16•Stay In Bed!!

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The couple are cuddling in the bed. Kurt and Dave's legs are tangled in with each other's. A few blankets draped over their bodies.

Dave was the first to wake once he saw the light from the window flood into the room. He grunted. He forgot to close the curtains last night.

Suddenly feeling the urge to use the bathroom, Dave huffed. He started to get out of bed but Kurt's arms firmly wrapped themselves around Dave's waist.

He yanked him back in bed. Dave scoffed. Kurt opened his eyes. "Where are you going...?" He whined, voice laced with exhaustion.

Dave shakes his head. A small smile rising to his face. "Babe, let go." He responded with. Kurt imediantly pouted.

"No, stay in bed.." Kurt mumbled. Closing his eyes and nuzzling Dave's shirtless back.

"Babyy, let me gooo." Dave trailed off as he tried to get up again. Kurt gripped tighter. He puffed his cheeks out. "No!"

Dave groaned but smiled. He turned his head. Looking at his boyfriend and finding this completely adorable.

"C'mon, Kurty. Let go." He repeated. Kurt opened his eyes again. He stared up at his boyfriend.

"Why." He asked and sat up in the bed. Dave sat up as well. But he still held by the waist by one of Kurt's thin arms.

Kurt brushed some of his hair back. Exposing some hickeys on his neck he received from last night.

Dave glanced at them and smirked. "That's very convincing, baby but I have to go. I'll be right back." He said, rather serious.

Kurt pouted. Seeing his plan failed. "Why??" He whined. "You're so warm!!" He hides his face into the warmth of Dave's neck.

He started to leave sleepy kisses to it. Dave groaned softly as he smiled. Chuckling a bit. "I don't want to piss the bed, Kurt! C'mon!"

Kurt pulled back and giggled. "Okay, okay. But hurry.. I'll be cold without you." He pouted once Dave got off the bed.

Kurt coiled some blankets around himself. Dave kissed Kurts cheek. "I'll be fast." He replied.

Then he left the room.

Kurt laid back in bed. Closing his eyes with the blankets around him. Taking in the scent of his drummer boyfriend.

A warm sleepy smile on his face. The toilet down the hall flushed and Dave washed his hands. Then exited the bathroom.

He walked down the hall back to his bedroom. Kurt has fallen asleep by now.

Dave entered. He noticed. He smiled. "Fucking adorable little shit." He sneered out in a whisper.

He crawled into the bed. He wrapped his arms around Kurt. Tangling his legs back in with Kurts.

Kurt felt the presence. He slightly opened his eyes. "Davey?" He whispered out. Dave kissed Kurts cheek.

"Yes baby, hi it's me. I told you I'll be back." He replied. Kurt giggled sleepily. Dave started to leave little kisses to Kurt's jawline.

Kurt exhaled softly. Keeping his eyes closed. "Mm..tryna sleep, honey." Dave pulled back. "Sorry, I should get up and close the curtain."

Kurt imediantly pouted again. He opened his eyes. Once heading this. "Nooo! You just came back!! Stay in bed!!" Kurt whined out.

Dave laughed softly. "just a sec." He replied and started to get up again. Kurt hugged Daves waist. "Nooo! You're warm! Stay!"

Dave scoffed softly but smiled. He wasn't mad. In fact he found Kurt's clinginess adorable.

"I'll be right back. I promise baby." Dave replied and carefully got himself out of the bed. Kurt watched.

Dave walked to the curtain. He closed it. Kurt watched sleepily as Dave came back.

Kurt eyed Dave's shirtless chest with love. A smile rising on his face as he outstretched his hands out.

"Come back to bed..honey." he tiredly said. Dave crawled back into the covers. Kurt laid his head onto Dave's chest.

The room is dark. The two closed their eyes. Warmed up by cuddling each other.

They fell asleep peacefully holding each other in the bed.

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