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Today has to be the best day of my life, not excluding the birth of my son, but even that would not have been possible without Emma. And now she's my wife, my WIFE!!
The word spins through my head like crazy as I stare at her during takeoff, feeling like the luckiest bastard in the world and desperately wishing that Steve were here for me to brag and vent to.
Emma eases up on my hand as the plane gets up to altitude and she breathes out like she was holding her breath the whole time, but I know she wasn't. She's gotten a lot more at ease about flying, which is good considering how much we spend on a jet.
"Do I get a hint to where we are going?"
"Nope, it's all a surprise, doll," I grin and kiss her forehead. She sticks her tongue out at me playfully but that just makes me grin more and I attacked her with a kiss, pulling her tongue into my mouth. She lets out an eager moan and her hand curls into my hair. I break the kiss and we just press our foreheads together for a moment of quiet.
"Holy shit."
"What is it Bucky?"
"You're my fucking wife," I say excitedly and pick her up, spinning her around as I hold her to me. She squeals happily and holds onto me. I'm so in love I don't know how I'm alive because my chest is constantly pounding whenever I am near her. I might have a coronary just from her touching me some day, but it'll be worth it.
"What should we do now Sergeant Barnes," Emma asks smiling.
"I don't know about you, but I just want to hold you and talk and make out," I say and I sit on one of the sofas along the side of the cabin, pulling Emma into my lap as I do. She smiles and settles into me softly, her hand pressed firmly on my chest as I nip at her lip softly. She is giggling each time I kiss her and I pull her thigh up to me a little as I deepen my kisses.
"Thank you so much for everything Bucky. I know we've had some intense ups and downs but I can't imagine any other way I'd want things to go," Emma says softly, her hand brushing over the stubble on my face gently.
"Thank you for sticking with me. I know I can be a hell of a grump and a hard person to deal with but...I really have been trying to be better for you and James."
"I know Buck, you're amazing," Emma says and kisses me deeply, her hands drifting up into my hair. Fuck, she feels so good, and she's all mine.
We sit like that and talk for hours, eating and having a drink here and there. We make out some, just enjoying one another as we fly closer to our destination. We finally drift of to sleep for the rest of the 11 hour flight before we are gently woken up by one of the attendants.
"I'm sorry to wake you Sergeant Barnes, but we will be arriving soon," he says nervously as he wakes me up. I nod quietly and I pick Emma up and set her in the chair to be buckled up.
"Are we almost there," she asks sleepily.
"Yes baby, we still have some time, just rest," I smile and kiss her forehead as I buckle her in. She drifts back away as I sit down and get buckled too and I just hold her hand as we are getting ready to descend into the airport. I chew the inside of my lip, hoping that Emma will enjoy the surprise once she wakes up.
Emma starts to wake up and look out the window and is smiling when she sees the ocean and the moon low in the sky.
"Bucky where are we?"
"Honolulu," I smile and kiss her knuckles.
"Really!?! Oh my goodness Bucky," she screams happily and hugs me tight. I chuckle and kiss her softly.
"I'm glad you're happy doll," I say smiling.
"You're too good to me."
"Not possible, we are getting ready to land though and then once we get settled I want to show you something."
Emma nods and smiles as she squeezes my hand through the landing. Once we are down, we thank the pilot and crew and gather our things, a car already waiting to take us to the hotel. Emma is giddy as she looks around her happily, even though it is the early morning hours.
We get to the hotel and get up to the desk to see a kind of tired looking young woman at the desk. When she sees us, she perks up a little and pops her gum in her mouth.
"Good morning, how can I help you?"
"Checking in for Barnes," I say to her, resting my vibranium arm on the desk top. She clacks away and the computer and looks over at Emma, who is looking around her curiously.
"Is she okay," the girl asks me quietly.
"She's never been outside the continental US unless it's for work. We don't normally get to go anywhere for fun," I say and take Emma's hand softly. The girl nods with a knowing smile and hands me two room keys.
"Honeymoon sweet is on the second to top floor and is all ready for you Mr. and Mrs. Barnes. Please enjoy your stay and congratulations," the girl smiles sweetly.
"Thank you," Emma and I say together and head to the elevator with our luggage cart.
We step in and push the button to our floor, me staring at Emma.
"What," she asks blushing, her cheeks so flushed they might burn to the touch.
