23•Flirty Actions

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Fluff!! :) // Heavy cussing tho!


Currently the two bandmates are in Dave's room. Kurt is laying on the floor. Dave on the bed.

On his stomach and dangling his head down to look at the blonde. Kurt is laying flat on his back. A goofy smile on his face.

"Hi." Kurt greeted with a giggle. Dave pushed some of brown hair back - since it began to dangle. "Hey." He replied.

"You're so cute." Kurt slipped out the compliment. Dave laughed softly and raised an eyebrow. "What?"

Kurt realized and blushed a bit - before he responded with, "I said, you're a sack of shit. Fuck you."

Dave started to laugh harder. Kurt smiled and laughed softly along.

Kurt rolled his eyes. A small timid smile on his face. "Fuck you? I think I could. If you wanted me too." Dave played along and bit his lip.

"David!" Kurt shouted out, clearly in embarrassment as Dave howled in laughter. Flipping onto his back and holding his stomach. Eyes closed with a smile on his face.

"Whaaat?" Dave dragged the 'a' as he rolled back over on his stomach. Leaning his head down with a smug smile on his face. Eyes opened.

"Fuck, you're adorable." Kurt complimented, again. Staring up at Dave with love in his eyes.

Dave snickered. "So adorable that you want to fuck?" Kurt's mouth went agape. His face turned bright red.

Dave bursted out laughing. He fell off the bed and next to Kurt. Howling in laughter as he began to wheeze.

Kurt started to throw playful punches at the drummer. "Shut up! Fuck-I mean-damn it!"

The drummer continued to laugh loudly as his head rolled and laid onto Kurt's chest. A large grin on his face once he calmed himself.

"It's cute when you try so hard." Dave says as he eyed Kurt with love. Kurt bit his lip and dropped his hands down. He rested them in his lap.

"I'm not a try-hard!" Kurt spat. Dave chuckled. "Kinda, it's cute though."

"Shut the fuck up." Kurt replied and puffed his cheeks out. Dave leaned his head up. He kissed Kurt's cheek.

Kurt smiled once he felt the little kiss. "What's that for, hm?" He teased. Dave hummed as he sat himself up.

Kurt remained laying on his back. Dave towered himself over on top of Kurt, a smile on his face.

The blonde suddenly froze up. Looking up at the taller, muscular drummer man that is on top of him now.

Kurt suddenly got very shy and flustered. "Hi." He muttered out.  Dave simply grinned, he leaned his head down. His hands lightly placed by Kurts sides.

Dave whispered into Kurts ear. "Hi." Kurt stifled a breath as as he smiled. "What are you doing, Dave?" He asked.

"Oh nothing.." Dave purred as his lips graze gently onto Kurt's collarbone. Then chuckled lowly and pulled his head back. "I'm still cute?" He asked.

Kurt bit his lip and shyly nodded his head. Dave leaned back in and pecked Kurt's lips.

Kurt returned the small peck. Dave pulled back. He raised one of his arms and ran a hand through his long dark hair before leaning back in for another kiss.

The blonde let's out a flustered whimper as he leaned his body a little upward. They placed their lips together in a soft passionate kiss.

Dave pulled back and chuckled. "Nah, I think you're the cute one here. I'm the sack of shit." He joked.

Kurt scoffed and then began to laugh softly. Dave started to laugh along. He was about to get up but Kurt stopped him.

"Wait.." Kurt whispered. Dave hummed and raised an eyebrow. "What, cutie?" Kurt bit his lip and chuckled. "Kiss me, again."

"That's okay?" Dave asked, he wanted to make sure as he leaned in. Kurt ghosted 'yes' onto Dave's lips and softly kissed the drummer.

Dave returned the kiss. They continued to kiss each other softly for a moment before Kurt pulled back.

"We're both sacks of cute shit." Kurt joked with a warm smile rising up on his face. Dave laughed and got himself off of Kurt.

Dave sat beside the frontman. Kurt rolled over. Laying his head onto Dave's lap.

The brunet ran his hand through Kurt's  slightly long blonde locks. Playing with the hair with a small smile.

"Nah, we're not shits at all. Just messy and unkept. But overall, you're a hot piece of meat." Dave flirted with a grin. Kurt scoffed and lifted a hand.

He shoved it into Dave's face and whined out. "What?! Fuck no! You're the meat!" Dave started to laugh. "How so?"

Kurt moved his hand back into his lap. Keeping his head laying on Dave's. Laying on his back, his blue gaze stared at the ceiling.

"You got..hot muscles and the way you beat those drums....damn." Kurt trailed off as he began to zone out. Thinking about the drummer that is with him.

Dave chuckled softly and kissed Kurts head. "Why, thank you. And you know what? You know who you are?"

Kurt furrowed his eyebrows. He blinked out of the trance and looked up at Dave. "I'm whom?"

Dave grinned, "you're the most cutest man I've ever laid eyes on." He replied lovingly to Kurt's question.

"Oh you're just saying that.." Kurt trailed off, feeling himself blush. Dave shakes his head. "You're so fucking gorgeous when you perform on that damn stage. I admire you. Always look up at you as I beat my drums, making sure you're okay."

"-And the way those spotlights of color reflect off your handsome face, God you're so damn hot." Dave spoke out his heart. Grinning down at the blonde headed man.

Kurt whined out as he smacked Dave's thigh and laughed. Dave laughed along and continued to play with Kurts long greasy hair.

"Thanks, I guess." Kurt finally responded after a moment. His cheeks rosy. Deep in his heart however, he appreciated every word.

"No need to thank me." Dave replied. He pecked Kurt's forehead. Using one of his hands to rub Kurt's back affectionately.

This lulled Kurt into a nap. Dave noticed and chuckled softly. He kissed Kurts cheek.

"Night, Kurty." Dave whispered.

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