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Angst comfort: // TW: mood swings, deep conversations, mentions of life and death. Su*cide thoughts mentioned.

Kurt sits on his bed. Guitar in his hand as he closed his eyes. Focused on a song he recently came up with in his mind.

He opened his eyes and grabbed the red guitar pick and then sat back in his bed. Holding the guitar in his hands. Legs dangled to the floor.

Dave started to walk up stairs. He heard a guitar playing. Which caused him to smile. He loves to hear his introvert shy roommate play the guitar.

Walking upstairs, he went down the hallway. He leaned his head on Kurt's closed door. He listened in. A smile resting on his face.

Kurt was too focused on playing as he began to sing out. Having absolutely no clue that Dave is listening outside.

Congratulations you have won
It's a years subscription of bad puns.
And it makes your story our concern
And you set it up for returns

My opinions. Mmm. Mmm.
And there seems to be a problem here.
Your state of emotion seems to clear.
You rise and fall like wall street stock
And you had an affect on our happy talk.

Our opinions. Mmm. Mmm.
My opinions. Mmm. Mmm.

Congratulations you have won
It's a years subscription of bad puns.
And it makes your story our concern
And you set it up for returns

Our opinions. Mmm. Mmm.
Your opinions. Mmm. Mmm.
My opinions. Mmm. Mmm.”

Kurt finished up the song with ease. He slowly opened his eyes once he finished. He turned his head. Noticing his bedroom door is now open with Dave standing there.

"Oh I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to interrupt you." Dave apologized. Kurt chuckled softly. He gets up. Setting his guitar back in the corner of the room.

"Uhm, don't worry about it. I finished anyway." Kurt replied. He lifted his head. Looking at Dave. His arms lightly crossed.

"What do you want?" He asked. Kind of annoyed that Dave was ease dropping but he didn't want to tell the drummer that.

"Well,"Dave began as he plopped himself onto Kurt's bed. "..I kinda just want to have a conversation with you." He answered with.

Kurt raised his dirty blonde eyebrow. Scratching the back of his head as he stifled back a laugh.

"Okay." Kurt said, slow and uncertain. He walked himself over and rather on his bed. He sat himself on the floor. Right beside his bed.

Dave sighed, "Well it's because you've been hiding in your room for the past few days. Since our tour that is all you've been doing. Cooped up in here or occasionally coming out to eat. I'm starting to get concerned."

Kurt grunted once he heard this. He laid himself on the floor and eyed up at the brunet. "You worry too much."

Dave blinked in disbelief. He scoffed. "Well, I care about you. Don't you know this?" Kurt fell silent and simply shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh c'mon, Kurt. Don't give me the silent treatment now." Dave spoke as he got off the bed. He sat on the floor next to Kurt.

"Hmpt." Kurt puffed his cheeks out. Before he looked over at Dave. "Well, I know you care about me." He replied with sincerity.

Dave noticed some hair in Kurt's face. He leaned his hand down and brushed it away from the frontman's face.

"Kurt, are you annoyed that I'm in here?" Dave decided to ask.

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