17•Bar Fight (1)

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Angst//TW: heavy cussing, unhealthy usage of alcohol, anger mood swing, homophobia, USAGE OF F slur and a fistfight. You've been warned!

The frontman and drummer were sitting at the bar this evening after the performance. Krist already left wasted with Shelli.

Kurt swayed the bottle in his hand. Moving his jaw around as he placed the bottle up to his lips. He glanced at Dave and hiccuped.

"Dave, Babe. That performance was fucking.." Kurt paused and takes a sip. "Fucking, insane. Man. Damn."

Dave chuckled softly. He was passed the bottle over. He takes a sip. "It was pretty good, I'll admit that." He agreed.

"Give me that, shit!" Kurt suddenly sneered as he yanked it out of Dave's hand. Dave chuckled. "Someone's moody." He mentioned.

Kurt chugs some of the bottle and slammed it on the counter. He hiccuped. "Hey! Bartender! Get me another one these!"

The bartender simply placed another bottle on the table. Kurt grinned and hiccuped. "Thanks."

"Dave, Davey.." Kurt placed a hand onto Dave's shoulder. He licked his lips. His breath reeked of alcohol.

Dave not so much, since he has to drive Kurt and himself back. Since Krist went with Shelli.

"Yeah, Kurt?" He said with a smile. "I got this for you, on the house." Kurt muttered as he handed Dave the full bottle of booze.

Dave scoffed. "Kurt, hon. I have to drive us home. You do know that right?" Kurt blinked. "Know what?" He asked, like he didn't hear anything Dave said.

"Know that you guys are f*ggots!" Suddenly a rough sounding, older man's voice spoke.

Dave turned his head to look. Kurt did the same. Kurt started to laugh. He tilted his head. "What?"

The man, seemed to be about in his 50s. Sitting by himself. In the corner of the bar. But near the drummer and frontman.

"You heard me! You blonde little shit!"

Kurt could only laugh. Looking at the older man. Dave started to feel pissed. "Excuse me?! How about you fuck off!" Dave sneered.

"Nah! Nah! Not till you sissy boys get outta here! This bar is for real men!" The older drunk laughed after his insult of idioticness.

Dave was about to stand, but Kurt stopped him. Kurt stood up. Dave imediantly got concerned.

"Babe..!" Dave whined out but Kurt didn't listen. The frontman walked himself over to the old drunken man.

"Real men?" Kurt slurred out and shakes his head. "A 'Real Man' isn't  fucking disgusting like yourself!" He sneered out and smacked him.

"Damn, you hit like a girl! Do it! Hit me again! Little punk!" The man growled as he stood up. He much taller and larger than Kurt is.

Kurt didn't feel intimidated. His simply grinned. "Well if I hit like a girl I must be really strong." The guy scoffed and threw a punch.

The frontman caught the guys fist. Dave could only watched. Shocked and worried for his boyfriend.

Kurt laughed and started to twist the guys wrist. "Wow..for someone so macho, big, and manly - you're just talk! C'mon!" He encouraged on.

The guy yanked his arm back. Completely with ease. Then the fight broke loose.

Punches being thrown left and right. Bruises started to form on the guy but mostly Kurt since he is much smaller and frailer than the other male is.

Kurt grunted and fell to the floor. Started to be kicked at. He screamed out in a fit of drunk rage and grabbed the guys foot. He twisted it.

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