2•Kurt's Hair & Kisses

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"Oh my, goodness!" Dave says, shocked once Kurt came down the stairs.

Kurt's hair, a bright red with a tint of magenta purple streaks.

His cheeks warmed up as he came fully down the stairs. "I look weird. Don't I?" Kurt muttered as he reached the couch to where his bandmate is sitting at.

Dave immediately gets up and shakes his head. "No, hon. You look.. beautiful." He replied sincerely as he takes a hold of Kurt's hair.

"The color is so bright.. god. You're so handsome." Dave swooned over as he leaned himself close. Kurt blushed more as he shyly looked away.

He giggled softly. "It's with Kool-aid." Dave's mouth went agape in shock. "What?!" Kurt started to laugh and nodded his head.

"Yeah! I used Kool-aid! It worked though." He explained as Dave gently tugged Kurt to the couch.

The two sat together. They make eye contact. Dave stared intensely into Kurt's blue eyes. Kurt felt himself get nervous as he shyly looked away.

The drummer smirked and lifted his hand. He ran his hand through Kurt's hair. Now looking at the bright tinted 'dyed' locks.

"You're hair so soft.." Dave whispered as he leaned forward. He buried his face into Kurt's hair. Taking in the scent.

Kurt giggled. "Dave, what are you doing..mm?" He asked. Dave smiled. "Your hair smells so nice." He whispered as he buried his face further into Kurt's soft colored locks.

"Bet it smells like Kool-aid, mm?" Kurt teased with a soft giggle. Dave furrowed his eyebrows. Now focused on the scent.

"Y'know. It kinda does." Dave acknowledged and pulled back. Kurt bursted into laughter. Covering his mouth to hide his smile.

Dave gave a sympathizing smile as he moved Kurt's hand away. Kurt's laughter stopped. "hm?"

"Don't hide your smile."  Dave muttered. "You're smile is the cutest thing." Kurt looked down and shakes his head.

Dave lifted Kurt's head. "Yes it is. You're the most handsome man." He kissed Kurt's cheek. "my handsome man." He flirted on.

Kurt felt himself start to smile again. His cheeks warmed up with a familiar blush. His heart fluttered.

"Beautiful hair, beautiful eyes, everything is so beautifully handsome." Dave complimented as he pecks Kurt's lips.

He pulled back. Kurt whined softly and leaned in close again. Dave raised an eyebrow and smiled. "What?"

"Kiss me." Kurt whispered.

Dave nodded his head and leaned in. He pressed his lips onto Kurt's. Kurt returned the kiss. He wrapped his arms around Dave's neck.

Dave's hands slowly went up into Kurt's luscious reddish pink locks. Tangling his fingers into it as the two kissed softly and passionately.

Slowly they both pulled back. Kurt panted softly. Dave grinned. "Didn't suspect to kiss my friend, this evening."

Kurt scoffed and punched Dave's arm. But it was very gentle and light. Dave caught Kurt's hand and pulled him back into the kiss.

The two smashed their lips together. Kurt pulled back in shock. They're friends. Least that's what the dyed haired male thought.

Dave sighed. "I'm sorry." He apologized. Kurt imediantly shakes his head. The drummer shakes his head and moves his hands out of Kurt's pinkish locks.

"Was I pushing this a bit far..? I just couldn't help it." Dave muttered out. Feeling anxious now. The mood switched.

Kurt shakes his head. "No, Davey. I enjoyed those kisses.. I didn't suspect them to happen, but I enjoyed them."

"You love me?" Dave suddenly snapped out the question. In audible shock. His eyes looked pleaded as he stared at Kurt's blue eyes.

Kurt bit his lip as he leaned in again. He shyly nodded his head. Ghosting "yes." Onto Dave's lips.

Dave imediantly grinned. His hands went back into Kurt's magenta purple hair and pulled Kurt close.

Kurt bit his lip again as his arms wrap themselves around Dave's neck again. "I actually have.. for a while." He admitted.

Dave felt his stomach twist with butterflies. Hearing those words made him happy. He replied, "I have, as well. I deeply feel a connection with you. May I kiss you again?"

Kurt felt his heart skip a beat. He nodded his head. Dave leaned in close and kissed Kurt much more softer this time.

There lips moving softly in sync with each other. Soft smacking sounds flooded the room before they pulled back.

Dave pulled Kurt gently onto his lap. "Hey Kurt,?" He muttered. He laid on his back on the couch.

Kurt felt himself blush since he is still on top of Dave. He laid himself down too. Now on top of the drummer. His head on Dave's chest.

"Yeah?" He muttered. Dave's hand went up into Kurt's hair. He started to play with the pink locks.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Dave asked softly. He looked deeply into Kurt's eyes. Almost as a plead.

Kurt looked back into Dave's eyes. He shyly nodded his head. "Yes..I thought those kisses were plenty of a sign."

Dave chuckled as he kissed the frontman's head. "I guess I was too stupid to realize."  Kurt giggled and laid his head back down onto Dave's chest.

"I love you." Kurt muttered.
"I love you, too." Dave replied.

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