1• Blanket hog

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Dave has awoken from the sudden rush of coldness. Goosebumps went over his arms as he raised himself out of bed.

His brown tired gaze looks over to see his boyfriend; – Kurt cobain completely covered with the blankets.

"Babe." The drummer whispered. Lifting his hand up and lightly shakes the sleeping blonde.

Dirty blonde eyebrows knitted themselves together. "Kurt, wake up." Dave tried again. A soft grunt from Kurt came in response.

A small smile rises on Dave's face as he inched himself closer. He slowly crawled himself underneath the blankets.

Kurt is on the verge of falling asleep again but he suddenly felt a cold presence.

His eyelids fluttered themselves open and his face turned red once he noticed Dave is super close to him.

"You're a blanket hog." Dave whispered as he wrapped his arms around Kurt and laid down.

Kurt sleepily giggled. His head laid onto Dave's chest. "Mm." He hummed out with a relaxed sigh.

"Really, Kurt you are." Dave pressured on with a small chuckle. Rubbing the frontman's slept in sweaters back.

Kurt's cerulean gaze looks up at Dave and then looked down at the drummers barechest.

He rolled his eyes. "You're only cold because you aren't layered like how I am." He replied. Dave scoffed softly and shakes his head.

"Babe, this is the third time this week. We get ready for bed. We cuddle. We sleep. We separate and then I'm left empty-blanket-handed."

Kurt puffed his cheeks out. "I get cold." He says as an excuse but Dave went wide eyed and scoffed. Then, erupted into a soft tired laugh.

"Kurt! Baby, you are like bundled with your layers and like three other blankets! How can you be so cold?" Dave exclaimed in a complaint.

Kurt rubbed his face into Dave's bare chest. Taking in the drummers scent with a timid smile on his face.

He slowly lifted his head again. Moving his blonde hair out of his face as he grinned. Dave raised an eyebrow. "Well?" He urged on with the question.

Kurt sighed dramatically. He used his pointer finger and started to draw little shapes on Dave's chest.

"Well..." Kurt trailed off as he made two of his fingers 'climb' up on Dave's chest. His hand going flat once he stopped moving it.

"Because I get cold when you separate from our cuddles." Kurt replied with. A small pout expressed on his face. Dave felt himself smile and chuckle.

"Really?" He joked with a heartwarming grin. Kurt nodded his head. "Yes! So I steal the blankets..t–they smell like you."

Dave felt his heart flutter. "Oh, baby.." he says, seemingly finding what he heard completely adorable.

Kurt whined in embarrassment as he hides his face into Dave's chest. "Shut up! I just love you so much.." Dave laughed softly as he pats his boyfriends back.

"You're so cute. I love you, more." Dave replied. Kurt lifted his head. He eyed Dave with love.

Dave returned the look. The two leaned in. Their lips softly pressed together into a warm tender kiss.

They softly kissed each other. Their lips moving in sync in a tired state. Then, Kurt pulled back.

They both smiled at each other and giggled. Kurt laid his head back down onto Dave's chest.

"Promise not to steal the blankets this time?" Dave whispered as he kissed Kurt's head. Wrapping his arms around the blonde and holding him close.

Kurt snickered and nodded his head. Keeping his head laid onto Dave's chest. "Mmmmm, yeah." He replied.

"Say it."

"Huh?" Kurt glanced up. Dave smirked. "Say you promise you won't steal the blankets." Kurt groaned and rolled his eyes. "Finee!"

"Go on, cute shit."

Kurt giggled and pecked Dave's chest. "I promise not to steal the blankets from my Davey." He muttered sleepily. Dave kissed Kurt's head. "Good."

They both smiled at each other before they closed their eyes.

Snuggled in the warmth of the blankets and with sweet cuddles.


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