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Fluff // intense kisses! Makeout <3

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Dave is sitting in his room. A notebook opened with a pen sitting beside it. Words of a song titled 'Marigold' are written onto the lined sheet of paper.

It is late at night. His voice softly began to sing the words that he written.

"He's there in case I won it all
He's scared 'cause I want
He's scared in case I want it all
He's scared 'cause I want..."

He abruptly paused. Feeling a presence. He lifted his head. Seeing Kurt standing in the doorway. His guitar dangling slightly in his hand.

"What are you doing?" Kurt asked as he entered. Dave felt his heart beat increased. "O-oh..nothing." he stammered out.

Kurt chuckled softly. "Bullshit. I heard you." He acknowledged as he went over. He sat on the bed.

It dipped a bit once Kurt took a seat. He sets the guitar behind him as he lifted the notebook.

Dave went wide eyed but tensed up. He remained still. Kurt's blue eyes traveled across the words littered across the page.

He looks taken back. His eyebrows furrowed as he reads the lyrics again. "You wrote this?" Kurt asked, almost uncertain. Dave nodded his head.

He got chills. Looking at Kurt with hushed love. "Y–yeah, I did. Is it bad?" He stuttered out. Feeling the little hairs on his neck stand up.

Kurt shakes his head. "No, no." He reassured and sets the notebook down. He grunted softly as he turned around. He picked up his guitar.

Dave watched. "What are you doing, Kurt?" He muttered out the question. Almost shy, even.

Kurt's lips curled upwards into a small grin. "Just wait." He muttered. Dave went wide eyed. "huh?"

"You heard me. Wait." Kurt slightly snapped out. Tuning the guitar in his hands. Dave felt confused.

He furrowed his dark eyebrows. Looking at his drum set for a moment before looking up towards Kurt.

"Wait." Kurt mumbled as he gets up. He left the room. Dave is immensely confused. What is Kurt thinking?

A few minutes go by, and a tired Krist entered the room. Bass in hand. A little tape recorder being set up.

Kurt sets up the tape recorder and clicked on the little button so it can be recorded.

He walked over to Dave's drums. He attached a microphone to it. The drummers eyes went wide.

He started to realize what was going on.

Kurt also sets up the other instruments on their amplifiers. He sets a microphone up in the middle of the room.

He handed Dave his guitar. Dave shockingly and slowly grabbed it. "What's this for..?"

Krist yawned as he tuned his bass. "Damn, Dave. You're so oblivious." He mumbled tiredly.

Kurt ruffled Dave's hair. He left a small kiss to Dave's cheek as he walked over to the drum set.

Dave felt his face heat up. "We can make your song into a demo." Kurt answered to Dave's confusion.

He picked up the drum sticks. "'Cept, I'll be on your drums. You're going to play. I'll be your backup vocal."

Dave went wide eyed in shock. His heart bursted with happiness and love. He stared at his blonde crush with adoring feelings.

His lips curled into a grin. Krist yawned again. "C'mon, lets start." Dave nodded as he walked himself to the microphone in front of the bedroom.

The tuned guitar in his hands.

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