go warm up?"
"Yes ma'am," I smile and I help her grab her stuff as we head back inside. Thor and the rest of the team are catching up as Emma and I come in and set her stuff down, soaking wet from the rain.
Hope comes over and gives us each a towel smiling and we dry off as Thor talks about his adventures on other planets and such.
Apparently he has been spending most of his time with the Guardians and trying to figure out some things about himself.
"By the way, I want security footage of that fight. If Emma had Thor bringing the thunder and lightning then she really must have had him on the ropes," Sam says slyly and Emma laughs.
"She is truly awesome to fight with, she fights like a true warrior in a storm," Thor says and claps Emma on the back.
"She fights like a true warrior all the time," I say proudly and kiss her forehead.
"But she is still such a lady," Hope smiles and hugs Emma happily too.
"Had she been raised in Asgard, she would have been a worthy Valkyrie and war-maiden," Thor says and leaves to go to his room.
"I think we have your superhero name: Warmaiden," Scott says hollering from across the room.
"You think it suits me," Emma asks blushing badly and smiles up at me.
"I think that it's perfect," I say and kiss Emma happily. As everyone celebrates the milestone, I feel Emma relax in my arms and there is a new light in her eyes and just sinks into her being. I think she's finally feeling like she belongs somewhere.
After all the bullshit she's put up with in her childhood and being in foster care, I think it's great that's she's been able to find her own form of family. I am starting to feel more and more that way too, not so much the grumpy and hated outsider that has no friends.
I think about Emma and my new friends and family and quietly wishing that Steve were here to meet her. These two definitely would have gotten along, probably would have been picking at me a lot too, which makes me smile.
Emma and I head upstairs real quick to get out of wet clothes. I realize Emma might be a little colder than she let on as she pulls on a pair of long plaid pajama pants, socks, a plain T-shirt and my black hoodie.
"You feelin' okay, doll?"
"Yes Bucky, I'm great," she smiles and gets on her toes to kiss me lovingly. I melt under her kiss happily and hug her to me tight.
After Emma and I change and eat dinner, we all hang out in the living room area of the compound and talk and have a few drinks. Emma seems lost in thought most of the time, but not in a bad way. Just like she's taking everything in and basking in it. One by one, the team heads to bed for the night and Sam, Emma, and I are the last to leave.
"I'm really proud of you Emma, all of us are," he says and hugs her tight.
"Thanks big brother, that means a lot to me," Emma says and kisses his cheek before he goes to bed.
Emma and I stand in the hallway for a minute, I rub her shoulders slowly.
"It's getting late," she says in a soft dreamy voice, almost like she is so content that she's dreaming.
"Are you tired, doll?"
"No, sir," she blushes and I pick up what she's thinking, and I decide to tease a little bit.
"Well I think I have an idea as to what we can do to fix that, baby," I whisper in her ear and her breath hitches in her chest, grabbing onto my arm eagerly.
She's biting her lip and looks like she's gonna jump me here in the hallway. I kiss her hard and wrap my arms around her as she latches onto my waist with her legs. I carry her to the bedroom and lock the door, pushing her against it as we start to make out.
She pulls my shirt off of me eagerly as I undo her ties on her pants and let her slide to the ground to stand up.
"God I missed this," she moans between kisses.
I chuckle softly and I push her backwards towards the bed, making her giggle when she falls backwards onto it. I had completely forgotten to some degree that we hadn't really been crazy intimate like this in awhile. For the most part we have been just getting to know one another and dealing with living together.
Apparently we are both pains in the ass when it comes to the way we live and function, but at the end of the day, we fit one another like nothing else, and I still enjoy being with her.
I yank Emma's pants off of her and toss them, and I get an idea. I go into my backpack and pull out my knife and I see Emma squirm, her cheeks burning red and she squeezes her thighs together, like she's looking for friction.
I grab her ankles and step between her legs before grabbing her T-shirt and slicing it off of her quickly and she lets out a cry of surprise. I smile devilishly and I grab the front of her bra with my metal hand, sending goosebumps from the cold of it down her body. I flip my knife in my free hand and cut her bra off where the cups meet.