"I love you."
"I love you, Bucky."
I lean down and kiss her deeply, just still so amazed by where I am with her right now. The elevator door opens and there is an older couple getting off our floor and Emma's whole face goes red as we break the kiss and get off the elevator. I smirk to myself and lead her down the hallway to our door.
I unlock the door to the room and I pick up Emma bridal style, her squealing in delight as I carry her over the threshold and into the room.
As we walk through the door, there is a large open room decorated with ocean themed stuff, a kitchen, living room area, a large balcony with a hot tub situated in the corner of it. The bedroom has a king sized bed that looks too comfortable to be in, and there is a huge bathroom with a glass door shower and a view of the ocean and sky, but no one can see in.
I set Emma down and smile before I go back and grab our luggage and bring it in to the bedroom. When I come back, Emma is staring out the window watching the water, looking calm and comfortable and possibly even at peace.
I come over and wrap my arms around her gently and she eases into them letting me engulf her and hold her tight.
There are no words spoken between us as she turns to face me in my arms and kisses me hard, her body trembling in mine. I take her face in both hands as I kiss her back, walking her backwards towards the bed.
Emma's breathing hitches hard as I pick her up and lay her on the bed and lean over her, kissing and biting her lips, jaw, and neck. She lets out a moan that folds me in half and I pull my jacket and shirt of. Emma does the same and they are tossed on the other end of the room then she unbuttons her pants and lifts her ass in the air to push them off. I grab the waistband and help her, taking her panties with them.
On my way back up, I kiss and nibble up her leg and thigh and up to her bra. She's wearing one of those ones that unclasp from the front and I smile. Emma giggles as I kiss her stomach and then use my teeth to get her bra undone, it falling open on either side of her.
"Mmmm Bucky," she gasps suddenly as I take one of her nipples between my teeth gently, undoing my jeans and kicking off my boots. I let my tongue move all over her nipples and breasts eagerly before I slip out of my pants and boxer briefs.
Emma's moans get more intense as I climb over her, my hands on either side of her as I slip my tongue into her mouth. She sucks on it gently and I let my hard-on press against the inside of her thigh.
"I love you Emma," I groan between kisses as I ease myself into her slowly, her body arching upwards in pleasure.
"Oh Bucky, I love you," she whimpers and holds onto me tight. Fuck, how does my body forget every time how perfect she fits around me nice and snug. I move in and out of her slowly at first, the knot in my stomach ready building for her, my love, my wife. She is a perfect goddess, a warrior, and I can't believe this lucky bastard from Brooklyn gets to be with her.
Emma's gorgeous eyes are rolling into the back of her head as I pick up my pace inside her.
"Look at me, doll, focus on me," I growl sensually, biting my lip as she makes the most sexy sounds and faces. She sits up a little and bites my neck eagerly, her fingers getting knotted in my hair then looks into my eyes so deeply I think she is keeping my soul in place. I look into hers as we move together, holding onto one another tight. We move a little faster and harder as we get closer to our orgasm, Emma's breathing hard and ragged like mine.
"Bucky," she gasps out as she clenched around me and let's go of herself, making me let go as well and spilling into her.
"Ohhh fuck yes Emma," I growl in pleasure and kiss her hard. We curl up on the bed, wound around each other as we finish riding our high. Emma is running her hair through my fingers and humming softly as I lay my head on her chest.
We decide to get up and get showered, letting the warm water wash over the both of us as we get cleaned up. We get dried off and get dressed and Emma goes into the other room as I finish getting dressed. I go out to find her and she is out on the balcony, standing there barefoot in denim shorts and a T-shirt, her wet hair flowing down her back as she stares out at the ocean, the sun coming up slowly.
I smile and lean against the doorway and watch her, taking in everything we are both seeing as if it was brand new. I go over to her and wrap my arms around her waist, gently trailing kisses from her neck to her jaw. She moans sleepily and looks up at me, looking spent. I smile and kiss her gently before grabbing a blanket from inside then coming back out.
"Come here doll," I say and lead her over to one of the huge lounge chairs. I lean back and then pull her to me, laying her on my chest and between my legs as I wrap the blanket around the both of us. Emma is instantly asleep as she gets comfortable, and I follow soon after, the warmth of the sun lulling us both to sleep.

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