"Holy shit," Emma moans eagerly. I kiss her hard and let the cold steel of my blade rake slowly and carefully down her chest and stomach, pressure there, but not enough to make any marks. When I reach her panties, I realize that she is into the knife play and I count that as a personal win and a win for Emma.
I cut her panties off next and put my knife away as I bury my face between her legs, wanting to taste all of her. Her breathing picks up quickly and her fingers knot up in my hair as she starts to grind against my tongue playing with her clit. Fuck she's so hot, I'm not going to last if she does shit like that I think as I start to stroke myself. Her every moan makes me throb harder and harder as I jerk off and eat her out like she's a meal.
"Bucky, please!"
"Please what baby, use your words," I tease and suck her clit.
"Please, I need you inside me, sir," Emma begs loudly, and I am happy to oblige her. I smile and kiss her hard before I flip her over onto her stomach, bent over the edge of the bed.
"Oh fuck," she moans as I spank her and ease myself into her core slowly, wanting her to feel every inch of me. I groan her name in pleasure as I start to thrust into her, holding her amazing ass and hips.
Emma throws her head back as I start to go faster and harder, letting my hands make my way up to her shoulders and neck as I fuck her tight center. Her moans are intoxicating as I pull her up so that her back is against my chest, making sure that there is full contact between us. She grabs onto my thighs and I let my hands grope her whole body eagerly.
We both begin to move together like every other time and we both know the other is getting ready to come. The pace quickens and the moans and heat get hotter as we grab onto each other and let the room know that we finished. Emma bends back over the bed and I bend over her as we shake and ride out the orgasm together.
I pick Emma up and lay her in bed after cleaning us both up and get in with her. We just sit and talk as we look at one another for several minutes before she takes my dog tags in her hand as they hang from my neck. I do the same with her, remembering I switched the small chained tag on each of ours so that I had one of hers and she had one of mine.
"Bucky," she says softly, her voice music to my ears as she turns my tags in her hand over and over. She's been so thoughtful all day and she has the same look in her eyes that she did downstairs when she was lost in thought.
"Yes doll?"
Emma is quiet for a moment before she looks up at me with a soft but serious look, "I'm in love with you."
My heart skids to a stop and the butterflies that permanently have a home in my stomach because of her are going insane. She's in love with me?!
I lean down and kiss her with the most passion and love and desperation and lust that I have in me, holding her face between my hands to make sure she feels everything.
"I'm in love with you too Emma, my doll, my Warmaiden," I say between every kiss to make sure she knows that I feel her. We hold and kiss each other like this for hours it seems before Emma speaks up.
"I'm too excited and giddy to sleep, I've never been in love like this before."
"This is new for me too, but we will figure it out together," I promise her and kiss her forehead. We start to make out again, passion flowing between us as we get tangled into one another.
"Make love to me Bucky," Emma moans trembling, looking like she is going to cry and is in desperate need of more contact. I kiss her deeply as I situate myself between her legs and we make out, gently easing myself into her and groaning her name. I lean over her gently and prop myself up on my elbows as we make out and start to move together slowly. There is no speed, no roughness, just slow, passionate lovemaking that sends Emma and I into another reality. We are so lost in one another that nothing else matters, there's no Hydra, no fighting, no wars, no trauma. There is only Emma and Bucky in this bed in this little room.
"Bucky I'm gonna come," Emma whimpers in tears as she holds onto me tight, begging for me with those hazel eyes that I can't help but fall into.
"Me too, my love," I groan and I bury my face in the crook of her neck as I kiss and bite her all over it. Her desperate moans get louder and louder as I speed up just a little bit, feeling us both trembling hard in pleasure as we come together, our moans echoing through the room.
We lay like that as we ride our highs, finally starting to relax and settle into the bed. I've never felt anything that intense for a woman before, and I am so anxious for that feeling to stay with and between us. Emma is squeezing me tight, playing with my hair and humming softly as we lay there, still lost in each other.
Emma snuggles up into me more and finally passed out, almost like she was needing reassurance that this was real and not in her dreams. Believe me, I was thinking that too for a little while, not really fully understanding the position I am in.
107 years old and I feel like I am truly in love for the first time in my life, which that probably and likely is the truth. And boy does it feel good.
I go to sleep thinking of Emma and making a wish that Steve were here to help me through this.

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